Chapter 4

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"So Jamie, what do you want to do your first day in Boston," Jen asked looking back at me from the front seat.

"I don't know... To be honest I don't really care... Aye! I gotta call the guys to tell them I got here safely," I said as I pulled out my phone.

"You should put it on speaker so I can scare the shit outta my brother and talk to him in Finnish," Tuukka stated as he looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Haha alright... Knowing him he'll put it on speaker and only 4 guys including him speak Finnish..."

"Good," He replied as I scrolled through my contacts and found Joonas' contact before pressing on the call button and putting in on speaker.

After a few rings Joonas' voice came through, "Jamie! How's Boston!?!?"

Tuukka smirked as he turned into a parking structure, "Voi hän rakastaa sitä. Miten Milwaukee?" (Oh she's loving it. How's Milwaukee?)

I could just see Joonas' ice blue eyes go wide and his mouth dropping a little bit... You could faintly hear some of the guys laughing in the background.

"W-What? H-How," Joonas choked out in English.

"My girlfriend's cousin is your friend," Tuukka said with a smirk as he pulled into a parking spot, shifting to the gear into park.

"I told him you said hi," I told Joonas with a smug grin on my face.

"I can tell," Joonas mumbled as his accent showed through quite a bit.

"By the way... GUYS I'M HERE SAFELY!"

"Oikeasti? Koska en voinut kertoa," Miikka replied, probably with that cute-ass smirk. (Really? Because I could not tell.)

"I'm gonna go now guys! Rakastan sinua," I said to the guys with a goofy smile showing through on my face. Ok, yes that was more directed towards Miikka... But yeah... (Love you)

"Rakastan sinua," Miikka shouted back as Joonas hung up. (Love you)

"So you love them eh," Tuukka asked as we all got out of his truck.

I dragged my suitcase out with me and started rolling it to the hall area. I slowly soaked in what he had said to me and replied with, "Of course... I couldn't live without my best friends... They're what gets me through a rough day." At the end I just shrugged and smiled as the three of us got in the elevator...

"So, Jamie, remember you're staying with my best friend across the hall, Torey," Jen informed as she pressed the button for the 15th floor.

"Oh yeah... He's that short one in that one pic you sent me right," I asked looking at her with a little questionable look on my face.

"Yep! He sure is... Maybe you two will get something on," She said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yeah, Don't count on it cuz... I'm not really looking for a relationship right now," I informed as I looked down at my shoes, "And if I was... He would be in Milwaukee... or somewhere around there."

To be honest the entire time I said this I was thinking about Miikka. Yes, I really like him but I know I'll never have a chance with him due to the fact that him and I are so close as friends... And I don't think either of us would like to risk our closeness as friends... I don't blame him... and He probably wouldn't blame me.

"Eh. You'll fall for one of the guys... I can feel it," Jen said with a little smile as she came up to a door and knocked on it.

"No she won't... She has one back home," Tuukka stated looking between Jen and me.

My cheeks turned a deep red as the door came swinging open...

"Hey Tuuk! Hey Jen... and Jamie I presume," a short guy said answering the door.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand kissing it lightly... I giggled then smirked at him before saying, "Nice to meet you Torey." He smiled and let us all in his apartment. He showed me my room and left me to settle myself in. It was a nice room. There was a blue comforter lying on the bed along with some pillows with yellow cases on them. I looked around the room a little more to see an open door on the right... I walked through the door to see a really nice bathroom. The shower curtain was a Boston Bruins one of course. The entire thing was filled with the spoked B. I laughed when I turned around and saw Bruins towels and a Bruins soap bottle. I then walked out of the bathroom and checked out another door, but this one was to the left. I slowly turned to nob and found a huge Walk - in closet.... I didn't expect to find this in an apartment.

"Hey Jamie! You want to come to dinner with us and the guys," Jen asked as he head poked into the room.

I poked my head out of the room and smiled at her, "Sure... I'll be there out in a few... I gotta hang these shirts up."

"Alright... We'll be waiting... Take your time though," Jen informed as she closed the door, disappearing.

I then went over to my suitcase and pulled it up on the bed, unzipping it and taking stuff out of it. I had my Admirals Jersey, a nice red shirt, my three plaid shirts, four or five just plain, colorful, shirts, and some tank tops. Once I got all of those in the closet I made sure I had my phone and money in my pocket and made my way out to the area where Torey had his couch, chairs and the TV.

They all looked up at me before Jen asked, "You ready to go?"

I nodded slightly as they all stood up, "Who am I going to meet?"

"Lucic, Bergeron, Hamilton, his girlfriend, and Marchand," Tuukka informed as we all made our way down the hall.

"Alright cool," I replied with a smile.

My phone vibrated so I pulled it out of my pocket. There was a text from Miikka. It read "I miss you. Gregory has no idea what he's doing without you here."

I smiled down at the text and typed back, "Eh. He'll figure it out... and don't worry I'll be back in 13 days and counting :)"


How was it? Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

Thanks for reading :)

- JJ :)

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