Chapter 6

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"Well, it was great meeting you Jamie! I'll see you after the game on Wednesday," Patrice said giving me a quick hug as we all stood up from the dinner table. Sometime during the dinner Tuukka switched places so he could sit by Jen. Why he didn't sit by her to begin with... I have no clue. Then I shook hands with Dougie, Erin and Milan. Soon enough it was just Jen, Tuukka, Torey, Brad and me. Torey, Jen and Tuukka were slowly inching towards the door as Brad and I stood there having a little small talk. As we talked I took a few mental notes. He had a little lisp, some messed up, yet white teeth, and he also had a pretty big nose. But he was also pretty funny.

"So," Brad asked as he sat back down in his chair.

"Yeah," I answered as I sat back in mine.

"Why do squirrels swim on their backs," He started out his joke with. I gave him a look, telling his to continue, "So they don't get their nuts wet!"

I broke out into a giggle fit, "That's so funny Brad!"

"Haha I know I am," He joked with me as he smiled and pulled his phone out of his pocket, "So uhh I was wondering if I could get your number..."

I nodded and he unlocked his phone; giving it to me. I handed him mine. I quickly put in my contact and smiled at him as I handed it back to him. He returned mine as well.

"Hey guys! We should start walking back to the apartment buildings," Jen called to us as Brad was about to say something back to me.

I looked at Brad as we both stood up and asked, "Wait, you guys all live in the same building?"

"Yeah," He put an arm around my shoulder as he stood up and we began walking, "I live one floor under Jen and Torey!"

"Ah, That's pretty cool... So then you guys hang out often?"

"Eh, I guess you could say that," He started as he opened the door for me, "Usually Jen and Tuukka are just hanging out on Saturdays and Jen Hangs with the rest of us on Tuesdays. Now, I don't know why it's just Saturdays those two love birds hang out... I mean we wouldn't be mad if they bled into Tuesdays too."

We continued walking down the street, his arm still around my shoulder, as I replied, "Ah, yeah! Aren't Tuesdays and Saturdays her day off from the nursing home?"

"Yeah. That job's put a lot of stress on her lately. Jen frequently gets called in on Saturdays because one of the patients has a weekly freak out, causing her to be called in," Brad informed as he squeezed my shoulder with his hand.

"Oh, that makes perfect sense. That's why we're leaving," I looked down at my watch for the time, " so early! I mean it's like nine thirty!"

"Yeah... She's normally in bed at like eight every night... She wakes up pretty early too..."

"Wow," I stated, "That sound really stressful."

"Yeah... It does," He informed as we approached the building. Brad reached forward and pulled the door opened for me.

"Thanks Brad," I said as he and I walked towards the elevator where Jen was holding it, waiting for us to come.

Brad and I quickly made it that and stood there in quietness. Jen and Tuukka were standing there holding hands and Torey had his phone out, checking out some stuff. Soon the elevator stopped on the 14 floor.

Brad leaned over and peck my cheek, "Goodnight Jamie... I'll see you around."

"Night Brad," I replied and blushed as he squeezed my shoulder once more before walking out of the elevator as he pulled keys out of his pocket.

The doors slowly slid shut and the elevator started moving... Jen started to speak, "James... Don't do anything with him. Brad is nothing but bad news. He may seem charming at first but he can change really fast. For the sake of your feelings and wellbeing... just don't get with him."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her with my deep brown eyes, "What would make you say that Jen? Brad seems like a great guy."

"Just because... I would know from an experience," She replied and walked straight out the elevator, dragging Tuukka with her, as the doors opened. Tuukka willingly went and gave me a dirty look as they walked away.

I looked over at Torey who now had his phone back in his pocket. "Ladies first," he said and motioned for me to walk out and down the hall.

I did as he motioned and asked as I walked backwards, "Why doesn't she want me doing anything with Brad and why doesn't it seem like Tuukka likes me very much?"

"Well," Torey started as he opened his apartment door, "Brad kinda took advantage of Jen one night and Jen has never been on the same term with him since before he had done so. And Tuukka? He'll generally judge people as soon as he meet's them... Your cousin was the first person that I've never seen him judge right away."

"Oh," was all I said as the two of us sat down on the couch and relaxed our muscles.

"Yeah... he also may be judging you because you know his brother. They may be brothers who bicker quite a bit... But he always has Joonas' back," Torey explained as he looked me in the eyes.

"So, wait, does this mean he judged you too?"

"It sure does. He judged me to hard. He would always give me looks of disapproval or looks that said 'what the hell is wrong with you'. It was so frustrating. But, soon enough he warmed up to me and that's what made us the great friends we are today. We spend so much time with each other it gets kinda sickening!"

I giggled and stood up, "Well, Torey I think I'm going to go to bed."

"Alrig- Oh! Here's your key to the apartment by the way," He informed as he handed me a key that he picked up from the table next to the couch, "I figured you'd do some exploring by yourself while most of us will be busy."

"Thanks Torey!" I took the key and walked down the hall, to my room where I relaxed, texted Joonas, and eventually slept.


So there's chapter six! Thanks for reading! And the feedback is always appreciated! Thanks guys!

- JJ :)

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