Chapter 10

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I walked to the living room and saw Erin, Dougie’s girlfriend, standing there looking down at her phone. When I shuffled closer to her she looked up and smiled widely, “Hey Jamie!”   

“Hey Erin, whats up??”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch tomorrow,” Erin offered with a slight smile as she stuffed her phone into her pocket.

“Sure, I’d love to! What time,” I asked as I leaned on the all to my right with my arms crossed.

“How about 11:30? We’ll meet at Legal Sea Foods by the Aquarium? You like Sea food right?”

“Yeah! Of course! I’ll meet you there alright,” I got off the wall and hugged her.

“Ok Jamie… I’ll see you tomorrow,” she stated and turned around to walk out the door. I then turned around too and walked back to my room where I could hear the guys talking. I stayed silent and listened to them.

“You’re really falling for her Salo aren’t you,” a Chicago accent, which belonged to Darling, came from my iPad.

“I-I yeah… I think I am… But I think she’ll meet someone out there… I should have never came up with the idea of sending Jamie out there… Especially when I don’t want her to find someone who isn’t me,” Miikka’s thick accent came through.

I opened my eyes wide and listened closer as a Swedish accent came through, Forsberg, “Well Miikka, maybe you should just tell her? Maybe just ask her if she wants to go out when she gets back?”

“I don’t know… Mayb-,” Miikka started but I started making sounds like I was coming back, “Shh!”

“Yeah! Scott… I totally got one past you today,” Joonas said to Scott.

I just jumped on my bed and grabbed my iPad, seeing the boys… Scott’s phone was leaned against something on the table so it was facing all of them and they were all in the camera.

“Oh, so you actually got one past Scotty? That’s great Joonas! It’s totally about time, but what about Maz… Did you get one past him,” I teased as Joonas just looked down.

He quietly mumbled, “No.” All the guys laughed.  

“See, you aren’t that good Joonas,” I joked with a little smirk showing on my face, white teeth showing.  

“Yeah? I got a goal and an assist in the one game I played for the Ads last season!”

“Yeah…. And were half way through the season and you have what? One goal,” I asked getting a little cocky as I raised an eyebrow.  

“Oh shush up! You should just be quiet… What about you? At least I didn’t tell Miikka he had a nice ass when he had you slung over his shoulder,” Joonas quickly said referring to the other say when I had agreed with Miikka about having a nice ass.

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