Chapter 7

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 I was laying on my bed staring at the popcorn styled ceiling waiting for a reason to get up. As if one cue of when I was just about to fall asleep my phone began vibrating and rang loudly. The song playing was ‘The Boys are Back’ by the Dropkick Murphy’s. That’s gotta mean it’s one of the guys… Oh Boy!

I grumbled and leaned over, unplugging my phone before I answered with a clearly annoyed expression, “Hello?”

“Well, we miss you too James,” A Wisconsin accent came though the phone. Joe Piskula. I smiled slightly.  

“Well, Joe,” I started, “I was enjoying some of the only alone time I’ll probably have until I get back to Wisconsin where you and the rest of the loud bunch currently reside.”

“Ah, I see how it is,” Piskula joked with a little chuckle, “So, that answers my question then… Well, Salo’s… Where is everyone?”

“Well, the Bruins are at practice until about 11:30 12:00 and Jen is at work for a while… I suppose working with old people can be stressful,” I replied as I sat up and looked at the clock… It read 8:34.

“Oh… Are you doing anything today,” He questioned most likely making sure I wouldn’t do anything stupid… Or to see if I was making plans with boys… He is so protective… No clue why.

“Yeah…. I think I’ll walk around… Maybe the North End? Hit up some historical spots,” I informed as I hopped out of the bed and placed my feet on the carpeted floor.   

“Oh, that’s cool… Listen, I gotta go to practice… but be safe and don’t do anything stupid while you’re out there. We wouldn’t want you to be banned from the city… Now would we?”

“No Joe, we wouldn’t… And I gotta go now too,” I informed with a smile as I was about to hang up.

“Bye James…. Be safe.”

“Yes dad,” I replied through my phone before rolling my eyes and dropping the phone on my bed. I quickly made my way to the bathroom where I took care of all my business.

Once that was done I walked into my bedroom, wrapped in a white towel and stood in front of my closet trying to decide which shirt I should wear. After about 5 or so minutes of just staring at the shirts in my closet I finally picked my red, white and black plaid t-shirt with a black tank top underneath and blue jeans. I pulled all my clothes on and made my way out of the apartment, with the Key Torey had given me, my phone and quite a big wad of cash.

I walked down the hall and pressed L for lobby. When I got to the lobby I walked out and just decided to walk around and just check out some of the historical spots as they made their way towards me, if that makes any sense. The first thing that happened to be in the direction that I was walking in was the great Paul Revere’s house.

 I paid my four dollars and made my way through the gate where there was a cute little court yard. There was grass growing though the bricked ground; giving it a special charm. I soon walked into the house and was amazed by its beauty. Not many people would say beauty, however if you love history as much as I do you’ll see the beauty. When you walked in there was a beautiful area where the Revere family probably spent quite a bit of time. There was a gorgeous brick fire place too. It had such charm. As I walked through the house more I was more and more amazed which probably seems nearly impossible… But… It was just amazing. The desk that was in one of the rooms was also amazing. It must have been hand crafted. I was so shocked at the beauty of something so old.

Sadly, it was soon over. I was back in the court yard which I soon exited, and I made my way to the other historical places of Boston.

I was sitting at Quincy Market people watching, and enjoying the nice hot sun when Brad had called me.

“Hello,” I asked as I watched a little boy run a round after the pigeons.

“Hey Jamie! I was wondering if you’d maybe like to go somewhere for lunch, since uhh you know, Jen is at work,” He said as he took little short breaths.

“Sure, I’d love to Brad! How about you meet me at Quincy Market and we’ll grab something,” I offered with a little smile.

“Sure… I’ll be there in like five minutes… See ya then Jamie!”

“See you then Brad,” I replied and hung up, stuffing my phone back into my pocket.   

I just kept watching all the little kids run and goof around as they’re parents started yelling at them. I giggled a few times because some of the parents would yell at their teens and would swear up a storm… More than most of the Ads. After about three moments I saw Brad coming up to me with a bright smile on his face. I stood up and greeted him with a hug, “Hey Brad. How are you?”

“Good. How are you,” He questioned as he sat down with me.

“Great… How was practice,” I asked looking over into his deep brown eyes.

“Pretty good. Kinda stressful though… The guys seemed quite irritable today. They got mad when I wouldn’t pass and had a damn good scoring chance,” He replied as he looked over at me and fumbled with his hands.

“Oh… Well… Wanna grab lunch?”   

“Sure! Regina Pizzeria,” he asked getting up and holding a hand out to me so I could get up easier.

“Yes!! I haven’t had Regina Pizzeria in forever,” I exaggerated as the two of us walked side by side into the building where all the restaurants were.

We quickly ordered and made our ways back outside so we could quickly eat and then hopefully walk around Boston a little more. “So where have you been so far today,” Brad asked as he took a bite of his pizza.

“Well,” I started, “I’ve been to Paul Revere’s house, the Old North Church, and the Old State House… Well then of course here!”

“So, then do you want to take a little break from history and maybe go to the aquarium,” he asked as he finished his piece of pizza and took a sip of his water.

“Sure, why not. I love fish!”

“Sweet, so then uhh I’m ready whenever you are James,” Brad informed as he stood up and threw his garbage in the garbage can next to the bench we were currently on.

“Alright… Just let me finish my water,” I replied before sipping the last of my water. Standing up, the two of us walked towards the aquarium.

As we were walking Brad, “So uhh… Jamie I have a really important question.”

*** Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought!! :)

- JJ :)

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