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“Do you Jamie Jean Shockey take Bradly Kevin Marchand to be your true and wedded husband; and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to Love, cherish, honor and protect him forsake all others for his sake; to cleave unto him and him only, and him forever until death shall part you,” The priest asked looking at me.

I quickly looked at Brad as he squeezed my hand. His beautiful Brown eyes were filled with love just as they had been when he and I got back together a year and a half ago, “I do.”

Brad’s white smile grew bigger, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the Bride.” Brad quickly moved the veil off my face and lunged forward slamming his kiss on mine. I swear, I’ve never felt so much magic in one kiss. I didn’t even notice. My head was so caught up in Brad and I’s moment that I didn’t realize that everyone was cheering for the two of us.

We pulled away from each other and looked at everyone. Joonas, Anthony, Miikka, Joe, Scott, Mathieu, Filip, Audrey, Maggie, and Emily were all there.

Mathieu had knocked up Audrey a month after they had gotten married and they were expecting a little boy in 3 months, they were going to name him Nikolas. Maggie and Anthony were still going strong, strong as ever actually and are happily engaged to get married next summer. Filip will be asking Emily to marry him tonight at Brad and I’s reception. It’s going to be so much fun seeing her reaction.

Both Brad and I smiled at our guests and family as we walked down the aisle.

Later that night at the reception everyone just let loose. And of course Filip asked Emily to marry him. She had the look of pure surprise plastered on her face. It was so cute. He asked her in Swedish and she completely understood him and even answered him in Swedish.

Audrey and Mathieu fit in with Brad’s side of the family that was there because some of them speak French just like them. It was kinda funny seeing them joke in French and no one understood them. All the French speaking people seemed to hang together the entire night. It was also funny seeing Mathieu trying not to drink around her because she was pregnant and all.

Joonas… Joonas. He hasn’t changed one bit. The year I transferred to work with the Providence Bruins he left to play for a team in Finland. He was just a little frustrated about how he was always a healthy scratch and didn’t get much playing time. And frankly, I don’t blame him. I would be upset about it too. It was hard to see him go. But it had to be done. He developed his playing style there. I tell him he could really make it in the NHL now… But He hasn’t even tried to go back to the AHL.  

And for Miikka, boy, he sure enjoys the single life. It was funny seeing him going around and dancing with all the single ladies on the dance floor. And damn. He is a great break dancer too. Then came the point in the night where he did a little speech. He told everyone our history of how we were close, and still are and that he was thankful that I broke up with him to be with Brad because he can see how Brad makes me happy just with his presence. And of course his speech made me cry. I went straight up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek telling him that I love him and I want him to be around for a long time.

It really was one of the best nights of my life. Thanks to him and everyone else; especially Brad, the love of my life.  

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