Chapter 21

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Last Chapter... Epilogue tomorrow!


"Mitä," He asked as a look of shock appeared on his flawless face. (What)

"I-I... There's no magic anymore. And I've lied... There was someone in Boston... And I-I thought you were the better choice. B-but I'm not happy. I'm sorry Miikka," I told him as I grabbed both of his warm, large hands and squeezed them.

"You are happier with Brad... I can see it. You have lost happiness. Joonas talked to Tuukka who told him," He informed me as he pulled his hands from mine.

"I-I'm sorry Miikka," tears began to inch down my cheeks, "I never meant to lead you on... I thought I was doing the right thing... I guess not."

"Do not cry, Jamie. I understand... Just... Please don't leave me and the guys behind; we all really care for you," Miikka said as he wiped my tears from my face.

"Can... Can I have a hug," I asked as I completely broke down. Miikka instantly pulled me into his chest and moved his hand up and down my back, trying to calm me just like he had the other night when I had my nightmare, "I'm so sorry Miikka. I'm sorry I couldn't make it work."

"Do not be sorry. It's ok Darling. I just want you to be happy."

At that point I could tell that Miikka and I were going to be close for a long, long time. I was hoping that our friendship could advance and only become stronger.


"So wait! He was completely ok with it," Emily asked as she leaned forward to look at me. Audrey and Maggie were in the middle of us.

"It doesn't happen like that," Audrey protested as she leaned over so she could see me.

"Yes it does! He told me that after a while it seemed like we should both just stay friends and that it would be better to break up rather than to ruin the good friend ship that we already had. We decided the feeling was mutual after I stopped sobbing non-stop," I informed them with a smile as I took a sip of my MTN. Dew.

I had taken the night off so I could relax before heading out of state. The past two times it had been harder on me. It's like it's hard of me to not be home, yet I was completely fine in Boston... I don't know. Maybe it's seeing all these super happy couples that are deeply in love and I'm just there, not in love and missing Brad. In the past two or three nights I had put it together. It all made sense.

"If you say so," Maggie mumbled as he leaned back even more than she already was so Audrey and Maggie could look at me.

"Oh! Look the guys are taking the ice," I jumped up and watched as all of them got on the ice and started taking shots at Maz.

"I think Joonas is gonna be a healthy scratch again... I can feel it," Audrey noted, going along with my subject change.

"Yeah me too. He's been mad about that lately. I really don't see him staying with the Ads much longer, as much as I hate to say it," I told them as I shook my head, watching Joonas take shots at Darling who was now in the net warming up.

"Poor little Finn... He's probably really intimidated by his brother being in the NHL. I actually feel bad for him," Emily confessed as we continued to watch the guys warmup.

"So, are you going to see Brad when you guys leave on the road trip," Audrey asked taking a sip of her water.

"Yeah. I'll be visiting him on our way back... Or should I say my way? I'll be renting a car andwill be driving up there to see him and some of the Bruins. My cousin still doesn't know about me coming back," I informed as I leaned back in my seat.

"I bet you can't wait!"

"I sure can't."


"We have now landed in Providence Rhode Island. Thank you for flying with us, come again," The perky little bitch of a flight attendant said as she gave me a smirk.

The entire flight she got made that all the guy's messed with me and gave me attention. However, the hurtful truth is it's because we're all REALLY good friends and have known each other for a while. All of us filed out of the plane one by one as some of the guys carried on conversations. I was really just silent and ready to hop into a car and drive to see Brad. However I'm not going to see Brad until after tomorrow's game. The boys talked to the driver of the bus that we're taking home into taking a quick trip through Boston on our way home.

Once we got into the terminal Joonas put his arm around my shoulder and started talking, "So things are good with you and Miikka? The two of you seemed pretty close on the plane."

"Yeah. He understands... Miikka even told me that he heard me saying Brad's name in my sleep. He could see that someone else had taken my heart," I told Joonas with a small smile showing on my face. Just the thought of Brad brought an almost permanent smile on my face.

"That's good. Hey, look over there! Isn't that Tuukka," Joonas asked pointing over at a tall man with curly hair.

"Oh my gosh!! It is Tuukka, why would he be here," I questioned him with shock on my face. Soon enough the man... Or Tuukka started walking in our direction. He had a goofy little smile on his face and was dressed in a light blue Polo and navy blue shorts.

"Joonas," Tuukka said aloud as he approached us.

"Veli," Joonas exclaimed as he yanked his arm off my shoulder and went straight to Tuukka, giving him a man hug. (Brother)

After the two of them hugged it out Tuukka looked over at me, "Jamie! It's so good to see you again! It was such a shame that you left so fast. I wanted to get to know you more! Only Torey and Brad got to know you."

I gave him a questionable look before responding, "Hey Tuukka! It's great to see you!"

"How have you been," He questioned as he came over and gave me a hug.

"I've been... Good," I told him with a smile as I pulled away.

"I heard Finnish. So I come running," Miikka told me with a smile as he put his arm around my shoulder like Joonas did.

"Haha! Hey Miikka," I greeted as I wrapped my arm around his waist, "You ready to play tonight?!?!"

"Sure am. I'm gonna get a goal," He told me as he smile down at me brightly.

"Ayyye! Rasky! This must be your bro Tuukka," Joe exclaimed as he joined our little circle.

"Uh yeah! It sure is. Tuukka this is Joe and that," He pointed to Miikka, "is Miikka. Thsese are all the buddies I tell you about!"

"Hey guys! It's nice to meet you guys," Tuukka told them as he shook both of their hands.

"Alright! Where is my girl," I heard the distinctive voice of the one and only Brad Marchand.

My eyes went wide and my arm immediately left Miikka's waist. He showed up next to Tuukka reaching his hand up to place it on his shoulder.

"Brad!" I quickly lunged forward and wrapped my arms securely around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my closer to him. As I stood there I did two things; I tried to think of why I left him in the first place and I took in his wonderful scent. I really missed his scent. He smelt of mint and just pure beauty. As we stood there together he brought his lips down onto my hair.

"I missed you so much James. So, so much," He whispered as he rubbed my back.

"Brad," I asked as I slightly pulled away from him to look into his brown eyes, "I love you."

He peered into mine and smiled before bringing his lips down to mine, "I love you too... So much." The two of us just smiled at each other.

"You're so beautiful," He told me as he pushed some hair out of my face.


Epilogue tomorrow... Who is excited to see what happens?

Thanks for reading!!!

- JJ :) <3

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