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After Jimin's wipe out they decided to just sit and talk for a bit.

"How's your head?" Hoseok asked for about the tenth time. It didn't bother Jimin, actually quite the opposite. Hoseok was kind.

"It's good. Honestly the only thing that hurts is my ego," Jimin joked, receiving a chuckle from his counterpart. "It wasn't that bad," Hoseok said. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better. It was horrible. And extremely embarrassing."

"Why are you embarrassed? Everyone fails every once and a while," Hoseok defended Jimin against himself.

"Not the first time they hang out with someone!" Jimin argued, turning and facing Hoseok who was fighting back laughter. "I'll forget it ever happened it it makes you feel better," Hoseok offered.

"Please do," Jimin begged.

"Do what?" Hoseok winked at a blushing Jimin. They fell silent, Jimin fiddling with a bit of his shirt and Hoseok staring up at the sky.

"Why were your friends so shocked when we matched?" Hoseok asked randomly.

"Uhm. . .probably because I was convinced I was straight," Jimin confessed. Hoseok looked over at him, one eyebrow raised.

"Well, not 'straight' per say, but neutral. I never went on dates with guys because I was scared I would be judged but girls never felt. . . right, I guess. So I wouldn't say that my friends were shocked, more like 'I told you so'," Jimin explained. Hoseok nodded.

"I get that, I mean, I only ever felt sexually attracted to men, so I essentially am gay. But you never know who you're going to match with."

In a world where one doesn't decide who they fall in love with, the only way to really know your sexuality is based on sexual attraction. Jimin never felt that towards girls, and what attraction he did feel tended to be aimed more towards guys. But he learned to shove those thoughts away.

He smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Are all your friends gay?" Hoseok asked.

"Yoongi's bi, but all the others are gay. Tae and Jungkook, the two absurdly attractive and PDA obsessed ones have been together since they were 14, and Namjoon and Jin have been together for a year. They have the most complicated relationship history, I swear," Jimin wanted to laugh at the thought of it.

"Really? I woulda thought they were the perfect couple. It's kinda hard to see them as problematic," Hoseok said.

"Jin was never problematic. Namjoon on the other hand, he kept hurting Jin to the point where we almost cut him out. All of us. But finally Joon got his shit together and now they're the perfectist couple ever. They're like the parents of the group, to be honest."

"Perfectist isn't a word. And what does that make the other two?" Hoseok asked, meeting Jimin's eyes.

"Taehyung and Jungkook are the horny, lovesick teenagers, minus the explosive break-up," laughed Jimin, running a hand through his hair.

"What are you?"

"I'm. . . I'm the annoying kid. The one that nobody wants to hang out with," Jimin laughed at the idea.

Hoseok shook his head. "That's not true. They love you. And even if they didn't want to hang out with you, I do. You may doubt it, but you, Park Jimin, are the shit," exclaimed Hoseok.

Jimin beamed at him.

"And you have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen," Hoseok added. Butterflies flew around Jimin's stomach and he felt his face get warm. "I, um. . .thanks," Jimin stuttered quickly, hiding his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry, that was weird, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or-"

"No, you didn't make me uncomfortable and it wasn't weird. I'm just awkward and you're. . . so cool."

Hoseok gave him a small smirk. "Thanks, Jiminie."

Perfect. Hoseok was perfect.

"Oh shit!" Jimin exclaimed, jumping up. Hoseok looked at him, concerned. "I forgot, I brought food!"

"Jesus, Jimin, I think you gave me a heart attack there," Hoseok said, standing up. "Let's go get the food, then." They pulled open the bag and Jimin realized it had been too long. Apparently ham and cheese won't stay good in a boiling hot car for two hours. Who knew?

He swore.

"Jimin, it's fine. If you want you could come back to my place and we can order a pizza?" Hoseok suggested. Jimin sighed and agreed. There went his plans for a cute tumblresque picnic.


One and a half boxes of pizza later, the two boys sat on Hoseok's couch, stuffed to the max.

"That," Jimin breathed, "was fucking delicious."

"Don't swear, Jiminie," Hoseok smiled. Jimin rolled his eyes and sipped his Coke. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out.

So how's your """"hang out"""' with Hoseok going?;)

stfu and its fine

Jimin switched his phone to mute and placed it back into his pocket. He turned his head back to Hoseok, who was admiring the view out his apartment window. 

"What time do you want me to leave?" Jimin asked.

"You can leave whenever you want. When do you wanna go?" Hoseok turned and faced Jimin.

If he was honest, Jimin didn't want to go. He was having a really good time with the artist. "Ummmm," Jimin thought. "I don't know."

Hoseok smiled. "D'you wanna watch a film?" He asked after a moment.

"Sure," Jimin adjusted his position so that his knees were tucked into his chest. "What kind?" Hoseok walked over and opened a cupboard that was full of movies. "I've got horror, comedy, romance, and Disney."

"I'm kinda a sucker for sad romance films. I don't really care which one, as long as it's not stupid," replied Jimin, finally letting his eyes roam Hoseok's figure. He definitely had muscle, but he wasn't super bulky. His shoulders were decently broad and he stood confidently and straight. Even Hoseok's back was handsome.

Hoseok turned with his choice of movie in his hands and Jimin quickly averted his eyes to the painting on the wall. Once Hoseok put the film in he came and sat on the couch. Jimin could've sworn they were closer together than they were not even three minutes earlier, but it didn't bother him.

"Which movie did you pick?" He asked. Hoseok smiled and shrugged. "I don't know." A small laugh escaped Jimin's lips as the previews started.

About halfway through the film, which turned out to be Titanic, Jimin cautiously looked over at Hoseok. His eyes were locked on the TV, and his right leg was bouncing rapidly. His left hand was fiddling with his full lower lip and his right was resting lightly in the space between the two.

About five minutes later, Jimin almost died.

Well, not actually. Hoseok gently placed his hand right next to Jimin's, who knew that that meant it was his turn to make a move. Ignoring the anxiety that told him no, he gently intertwined his fingers in Hoseok. He looked at the boy from the corner or his eyes and grinned when he saw Hoseok wearing a smile. His hand was soft and fit perfectly with the youngers.

'This,' Jimin thought, 'is the beginning of something great. I can feel it.'

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