The First Few Stages of Grief I34I

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            Lit-up lamp posts and the light from the inside of the airport—that poured out through the humongous, clear windows—defeated the surrounding darkness of the young night on the sidewalk.

There, on the sidewalk at the airport in the dawn of nighttime, I stood in shock, unable to grasp my situation. I was in disbelief, denial, yet, I had no explanation—in words—to why... I couldn't figure out a discrete reason to why I felt this way... But, I couldn't comprehend her words... I couldn't comprehend why this all had happened. I couldn't understand why her parents set her up in an arranged marriage... The news—it's not right... Her parents shouldn't do that... it's unfair, it's unjust... I understood that but... I felt something deeper than the given situation... I didn't feel it was just unfair... but, something completely out of this world... I had no explanation for why I was completely stuck in this distraught mood and to why I was so, overly filled with shock. I had no discrete reason, but the unfairness and how unjust it was... Was it her grief that overwhelmed me?

Yet, it was all too overwhelming and sudden... I had this sudden distastefulness for this man... If I had known sooner... while this man was still here, standing in front of me, showing his snobby attitude towards me... completely being disrespectful... His expensive attire was nothing as rich and "pure" to his words that were filled with complete garbage. But, with Zelda now all so vulnerable... her cry of distraught... I couldn't think straight. To her alerting news, my mind only twisted, and a single "What?" escaped from my mouth.

Instead of responding, she gasped another sob and kept her face hidden like a terrified a child... leaving me remaining befuddled. She didn't understand either...

My widened, confused eyes tried to get a hold of something... but I couldn't... I was far too upset... I couldn't believe any of this... I wanted to comfort her, but... but... I couldn't settle down on any of this...! How was I supposed to... "But, Zelda..." I whispered. My gaze lowered down to her blonde hair where strands tangled around my fingers... I lost control of myself... I felt as if I couldn't breathe... My heart throbbed against my chest, desiring to break free from its cage and sprout wings and fly... It was almost maddening. My brows scrunched in desperation. "Zelda, I..."

She sniffled a few times and her sobbing got the best out of her. She tried to manage, though. "What?" she squeezed. She slowly peeked up at me with her sorrow eyes and her mouth gaped, hoping for some type of resolve.

Tears formed from her glassy, sapphire eyes rolled down her cheek. I never would've wanted to see her at this deepest low, and I'm sure she didn't want to be in this state... I've known her since we were children... but seeing her at this breaking point, to this climax... this state. Nobody would ever know this side... and just that man... that condescending man... gets on my nerve... How could this man, how could her parents bring her to this low? To this low state, to this low, condescending man? What happened?

All I could do was study her distraught face for that moment as I felt her immense grief... My heart thumped harder than before and my lips parted. "I..." I struggled with my words... My mind was a blank page. Completely lost in my mind, I tried to search for something more... something that could help... My lips involuntarily moved closer to her's...


Both Zelda and I turned quickly—shook-up by fear—and Malon immediately stepped forward to give Zelda a tender hug. "I'm sorry!" she solemnly apologized.

Zelda bit her lip and stared out over Malon's shoulder. She curled her fingers nervously. "Nothing's your fault..." her voice shook.

I stood, trying to retain my breathing as my fingers shook crazily and my mind raced. I watched the two talk and embrace each other friendly under a daze. I tried to gather my feelings silently with little belief of the events that had just occurred. We almost... I looked past beyond Malon where Zelda's eyes had drifted off... and I saw the red truck parked with none other but Dark sitting in the backseat, of course...

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