Chapter 9

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“Cannon ball,” I yelled and jumped into the pool. When I was fully submerged I opened my eyes and looked around the rather large pool that I didn’t know existed before like an hour ago. Once I was nearly out of breath I surfaced and could hear Brad’s laughter. I looked over at him, he was currently sitting on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. “Brad, what are you doing? Why are you laughing at me and why are you just sitting there?”

“Well, Jamie, I haven’t seen someone that excited to swim in a long time. It’s great to see enthusiasm off the ice!”

“Oh,” I started and swam over to him, “Why don’t you come in Brad?”

“Ehh… I’m good for now… It seems kinda cold,” He replied as he smiled at me with a cheeky little grin.

“Oh come on Brad! Don’t be a baby,” I said and grabbed his hands, pulling him in. He quickly was all the way under and I was just giggling at him.

He quickly sprung out and looked at me with wide eyes, “You did not!” 

I just shrugged my shoulders and gave him an ‘oh well look’. Next thing I know is… Brad is lunging after me. He and I swam around the pool splashing each other, chasing each other and laughing until we got wrinkly. After words Brad and I just sat in some of chairs and talked about life. I let stress off of my chest about work and he let some off of his from the guys.

“Well, Brad,” I sat up and grabbed the stuffed turtle my phone and keys from the table between us, “I think I better be going… I’m gonna have to go clean up and get the smell of chlorine off me if I wanna go anywhere to grab dinner.”

“Alright… You want me to walk you to Torey’s?”

“No thanks Brad… Just uhh text me later ok? Maybe we can make plans for tomorrow, you know after your game?”

“Alright… Will you come to the game tomorrow? You can sit in the box with all the girlfriends.”

“Uh, sure I’ll go. I obviously love hockey… SO of course!”

“Cool,” Brad stood up and hugged me, “I’ll text you tonight and maybe get the ticket to you tomorrow morning. I don’t have practice so… yeah… And maybe we could grab breakfast tomorrow?”

I hugged him back and replied, “Sure… Maybe get some doughnuts? There are like 122 in 5 square miles.”

“Ok, I’ll see you then… and I’ll bring the ticket,” He informed.

I smiled, “Bye Brad.”

I then walked out of the pool area and went to the elevator, pressing 15. The elevator soon made its way to the 15th floor and didn’t stop along the way. When it did stop the hall was completely empty… Like no one ever came down this hall… I’ll take it that no one ever goes down this hall… It seems as if Jen and Torey are the only ones who live here.

When I got to Torey’s door it was unlocked so I just opened it. Torey was just sitting there on the couch relaxing and watching a movie… It looked like The Sandlot or some other baseball movie. His attention was quickly turned to me, “Why are you all wet Jamie and why do you have that turtle?”

“Oh, I was walking outside and got soaked. I figured as long as I was wet I’d just jump in the pool and the turtle is a little souvenir from the Aquarium,” I informed as I put the turtle, my phone and keys down on the kitchen on the kitchen table.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Torey responded, “You could have invited me… I would have gone!”

“Nah, it’s fine… I like swimming laps in an empty pool anyways,” I lied as I gave him a little smiled, “I’m going to go take a shower now and maybe call the boys when I’m done… I’ll see you after I’m done with that.”

I then walked down the hall and to my room, throwing off all my clothes and then jumping in the shower. When I was done I got out and put something presentable on and took my ipad out of my bag. Then I opened up facetime and typed in Scott’s phone number. It’s very seldom that I’ll facetime one of the guys so they will usually answer right away.

“Jamie! Jamie! Jamie,” Anthony yelled as he answered the facetime on Scott’s phone.

“Hey Tony! How are ya?”

“I’m great! Just hanging out with the boys… Scott is in the kitchen making us all dinner!”

“All? Who’s all there,” I asked curiously as I smiled down at my ipad.

“Well,” He turned the camera around and showed the guys, “We have Rasky, Salo, Forsberg, and Darling of course… OH! And we have me!”

 He flipped the camera back around and showed his face. I put my hand over the screen and screeched, “Oh man! Get your ugly face off my iPad… You’re gonna break it!”

All the guys but Tony were laughing at my statement. I moved my hand and he was only glaring at me. I gave him a big sarcastic smile.

“So Jamie, what’s up in Boston? What did you do today,” Joonas asked as he took the phone into his hand.

“Oh, just stuff,” I replied smiling.

“Oh, come on! What did you do,” Salo asked.   

“Kävelin ympäri kaupunkia ja kassalla historiallisia juttuja,” I said so only Joonas and Salo could understand what I saw saying. Scott knows some Finnish but not much. (I walked around the city and checked out historical stuff)

The guys all started to complain about not understanding and Miikka replied, “Oletko tavata tahansa kaverit?” (Did you meet up with any guys?)

“No, Salo, it was just me all day,” I informed in English.


“Hey Jamie,” Torey said knocking on my door.

“Yeah Torey?”

“Theres someone at the door for you!”

“Alright,” I looked down at my iPad, “I’ll be right back boys someone’s at the door!”


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

- JJ :)

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