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"Taehyung wants to go on a quadruple date," Jimin rubbed his eyes. The younger boy had only woken up half an hour ago, whereas Hoseok had been awake for three.

"Do you wanna go?" Hoseok asked softly, detecting the sleepy boy's reluctance. "Not overly, but if you want to we can," replied Jimin, scratching the back of his head.

"Let's not, then. I can't exactly go on a quadruple date with my boyfriends friends without my boyfriend," Hoseok decided. Jimin nodded and walked forward, placing his head on Hoseok's chest and tucking his arms to himself. "You're so warm," he mumbled. Hoseok wrapped his long arms around his boyfriend, gently kissing the top of his head and nuzzling into Jimin's shoulder.

This was love, for Jimin, in it's most beautiful form. Hoseok holding Jimin tight, kissing his shoulder gently in the middle of Hoseok's kitchen. He could hear Hoseok's heart beat, slow and calm, and Jimin smiled because of the link between them. Being in his soulmates arms gave him a sense of security, like nothing could ever hurt him again as long as he had Hoseok's arms around him.

"Are you okay, Jiminie?" Hoseok whispered. Jimin nodded.

Hoseok gently trailed his fingers up and down Jimin's spine soothingly. "Are you sure? You've been sleeping a lot lately, not that I'm complaining. You're adorable when you sleep."

"I'm adorable all the time, Hoseok," Jimin joked. He could practically hear Hoseok's eye roll. "Kidding. I'm just tired, I keep having nightmares."

"Why don't you wake me up?"

"Because I don't always sleep here."

"Call me or text me. Heck, you could come over at three a.m. and I'd still be the happiest man," Hoseok said, warming Jimin's heart.

"You're stressed enough, with your new job and all that. You don't need me waking you in the middle of the night because of a bad dream," Jimin argued quietly. Hoseok let out a small sigh. "I'd rather know you're okay than you be scared alone."

"Okay," Jimin murmured, tired of talking.

"Do you want some coffee? I can run to Starbucks," Hoseok offered, pulling away from Jimin and grabbing his car keys. Jimin nodded and kissed Hoseok's cheek. "You're my saviour."

Hoseok laughed merrily. "I know. I'll be back in ten, try not to die, okay?" Jimin groaned in response and flopped down on the couch, his lips tilted upwards in a soft smile.


"Hoseok?" Jimin called upon hearing the door open. His boyfriend stuck his head around the corner and gave him a bright, heart-shaped smile. "I'm back. I wasn't sure if you wanted regular coffee or iced, so I got both and I'll take the one you don't want." Jimin walked over to the table and chose the iced coffee.

"Not gonna lie, I'm so glad you picked iced. I hate cold coffee," Hoseok informed Jimin, sitting down across from his boyfriend and sipping his hot drink.

"What time is it?" The younger asked. Hoseok checked his watch. "11:47 a.m."

"Okay, good."

"D'you have somewhere to go?"

"Yeah, I'm working today at 2."

Hoseok tilted his head to the side. "You don't work on Saturday's."

"I need the money, so I'm working extra hours," Jimin said, sipping his icy beverage.

"That sucks."

"'It's not so bad, I'm on the manager's good side now," Jimin said quietly. Hoseok could feel that something was wrong, something was off about Jimin.

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