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Jung Hoseok died eight days later, with his loved ones by his side.

The last colour Jimin saw was the brown in the love of his life's eyes, just as they went out. In a way, it was almost a mirror of when they met; Hobi's eyes were the first colour he saw and the last.

Jungkook had to drag him away.

The agonizing pain in his chest was just too much. It was all too real.

Hoseok was gone, and Jimin couldn't breathe.

Yoongi left after the funeral. No one knew where. He simply disappeared.

Without Yoongi, who encouraged him to hold on when things were so fucking bad, Jimin drowned every night. The memory of Hoseok still lingered in the sheets, and his scent still clung to his pillow, a reminder of just how fresh this wound was.

Somedays Jimin thought Hoseok would just walk through the door, a beautiful heart smile on his face as he lay down next to Jimin.

He imagined Hoseok was on a trip, maybe visiting his dad, or maybe he had some gig somewhere, but Jimin's darkest parts still knew that's a lie.

Jung Hoseok was just a memory.

During the day Jimin would go to work and it helped distract him. It distracted the tsunami that was ravaging his mind.

The night brought tears and nightmares and blindly tugging at the sheets for the comfort of a body that wasn't there. In his dreams he lost Hoseok again and again and again.

And by every morning he was convinced he would never breathe the same again.

There was no colour anymore, but he was surprisingly okay with that.

If he was being honest, he wouldn't want to see a world of colour if he couldn't see Hoseok along with it.
My heart hurts:(

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