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Park Jimin can't see colour. Well, no one can, not until they meet their soulmate.

Problem is, he doesn't think he'll ever find his soulmate. He's been on countless dates with just about every girl you could imagine, but nothing. He was still living in black and white.

"Jiminie!" Namjoon called from his car. Jimin looked up from his book and rose, dashing over to his friend. "C'mon, we're going downtown."

Jimin entered the vehicle and crawled into the back. "Where's Yoongi?" Jin asked, noticing that the Jimin was alone

"He's working but he'll join once he's off," Jimin said. Namjoon started driving again and Jin turned in his seat to get a view of Jimin. "How was your date last night?" He asked.

Taehyung and Jungkook both turned around excitedly from the middle row. "You had a date!? And you didn't tell me!?" Tae accused him. Jimin shrugged. "I figured it wasn't important, they never really are." Jin looked at him sympathetically.

As one of two of the boys who couldn't see anything other than grey, black,and white, his friends often tried to set him up with girls they knew.

They weren't trying to get rid of him,of course. They were just tired of seeing their friend unhappy.

The group arrived at their destination and they hopped out of the vehicle. Jin and Namjoon intertwined their fingers and led the group, and Jimin walked behind them with Taehyung and Jungkook. They walk to their favourite café and sit down at their regular table in the back.

"Who did you go on a date with?" Tae asked Jimin.

"Kang Seulgi," Jimin replied. Tae and Jungkook looked at each other with wide eyes. Seulgi was the most popular girl when they were in high school.

"And nothing happened!?" Jungkook exclaimed. Jimin nodded. "She matched with the waiter," he confessed. Tae bit his lip and Jimin could tell he was holding back his laughter.

Namjoon, on the other hand, did not try to hide it. He let out a loud guffaw, earning him a gentle punch from Jin, who turned back and smiled at Jimin. "It just means she wasn't the right one," he said.

"None of them are ever the right one!" Jimin cried, flustered. "I've gone on a date with, like, every girl in the city and nothing."

Namjoon looked down at his and Jin's conjoined hands, which laid on the table, and back up at Jimin. "Maybe you have to stop looking. Love will find you."

Jimin rolled his eyes. He knew that it was rare for someone over 25 not to have found their soulmate yet, most people find theirs by 17. Certain lucky people, like Jin and Namjoon, found theirs young. Jimin's two friends were 14 when they met, but they didn't get together until last year, when Namjoon finally stopped denying his sexuality.

"Why is it taking so long? I'm 21, I should've found her by now," Jimin argued. Jungkook threw his head back in aggravation. "Jimin. Stop. You'll find her, I promise you. Some people are just late bloomers." The table fell silent, in shock of the usually peaceful Jungkooks frustration.

The door opened and in came Yoongi, the other single friend. He sat next to Jimin and smiled. "How'd your date go, Chim Chim?" He asked, using Jimin's despised nickname. Tae's mouth dropped. "Was I seriously the only person who didn't know!?" He demanded. Everyone nodded and Tae sunk into his chair, exasperated.

"She matched with the waiter, that's how it went. I don't wanna talk about it anymore," Jimin said.

"I heard that the art place down the road is closing, we should check it out before it's gone," Namjoon suggested. Yoongi groaned. "But I just got here, I'm tiiiirrreeeed," he moaned. Jimin rolled his eyes and lifted his friend up. They left the shop, walking two by two. Jimin usually hung out with Yoongi because the others all had a boyfriend in their friend group.

Yoongi spoke about his job at the radio station, where he worked as a DJ. His DJ name was Suga, which the others all found hugely amusing, considering Yoongi was one of the saltiest people they had ever known. "They let me rap last night, which was insane," he added.

"I don't understand why you didn't drop out to become a rapper when you had the chance," Jimin said.

"Have you met my mom? She would never have let me drop out," Yoongi pointed out. "True," Jimin laughed, running his hands through his hair.

The art store smelled like paint and light perfume, flowery almost. "Wow," Jungkook awed at the art around them. Jimin desperately wanted to see it, he wanted to be able to appreciate it.

He admired a small elephant near the front while his friends looked at the products near the middle. He heard someone enter the room and greet his friends. The man had a calm but cheerfully husky voice that reminded Jimin of someone, but he couldn't quite put his finger on who it was. Jimin couldn't make out what any of them were saying, so he stayed and admired the art.

"Jiminie!" Yoongi called. Jimin raised his head and walked to his friend.

"Hoseok, this is Park Jimin. Jimin, this is Jung Hoseok," Yoongi introduced them. Jimin looked at Hoseok and his gaze was met with awestruck brown eyes.

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