Chapter 15

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“It was nice seeing you again Jamie… Maybe I’ll come out to visit you this summer,” Jen said as she gave me a tight, meaningful hug.

“It was great seeing you too… And you don’t have to come… I’ll probably visit you… I’ll probably be coming here in 2 months… The boys play Providence,” I informed with a smile as I pulled away from her arms.

“Haha, alright! Now have fun and get back to your boys…. And sorry that you and Tuukka couldn’t end on the best terms,” She told me with a little shrug.

“Eh, it’s whatever… I gotta go now… I’ll see you soon,” I told her as I picked up my bag and started walking towards the security area.

“Text me when you land!”

I gave her a thumbs up as I kept walking. Eventually I got through security and had time to just sit and chill in my gate. While I was chilling Brad texted me; this was the first time he texted me since I left his apartment. His text was him asking me if he could see me one more time before I leave. I literally just opened it, read it and closed it.

I’m glad he had given me time to adjust… But maybe if I just don’t talking to him he’ll get the message. Truth be told in the last few days my mind hasn’t been in the place it usually is. The boys weren’t texting me as often, I felt alone. I had only texted Joonas once after our facetime… And Miikka… He didn’t text me at all after the facetime. Did he really like me? Or was he messing with me? Was he just… I shook my head, trying to get those stupid thoughts out of my head.

“Flight 120 to Milwaukee is now boarding,” A lady said as I got up with my carryon and slowly walked over to the very, very short line to get on the plane. Not many people were interested in going to Wisconsin just when it was about to get a whole lot colder. The only attraction was football and the Green Bay Packers. I remember one time it was negative 10 and they still sold out and not one person died that day due to coldness.

As I got closer to the front of the line I quickly checked my phone and let Scotty boy know that I was about to board and that I would see him when I land in a few hours. I was soon on the plane and sitting in my isle seat. As I sat on the plane I realized… This was the time I dreaded… this was the time I had too much time of; thinking time. I turned my phone off and just sat there with my head against the head rest as I closed my eyes, hard, trying to NOT think. Once the plane took off I pulled out my iPod and put on “Turn Down for What”… That song was always played during the Ads’ warm ups. The song seemed to work. I drifted off into a calming sleep.  

When I woke up we were still in the air… Actually it was just about 5 minutes before the pilot announced that we were descending, which meant we would land in about 30 minutes. I put my iPod away and quickly looked at the time; 8:45, Boston time… That meant that it was 7:45 Milwaukee time. For the remainder of the ride I sat back and read one of the magazines that they provide for you. As I looked through it I giggled at some of the stuff. They had snuggies… with the airline’s logo right on it… Really? So. Stupid.

“We have arrived in Milwaukee Wisconsin. The current time is 8:15… Thank you for flying with us, please come again,” the flight attendant notified with a white smile as she looked at her watch.

Soon enough I filed out of the place along with the other passengers. I pulled out my phone and turned it on as I started walking towards the gate that emptied out into the public part of Mitchel Airport. I felt my phone vibrate as I looked forward at the crowed that awaited me. I quickly glanced down at it seeing that I had a text from Scotty Boy. As I dodged all the people I read it.

The text read; Hey James… I’ll meet you at the baggage claim… Already here.

I smiled and fixed the bag on my shoulder as I hopped on the escalator, stuffing my phone into my pocket. When I got to the bottom I slowly made my way to the baggage claim and looked for Scott. Once I found him I practically ran to him and threw myself in his arms. He hugged me tightly.

“I missed you Scotty boy,” I said loudly as I pulled away from him and looked up at him.

“I missed you too James!!!”

“What are we, chopped liver,” A Finnish accent asked from behind me.

I turned around and my eyes opened wide, “OH MY GOSH! JOONAS!!! MIIKKA!!!!”

I quickly opened my arms and took each guy into one, “I missed you guys SO much! It’s been way too long!”

“Siitä on vasta 8 päivää,” Joonas said with a chuckle as he and Miikka pulled out of my arms. (It’s only been 8 days)

“I know… But I missed my boys!”  

“And we missed our Jamie,” Miikka’s accent came out when he spoke with a goofy little smile on his face, “Well, at least I did.”  I wonder if he’s going to pull the trigger and ask me soon. After all, he is my final decision.

“Awe! I missed you most Miikka,” I joked… It was also kinda truthful. He only smirked with a little glisten in his eyes.

“Hey! We heard that,” Scott informed closer now… and with my suit case.

I smiled and replied, “Eh… I could never miss you Scott! And Joonas… I had a dude that looked like you in Boston… So I didn’t have to miss your ugly face!”

“Oh man! I am hurt! How was Tuukka anyways?”

“Eh… He doesn’t seem to like me very much… But Oh well…” All of us started walking towards Scott’s car, “So, who is going to help me unpack?”

“Well, Joonas and I actually have a place to be… So Miikka, you down with helping her out,” Scott asked as he put my bag into his car.

“Uh yeah… I’ll help her,” Miikka replied with a smile as he got into the back seat of Scotts car.

Well, looks like Miikka and I will have some alone time together…


What do you think is gonna happen between Miikka and Jamie when they're alone!?!?! Let me know in the comments!! :)

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Thanks!! - JJ :) <3

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