Chapter 13

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"Hey Brad," I greeted as I hugged him and pecked his cheek, "Sorry I couldn't see you after your game last night... I had to direct one of the equipment guys through stuff."

"It's fine Jamie, your job comes first. If I'd do what you do I would do the exact same thing," He informed as he pulled me into his apartment.

"Wow Brad, this is a nice place... Nicer AND cleaner than Torey's... Don't tell him I said that," I told him with a little smile displayed on my face.

"Haha, I won't! Do you want anything to drink Jamie," He asked as he leaned on his elbows on his counter that looked into the living room where I was currently standing trying to pick which comfortable piece of furniture I was going to sit in.

"Uhh, I'll have water," I informed as I sat down on the couch and watched as Brad came in with two bottles of water.

"So, Jamie, what brought you here so unexpected," Brad asked as he handed a bottle to me sat in a recliner across from me.

"Well, Brad... I don't really know how to say this," I took a sip of the water and fumbled with my hands. The room was completely silent and as I looked down as my hands I could feel Brad's deep brown eye burn through my soul, "But, I have to go home on Sunday morning... The replacement manager can't carry all the weight I do when I'm in charge. I'm sorry I can't stay longer."

I looked up at him and his eye softened, he took a deep breath, "It's ok Jamie... I understand... Like I said before, your job comes first."

"The boys and I will be in Providence... January 17th... Would it be ok if I came to visit you," I asked and offered at the same time with a hopeful look growing upon my face.

"I," He got up and sat next to me, "Yeah, sure... Of course you can Jamie and when I come to Chicago in late December maybe we could meet half way?" He turned so he was facing me, grabbing my cold hands with his very, very warm ones.

"Yeah, Brad! Of course... I'd do anything to see you again!"

"Can you trust me for a second here," He asked as his beautiful eyes peered into mine.

I swallowed hard and nodded whispering, "Of course Brad."

He slowly brought his left hand up behind my head and started leaning the both of us in. I closed my eyes as soon as I felt his hot breath on my face. His face was so close I could feel his warm face. Time was going so slow, yet I totally embraced it.

"Hey Brad," Someone shouted out side in the hall as they banged on the door.

Brad and I sprang apart and let out annoyed sighs. "Where do you want me to hide?"

Brad gave me a weird look before realizing why- They can't know about us. He mouthed Bedroom to me as he pointed to his room. I slowly got up and walked into the bedroom and sat against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chest.

I could hear Brad open the door, "Hey Man!"

"Hey Milan, how are ya!?!"

"I'm great, how are you Brad," Milan's voice came closer and got louder.

"Not bad... So what brings you here," I could tell Brad was trying to be genuinely nice but was clearly frustrated.

"Oh, I was just bored and wanted to chill... You weren't doing anything, were you," Milan asked as he sat down on the couch... How do I know he sat there? I hear Brad and I's waters moving.

"Brad... Did I interrupt something? There's a girl here! Isn't there!?!?! You sly dog!" My eyes went wide as I stared at Brad's bed which was about 4 feet in front of me.

I heard a Brad take a deep breath and next thing I know is he came through his bedroom door, "Come on," He reached a hand out to me and helped me get up. The two of us walked into the living room where Milan was sitting on the couch with a surprised look on his face. His eyes were loud and his mouth was slightly opened.

"Jamie? Does your cousin know about this!?!"

"No, Milan, she actually specifically told me not to... So can you please not tell her," I asked as Brad put his arm around my shoulder and Milan just looked at us, still shocked.

"I-I yeah... But you're cousin has her reasons... This isn't a good idea... And, Jamie, if something happens don't say Jen or I didn't tell you. And, for you Brad, don't you dare hurt her. If you do, you'll know what's coming your way," Milan said giving Brad a knowing look before leaving Brad's appointment with a look as if he thought he was crazy showing clearly on his face.

I looked down at my feet once I heard the door open and close. Brad squeezed my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Are you ok, James?"

"I-I.. just... Yeah, but we got caught," I replied quietly as I looked up at him.

He gave a meaningful look before saying, "I'm sorry Babe."

"He doesn't think we should be together either... and to be honest that kinda says that a bigger percent of our friends is against us... I don't know how long I'll be ok with my friends- and yours- being against," I pointed between the two of us, "us."

"I'm sorry James," He said and kissed my forehead.

I then pulled away from him and said, "I-I have to go... I have to let this sink in... I have decisions to make." I had to choose between him and Miikka...

"Ok... Just, please, please, remember that I'm here for you... And no matter what we'll have it 'Our Way'," He told me as he walked me to the door.

I turned around and kissed his cheek, "I will Brad..." Those last words he had said echoed through my head as I made my way down the hall.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought in the comments!! :)

- JJ :) <3

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