Chapter 11

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I would like to thank everyone for their input! You're suggestions will be put into this book in about 4 chapters!!!

" Whoa, come with me now

I'm gonna take you down

Whoa, come with me now

I'm gonna show you how," my phone went off.

I groaned and leaned over, unplugging my phone. I quickly swiped my finger across the phone screen, not even looking at who was calling me. It could be one of my coworkers or bosses, because it is a game night after all.

"This is Jamie Shockey, how may I help you," I answered as nicely as possible.

"Wow, I guess Hockey was made for you.... It's in your last name," Brads voice came through.

"Haha, yeah! So, what's up Brad," I asked as I sat up slightly.

"I just called to let you know that I'll be down at the lobby in 15ish minutes," He informed as there was scuffling on the other end of the line, probably just switching ears.

"Oh," I exclaimed realizing I didn't set my alarm, "Alright! I'll see ya then, ok Brad?"

"Alright Jamie! I'll see ya in a little bit," He replied and hung up.

"Shit," I cursed and quickly jumped out of the comfortable covers.

I zoomed around my room grabbing clothes for that day, finding my phone, a necklace and a pair of tennis shoes. I nearly tripped over my own two feet as I pulled on my jeans. Once all of that was done I quickly pulled on my shoes, stuffed my phone, keys and money in my pocket before walking out of my room and into Torey's living room area.

"I'm gonna go hang with Brad, Alright?"

"Ok, I'll see you later Jamie... Be safe and remember what we warned you about," Torey warned looking up from his phone.

"I will Torey, I will. No need to worry," I informed with a smile as I pulled on my coat that was sitting on a kitchen chair.

"Have fun... And remember you have a launch date with Erin at like 11:30," He reminded with a little look up at me, before he looked back down at his phone.

"Thanks Torey!"

With that I was out of the apartment and down the hall. I impatiently waited for the elevator to make its way all the way to the 15 floor. Once I did step in I checked my phone for the time, 8:01. Fashionably late. When the elevator stopped at the lobby I slowly walked out and saw Brad sitting in one of the chairs. When he saw my approaching he stood up and brushed off the imaginary dust that was on his pant legs.

"Hi Brad," I started with a smile as he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it, "How are you?"

"I'm great now that you're here," He exclaimed with a little smile, "So uh, you ready to go get some Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast?"

"Yes! I haven't had breakfast out in like... FOREVER! Normally I don't even eat breakfast," I informed with a smile as the two of us left the building hand in hand.

"So, Jamie," He said, "How did you sleep last night? I slept like a baby! Especially after that hard practice and then that fun swim that we had!"

"That's good," I looked down at my feet as we waited to cross the road, "Oh! I have something important to tell you!"

"Oh? And that is," He asked cocking his head to the side in question of what I was about to say.

"Torey knows about us... He saw the two of us swimming last night and decided to leave it alone. He told me he knew about us when you and I were texting... Evidently I was a little too obvious."

"Well," He said as the two of us began walking across the street, "It's not the end of the world.... Besides it was your cousin that said you and I shouldn't be together, right?"

I quickly looked into his brown eyes and then in front of me, "Yeah... And about that... What did you ever do to her? She seems pretty awkward around you no offence."

"Let's talk about it when we get to Dunkin' donuts first... Then I'll tell you the long story," He informed quieter than before. He looked down with a look of... Shame?

"Ok... Oh! Hey, there it is," I pointed to it; it was on the next corner across from us.

The two of us walked hand in hand in complete silence until we got our food and drinks.

"Ok Brad, now tell me the story," I said as I took a sip of my coffee and a bite of my donut.

*** Brad's P.O.V ***

"So, when Jen came to Boston I ran into her when I was trying to get on the elevator and she was trying to get off," I started my story as I took a sip of my black coffee and a deep breath, "She realized I was me and got excited. I was totally flirting with her. She seemed to like it so I eventually asked for her number and then we quickly parted ways. She and I got together later that day and went to the aquarium... The next time we hung out was right after a date with Tuukka. That night her and I chilled... and... and..."

"Brad," Jamie asked looking over at me, "You didn't. Did you?" Her beautiful brown eyes grew wider, in shock.

"We were both under the influence... and we did... well... it," I told her as I took a sip of my coffee and quickly rubbed my red face, "A-and I took her virginity. I really didn't mean to. She and I were torn apart for a while... Her relationship progressed with Tuukka. Eventually the guys convinced her to forgive me... but we've never been on the same terms since that night. That morning.... The way she just cried her eyes out made me realize that I was stupid... Tuukka and Torey found out... let's just say I was beat pretty hard... but... I realized I was so, so stupid and that I shouldn't take advantage of girls. You're the first girl that I've made even the slightest move with since then because I wanted to straighten myself out for the right girl."

Jamie got up and walked behind me, leaving her coffee on the table. I put my head down in disappointment. I practically disrespected her when I disrespected her cousin. Next thing I know is I have arms around my shoulders, which made me sit straight up in surprise. Jamie then rubbed a napkin on my cheek and kissed my other cheek.

"H-How are you being nice to me," I asked wiping my cheek which was wet from a stray tear.

"Everyone deserves a second chance Brad, even you," She whispered as she moved away and sat down back in her seat.

Then it hit me... Like a big Boom... This is the girl I'm starting to fall hard for.

Thanks for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

- JJ :)

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