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Jimin waited for a call from Hoseok for three whole days. At first he figured Hoseok was just busy, after all, his place of business was closing. Then Jimin's mind starting racing and jumping to conclusions. 'Maybe Hoseok doesn't like me,' was a popular one. Wouldn't that suck for Hoseok, if he disliked the person he matched with. Unless Jimin died, Hoseok was stuck with him.

His phone buzzed, announcing a text,and he rolled over rapidly.

Hey, it's Hoseok

Jimin added his number to his contacts.

heyo. what's up?

I want to apologize for not calling you like I said I would, I've just been really busy since the shop is closing.

oh its fine i totally get it

sooo what are you up to?

Just painting. You?

absolutely nothing. i was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out but if you'd rather paint thats cool

No, I would much rather hang out with you. Where and when?

how about i pick you up in half an hour for a surprise?

Perfect. But a surprise. . . should I be scared?

not unless you're scared of me


wait are you scared of me??

Nope, just playing.

k good i'm like the least scary person you could meet

but just so you know

i promise i'll never hurt you, Hoseok. and i am probably overly excited to get to know you.

First of all, aw you're adorable. Secondly, you can't always control who you hurt. Although I believe you would never intentionally hurt me. We'll talk more about this when we meet I gotta go clean the paint off myself xx


Jimin powered off his phone and jogged into the kitchen where Yoongi sat, smiling at a Youtube video. Jimin was platonically in love with Yoongi's smile, it was one of his favourite things. Especially since they didn't see it all that often, ever since his father passed.

"Sugaaa," Jimin said excitedly, using his roommates nickname. His friend looked up and furrowed his brows together. "You okay?"

Jimin nodded and started making sandwiches. "I'm great. I have a date with a certain soulmate of mine in 25 minutes." Yoongi smiled.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked, standing up.

"I'm gonna take him for a picnic at the park," Jimin informed Yoongi, who nodded. "That's a good idea. He likes being outdoors, I know that much."

"How's your mom?" Jimin asked. His mom was going through a rough time and had been since her husband, Yoongi's dad passed away five years ago. Yoongi took it quite hard as well and fell into a terrible depression. Thankfully, he turned to writing and making music and has managed to get a bit better. "She's alright."

Jimin looked in the fridge for cheese.
"That's good," Jimin said, finishing up the second sandwich and putting them in a bag, along with two bottles of water. "How do I look?" He gestured along his body. Yoongi looked him up and down and nodded. "Good, but I suggest you brush your hair, Jiminie. It's disastrous."

Jimin ran to the bathroom and quickly combed his hair. He should have showered, but it was too late for that. He checked with Yoongi one last time, and thankfully he was good. He left the house and got into his car, turning up the radio.

Anxiety bubbled in his stomach, along with anticipation. Why did he say he would pick Hoseok up? Why couldn't he have just told him to meet him at the park? Jimin bit his lip as he drove, praying Hoseok wouldn't notice just how nervous Jimin was.

He pulled up outside the art store and got out, quickly checking his reflection in the window before entering the shop. Hoseok looked up from the counter and smiled at him. "Hey, Jimin. I just gotta sign out, kay?"

Jimin nodded and looked at what Hoseok had been painting. It was a pair of eyes painted with rainbow colouring. It was really detailed and beautiful and Jimin was reminded again of how lovely colour was. Hoseok returned in the room and walked over to Jimin. "That's beautiful, Hoseok. Who is it?" He asked.

"Someone I used to know. You ready?" Hoseok asked.

"Yup," Jimin replied, following Hoseok out. After he had locked the shop, they got into the car. When the vehicle turned on, the radio blasted. Hoseok's eyes went wide as he laughed at the insane volume. Jimin blushed and turned it down.

"Why was it so loud!?" Hoseok giggled. "You're going to go deaf!"

Jimin laughed and looked at the wheel. "I was nervous, music helps. Most of the time, anyways. I didn't realize just how loud it was," he chuckled. Hoseok grinned and Jimin thought his smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Hoseok turned towards the road and Jimin started driving, humming along to the song on the radio. "Can I turn it up?" Jimin asked.

"Definitely. I love this song," Hoseok nodded rapidly.

Jimin adjusted the volume and the two jammed out. Pausing when the song did and preparing for the beat drop. "Boombayah!" They both yell/sang, bopping their heads aggressively. Jimin was a bit calmer than Hoseok, as he was driving, but it was the most fun he'd had in a car in awhile.

The song ended and Jimin turned it down, laughing at how out of breath Hoseok was.

"How. . . the frick. . . do they not get exhausted performing that?" He asked, looking at Jimin who shrugged.

"Aren't you a rapper?" Jimin asked.

"Well, yeah."

"Then shouldn't you be used to talking really fast without breathing?"

"Um. . . yes. Except I'm not used to dancing insanely fast inside a moving car to one of the greatest girl group songs to ever exist. And singing and rapping along," Hoseok explained. Jimin smiled and they pulled into the parking lot.

"Oo, the park!" Hoseok exclaimed excitedly. He practically jumped out of the car and was about to run before he stopped. "Are you coming, you slowpoke?"

Jimin laughed and got out of the car walking towards Hoseok. Right before he reached the other boy, Hoseok sprinted away, laughing. Jimin glared at him playfully before running after him. Hoseok had longer legs, but Jimin was quite fast, so it was an equal battle.

Thankfully they were the only people at the park and no one saw Jimin trip on his own feet. Hoseok turned around and dashed towards a crumpled Jimin. "Jimin, are you alright?"

Jimin groaned, hiding his head in his hands. Hoseok knelt on the ground. "I need you to move your hands, Jimin. I gotta make sure you're okay."

The smaller boy refused to move his hands, so Hoseok did it for him. His hands lingered on Jimin's cheeks as he examined Jimin's face.

The younger of the two grimaced when Hoseok touched his forehead. "Shit, sorry. Looks like you're gonna have a goose egg, Jiminie." Instead of removing his hands, Hoseok continued looking at Jimin's face, except it wasn't out of concern.

Jimin noticed Hoseok smelled really good. He smelled like pine and old paper and warm and Jimin was hooked instantaneously. Hoseok gently brushed a strand of Jimin's hair out of his face. "Are you alright?" He repeated, eyes connecting with Jimin's lips momentairily.

"Oh, uhm, yeah," Jimin said standing up and removing himself from Hoseok's hands. The tension between the two was so thick you could almost see it, although they still walked side by side.

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