Chapter 20

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"Girl meeting," I texted in a group message to Emily, Maggie and Audrey. Almost instantly I got a text from them all either saying "Ok" or "k".

Soon enough all three girls came barging into my apartment all at once. Audrey gave me a little look before saying, "What's the emergency!!?! You interrupted Matheiu and I's lunch!"

"I-I think I want to break things off between Miikka and me... I think I may have made a mistake," I told them as I sat down on the couch with my face in my hands.

"Wait... You're thinking about Brad aren't you," Maggie asked across from me.

I looked up at all three girls, "I think so... I just... I just don't know what to do." Tears started rolling down my face as I saw the reaction of shock on all their faces.

Audrey sat down next to me, "What's making you think that you made a mistake?" She had put her hand on my back and was rubbing it up and down, calming me.

"I-I-I... Brad... He's in my dreams every night! I have nightmares about what he had said the last time I saw him... He told me we could have it 'Our Way'... And it's haunting me! It's driving me crazy! I question if I made the right choice daily! I've reached my breaking point... I-I... What should I do," I asked looking up at all of the girls. Audrey had her thinking face on, Maggie had her has a surprised look and Emily had a look of... I don't know.... She just looked like Emily.

"Ok, wow... Uhh give me a second to think," Maggie stated as she sat back on the couch across from me.

I just sat there as the other two stayed silent, "OOO! I got it! Ok, we're gonna go over the Pro's and Con's of each guy!"

"Ok, let's start with Miikka's Pros," Audrey recommended as her blazing blue eyes practically looked into my soul.

"Ok... Well... He's always there for me, He's laid back and relaxed, he's cute, he's funny.... Uhh he's... uhh respectful of me and my job... and... That's it..."

"Anything else," Maggie asked as her brown eyes looked at me intensively. I shook my head, "Ok... What about Brad?"

"He has a great personality, great laugh, is only like one inch taller than me, has fucked up teeth but a smile of gold, he's wicked laid back, he knows how to lay back and have fun, he's responsible, he's just... he's just awesome," I told them a smiled, just at the thought of him.

All three girls exchanged a look and then Maggie spoke up with a goofy smile on her face, "What about the Con's for Miikka?"

"He doesn't speak the best English.... He can't understand me when I rant... He isn't here during the summer... He could easily be called up to Nashville for a long time, he could easily give up on me because I can't understand what he's saying when he talks fast... And Brad... Brad... He jumps to conclusions; he isn't necessarily the most logical person..."

"Ok... Now the three of us are going to consult and decide what seems like the best move," Audrey notified as she dragged the other two girls into my bedroom to, well consult.

I just sat there and looked down at my black and red plaid socks. Soon enough all three girls came back into the living room and told me my results. And let me tell you, they were WICKED surprising.


"Ok guys, thanks for your help! Sorry for ruining your afternoons," I told them as I hugged all of them goodbye.

"It's fine! I'm always willing to help a friend in need," Audrey told me with her nearly perfect, white smile. It's amazing how she never had braces.

"Yeah! I'm here any time of day... You can even call me at midnight if you need! And I'll be there," Emily informed as she put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Totally! I'll always be here for you too! And am I damn glad Anthony introduced me to you! You're such a great friend! If you ever need anything I'll be here," Maggie exclaimed with a welcoming look on her face.

"Alright... Well thanks guys! I'll let you know what's gonna happen tomorrow at the game! Bye guys," I informed as I ushered them all put the door.

I slowly shuffled across my floor and sat on the couch. We had decided that it was best for me to break things off with Miikka. It was hard but the girls finally convinced me that it was clearly the best choice. And even though they have never met Brad they claimed that he and I are 'great for each other' because we make stupid mistakes frequently and our specialties are getting under peoples skins.

"Ok... I'm just gonna call him and ask him to come over right now so I can clear my head," I told myself as I pulled out my phone, ready to finish this.

I dialed his number and let it ring before he answered it, "Jamie!?!! Are you ok?"

"I-I... Can you come over... I gotta talk to you."

"Ok, I"ll be right over." He just hung up. Am I a bad person? This man is giving me all he's got and I'm gonna break up with him. I love him. I really do. I just don't love him that way. He's a friend. A best friend. I think that's how I'll start when I tell him. It seems like a smooth and rational way to tell him. Would it sound right? I just hope what I'm about to do is rig-

Miikka came barging into my door, "How'd you get here do fast?"

"I was at Joonas'... Now what's wrong?"

"I-I'm breaking up with you," I told him straight out.... And to be honest... I think it came out wrong. I instantly felt bad.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought in the comments!!! Next update tomorrow!!!

- JJ :) <3

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