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i hate this chapter but it's kinda critical to the plot and i'm too lazy to rewrite woop~

"Happy Birthday!" Jimin grinned, hugging his tall (freshly 25 year old) friend. Jin smiled. "Thanks, Chim."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Where's Namjoon? Shouldn't he be with the birthday boy?"

"He had to go get some groceries for the party tonight. Namely beer," Jin smirked. Jimin beamed. "Joon is a saint."

"Not with me, he isn't," Jin said.

"Ew, Seokjin! I don't wanna here about your sex life, dammit," Jimin scrunched up his nose as Jin laughed.

"Not my fault you took it like that. Plus, everyone does it, Jiminie."

"Doesn't mean I wanna hear it, especially from you, it's like hearing your parent talk about it."

"Hey!" Jin laughed, hitting Jimin's shoulder. "I'm only three years older than you, dammit!"

Jimin giggled. "Sorry, father."

Jin groaned. The door swung open and Namjoon walked it, a bag in hand. "Hey, babe. Hi, Jiminie."

"Tell him to stop disrespecting me, Namjoon. He's calling me dad."

Namjoon smiled, flashing his deep dimples. "Does that make me his dad too?" Jimin nodded and the two younger men pounded fists while Jin facepalmed.

"Wait, how many children do we have, then?" Namjoon asked, looking at his boyfriend and then back at Jimin. Jimin counted on his fingers. "Tae, Jungkook, and I."

"Why not the others?" Jin asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Yoongi and Hoseok are all older than Namjoon. Kids can't be older than their parents, duh."

"I suppose. I guess that makes them the auntie and uncles, hm?" Namjoon suggested, tucking his arm around Jin's waist.

Jimin burst out in laughter. "That's so wrong! Tae and Jungkook are dating each other, and I'm dating my uncle," He laughed, covering his mouth.

"That's so much incest. Seokjin, what have we done?" Namjoon joked, kissing his slightly shorter boyfriend, who laughed against his lips.

"I miss Hobi," Jimin pouted, drawing out the end of his boyfriends nickname. He grabbed his phone and keys. "Speaking of that loser, I have to go pick him up at the airport. See y'alls later."

"Bye," Jin said, pulling Namjoon in for another kiss as Jimin closed the door.

He ran down the stairs, a peppy jump in his step. He hadn't seen Hoseok in a week, as the older had taken a vacation to visit his ill mother. Jimin was invited, but declined, allowing the two alone time together.

His arrival at the airport was bittersweet. He would get to see Hoseok soon, but he hated airports. People rushing around, paying no attention to there surroundings, it gave him so much anxiety. He entered and took a deep breath, Hoseok's smiling image in his head moving him forward through the crowd.

He arrived at the arrivals area, fidgeting happily with the car keys. Even though it had only been a week, it felt like forever since he'd seen Hoseok's smiling face. He inserted one of his earbuds and took a seat, enjoying the soft melodies that helped soothe the excitement he felt.

When the plane landed, he jumped up, practically ripping the earbuds from his ears. The person near him gave him a dirty look, which he happily ignored as he walked to the window. Jimin's smile grew larger and larger the more people exited the plane, until his eyes landed on the face he missed dearly.

Hoseok entered the Arrival and barely hand the chance to walk through the doors, let alone look around, before Jimin attacked him, holding him as if he would never let go again. Hoseok shuffled out of everyone's way, keeping his hold on his lover.

"I missed you," Jimin murmured, his smooth voice thick, threatening tears. He wasn't sure why he wanted to cry, it had only been a week, but slowly the tears began trickling down his cheeks. Hoseok's familiar smell of mint and chocolate filled Jimin's nose and he smiled, burying his head even tighter in Hoseok's shoulder. "I missed you more, Jimin. More than expected."

Jimin giggled softly, wiping his eyes and pulling out of Hoseok's arms, grabbing his hand. "Let's go get your bags, Hobi."

The two walked to the baggage pick up, Hoseok chatting adamantly about his visit with his family and Jimin listening contentedly. "She really wanted to meet you, Jiminie," Hoseok said as the walked to the car. Jimin's cheeks turned pink. "She thinks you're wonderful."

"She hasn't even met me yet."

"I talk about you. A lot."

"Only good things, I hope?" Jimin teased, gently squeezing Hoseok's hand.

"There's only good things to tell, Jiminie."

Jimin rolled his eyes as his cheeks turned light pink. "Not really." They separated and Jimin slid into the drivers seat while Hoseok put his bag in the back.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Jimin," Hoseok said, entering the passenger seat and buckling up as Jimin started driving. "My mom.  . . she thinks you're good for me. That you'll fix me. I think so too, I know you are."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Explain please?"

Hoseok paused, toying with a string on his hoodie. "It's a long story."

"We have time," Jimin said, almost begging. Hoseok scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, you don't have to," Jimin said.

Hoseok shook his head. "No, no, I want to, I just don't know how you'll take it."

"I'll be good, I swear."

Hoseok smiled nervously, glancing out the window before finally speaking. "You aren't my first. . . match. I had one, a few years back named Choi Youngjae. He was wonderful, I loved him a lot. One day I'm sitting in my room painting when everything goes grey. I find out he was shot. That shit is only supposed to happen in movies, I-I couldn't believe it," Hoseok explained, his lower lip shaking slightly. He bit it and turned away, taking shaky breaths to calm him down.

Jimin glanced at his boyfriend momentairily, and his heart hurt at the pure heartbreak in Hoseok's face. He reached over and linked their hands together. "I'm so sorry, Hobi. I really am."

Hoseok nodded and brought Jimin's hand to his lips, kissing it lightly. "I guess it made me a little paranoid, matching with you. I. . . couldn't bear losing you, especially now. So if I ever get too clingy or overprotective or anything, tell me please."

Jimin nodded. "But I don't think that will ever happen, I love you and the attention." Hoseok laughed, flipping Jimin's hand and drawing little hearts with his fingers. Jimin smiled softly, not showing his teeth but still looking absolutely stunning in Hoseok's mind. His unnatural blond hair was fluffy and had a few natural waves in it, giving it a more "I just woke up" look. His under-eye bags were more prominent than usual, but Hoseok thought Jimin looked equally, if not more, beautiful when he wasn't worried about his appearance. The man was innately stunning.

"Are you still coming to Jin's birthday party this evening?" Jimin asked his smiley boyfriend, who nodded. "Yeah, I'll just take a little nap beforehand, is that okay?"


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