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warning : a nauseating amount of fluff.

Three dates later (two weeks)

"You're beautiful," Jimin blurted randomly. Hoseok looked up from his stool to see Jimin gazing happily at him. 

"You're more beautiful, Jiminie," he said softly. They looked at each other silently, Jimin slightly elevated from his seat on the counter.

Suddenly Hoseok stood and walked towards Jimin, a determined smile upon his full lips. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, gently placing his hand on Jimin's cheek. Jimin nodded and Hoseok closed the space between them. Jimin stood stiffly for a moment but eventually leaned into the kiss, delicately situating his hands on Hoseok's hips.

Hoseok smiled against Jimin's lips. "Wow," the artist breathed. Jimin beamed at him shyly. 

"Woah, sorry lovebirds," someone said. Hoseok turned around and laughed. "Hey, Yoongi."

Jimin hid his face in Hoseok's shoulder, embarrassed that they had been caught. "I just wanted to show Ashley the shop, but I see we interrupted something. Continue," Yoongi said, smirking. Jimin looked at Ashley, Yoongi's friend, who shoved him lightly. "Don't be mean, Yoongi," she turned to face the two boys. "I'm Ashley Choi, you must be Hoseok. I've heard a lot about you, Yoongi never shuts up about how great your rapping is."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and Hoseok laughed. Jimin's head, still resting on his matches shoulder, bounced with his laughter. "That's me. And my rap is nothing compared to his." Yoongi opened his mouth to argue but Hoseok interrupted him. "We're closing next week so everything is 50% off, plus the discount all my friends get."

Ashley smiled brightly. "It's a lovely shop," she said, looking around. "Why is it closing?"

"People aren't shopping here anymore, I guess. Not enough money to keep us going," Hoseok said sadly. Jimin wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist supportively. 

"That's terrible, this place is great. Do you have any watercolours? I need a new set."

Hoseok pulled away from Jimin and guided Ashley over to the paints. Yoongi came over to Jimin and nudged him. "Little Chim Chim's finally getting some, huh?"

Jimin shoved his friend. "It's not like that, idiot. We're just getting to know each other and enjoying it. And I'm not a horny little fuck like a certain Min Yoongi."

"True, but we're talking about you here. I'm gonna assume you like him?"

"He's perfect, Yoongi. Everything I could've asked for and more."


"The fuck does that mean?" Jimin asked.

"You're in love with him, you'd do anything for him," Yoongi explained. Jimin shook his head, even though he knew very well that he would do anything for Hoseok. He just wasn't in love with him. Not yet, anyways.

"It's okay to admit it. He's equally smitten with you too," Yoongi said. Jimin turned pink. 

"You're literally glowing, Jiminie. I haven't seen you so happy ever. It's nice, knowing there's someone keeping you safe."

"Who knew you were such a cheeseball, hm?" Jimin teased, booping Yoongi's nose.

"Remind me to never be nice to you again, damn."

"I'm kiddinger, Yoongs. I really appreciate you looking out for me."

Ashley paid for the watercolours she bought and the two left, but not before Yoongi took Hoseok to the side for a talk. "What was that about?" Jimin, who was sitting on the counter, asked once Hoseok left. "He just told me not to hurt you and said if I did he would kill me," Hoseok shrugged. Jimin looked at him with wide eyes. "Seriously? I'm gonna kill him."

"No, I totally get where he's coming from. He's just looking after you. He worries about you a lot, Jimin," Hoseok told him. "He's got a heart of gold, I don't know why he hides it so much."

Jimin knew why. He knew exactly why Yoongi held up a more hostile front, even though he was the sweetest person inside. Yoongi was afraid of getting hurt again, of opening up and being vulnerable. He's afraid of someone seeing how truly broken he is on the inside and them leaving him because of it. 

"I bet that's why he worries about you so much. You're very similiar people, you and Yoongi. You hide your sadness with silence, and he hides it with hostility," Hoseok added. Jimin looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. 

"How do you know I'm sad?"

"You have the saddest eyes I have ever seen, Jimin. Sometimes when you laugh, I know you aren't completely happy, because you try to hide your laughter and your eyes don't shine," he explained. Jimin smiled softly.

"Being around you makes me happy. Just so you know."

Hoseok flashed Jimin the heart shaped smile that made the younger's heart pound. "I'm glad. I like you being happy." Jimin pecked Hoseok's cheek delicately.  "I have a question, and you don't have to agree or anything," Hoseok said. Jimin nodded. "Fire away."

"I probably should have a big romantic thing planned for this, but oh well. I hope you don't mind, but I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend? Like make it official and all that?" Hoseok asked nervously.

Jimin beamed at him. "I'd love to." He leaned forwards and kissed his boyfriend happily. "And I'm glad you didn't make a big ordeal out of it. This was perfect."

When they pull away, Hoseok looked at Jimin in awe. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you, holy shit," he said. Jimin laughed and intertwined their fingers, kissing Hoseok's hand.


"Tell me a story, Hobi," Jimin demanded, closing his eyes. The two men were lying, entangled in each other, on Hoseok's bed. "A fairytale?"

"No. Tell me about when you were younger. A story."

"Well, okay. So once upon a time, like just over a month ago, I met a guy named Park Jimin. And this man made me very nervous, because he was perfect in every sense of the word, and for some reason, I was lucky enough to be his soulmate. He had the most stunning smile I had ever seen. On our first date, we were running around and I laughed a lot. Jimin made me very happy, even when he fell flat on his face. On the second date, we watched a Disney movie in a fort we had made in my living room. While we were making it, I noticed something about Jimin that changed my entire perspective on him."

"What was it?"

"That he had unhappy eyes. His beautiful smile almost never reached his eyes. He wasn't perfect, he wasn't a masterfully put together piece of flawlessness like I thought he was. But this imperfection only made him more beautiful to me. I was determined to one day make his smile reach his eyes. And then, two weeks later, I asked him to be my boyfriend. And he responded with a yes and the most ethereal smile anyone could see. That smile made my heart pound and my blood race. The smile reached his stunning eyes and I knew that I was going to marry that man one day."

Hoseok finished his story and looked at Jimin, only to see the younger had fallen asleep. His soft snores filled the room and Hoseok draped his arm over Jimin's waist, burying his face in the back of his boyfriends shoulder.

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