Chapter 5

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"Hi, I'm Dougie... It's nice to meet you," A tall blonde with a baby face greeted me.

I shook his hand and responded, "It's nice to meet you too!"

"Oh, and this is my girlfriend Erin," He informed as he motioned to girl to the right of him.

"Hi Erin... I'm Jamie... It's nice to meet you," I said as I stuck out my hand for her to shake.

She gladly shook it and replied, "Nice to meet you too! We're gonna be the best of friends I can already feel it!!!"

"Haha! Alright," I told her with a bright smile.

Then a tall man with a serious look on his face came up and greeted me, "You must be Jamie!!! I'm Patrice! It's nice to meet you!" He stuck his hand out.

"I am! It's nice to meet you Patrice," I replied smiling at him.

Patrice leaned up against the bar that we were currently standing by, "So then you're from Milwaukee too?"

I shook my head, "Kinda... but kinda not. I live in Milwaukee and have for the past 10 years but I was born in Rochester Minnesota... My parents had us move when I was like 11," I notified.

"Ah, that's cool. They're both really awesome places! And don't the Admirals have a really good hockey team," He asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"I guess you could say that... They're not bad... yet they're definitely not the best," I replied smiling a bit, "I think they spend more time goofing off in practice than actually practicing at times."

"Haha really?"

"Yeah, but they're a great group of guys. They're all pretty nice and really funny," I informed as I giggled thinking about what I had gone through with the guys just the day before.

"That's cool! Doesn't his brother," He nodded towards Tuukka, "Play for Milwaukee?"

"Joonas? Yeah! He's a real great guy and a goof ball. And he taught me Finnish while I helped him with his English," I informed with a little smile thinking about when Joonas was first helping me with some Finnish words.

"Ah, that's very interesting... So then you work for the Admiral's then? Or do you work for another sports team? Because I know Jen was telling me you were an equipment manager for either the Baseball team there or the Hockey team," He verified as his deep brown eyes looked straight into mine.

"Yeah. I'm the equipment manager for the Ads," I replied.

Just as Patrice was about to say something a guy came up behind him and put his arm around Patrice's shoulder, "AYE! BERGY!!!!! WHAT IS UP MAN?"

"Hey Marchand! This is Jamie, Jen's cousin from Wisconsin," Patrice told the short little fellow as he pointed over to me.

The guy looked up at me and smiled wide and took his arm off of Patrice before stepping forward, sticking his hand out, "Hi Jamie... I'm Brad; it's nice to meet you!"

I gladly took his hand before pulling away, quickly... I shocked him, "I'm sorry Brad," I blushed looking down at my Adidas tennis shoes.

"It's quite alright Jamie. Would you like a drink," He asked as he nodded towards my empty glass.

"Uhh Sure," I replied still blushing.

"What did you have," he asked as he waved down the bar tender.

"Captain and Coke," I replied as I looked at the bar tender.

"That'll be right up," The Bartender replied as he grabbed the stuff for it, "What about you sir?"

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