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Jimin wanted to cry. He was trying to find a decent outfit for Jin's party, but no matter what he put on, he looked large. His thighs were too large and his stomach was too fat. He thought he resembled like a whale trying on people clothes.

He had always been a very self concious boy, but lately he just couldn't find anything good about his body. Frustrated tears filled his eyes and he growled, letting them spill on his seemingly chubby cheeks.

The front door opened and he quickly wiped his face, putting on a fake smile. "Jiminie? Are you ready?" Hoseok asked, entering the room.

Jimin shook his head, not trusting his voice to keep his self-disgust quiet.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok asked, putting the bags on the floor.

"Nothing," Jimin said quickly. Hoseok kinked an eyebrow, edging forwards and raising his hands to put them on Jimin's hips. The younger pulled away and looked the other way, hating the tears for flooding back into his eyes. "Jiminie? What happened, baby?"

"Me," he mumbled. "I can't find something that looks good. I'm ugly."

Hoseok shook his head rapidly. "No, Jimin. You could never be ugly. You're soft and stunning and just looking at you makes me feel unbelievably lucky. More importantly, you have the most beautiful heart and an incredible mind. Even if you were ugly, which you are not, I wouldn't be able to help not falling in love with you. You are truly incredible, and I know you don't believe it, which is okay. You're allowed to feel self-consious and be unhappy. I want to love you until you can love yourself, and I'll love you even if you can't. You're perfect, Jiminie."

Jimin's cheeks turned pink and he kissed Hoseok sweetly.

"I love you," Hoseok whispered. Jimin smiled and kissed him again.

Jimin decided on his outfit, and although he still wasn't content with his appearance- not in the slightest- he didn't have much choice.

The drive to Jin's house was quiet, both tired but very much ready for the alcohol.

Their arrival was celebrated with loud cheers from all their friends, who seemed to already be mildly intoxicated.

Yoongi shoved drinks at them. "You two have to catch up. I'm already three beers in," Yoongi gave them his legendary smile as they sipped.

4.5 Hours Later

Jimin helped Hoseok into the car. The younger was much closer to sober than his boyfriend, although Hoseok's only problem was his lack of balance.

They hadn't expected to drink as much as they did, Hoseok mostly, but one thing led to another and the older almost always had a beverage in his hand.

"I love you Jimin," Hoseok said as Jimin helped him into the seat. Jimin smiled and closed the door, climbing into his own seat and turning on the car. They only lived a few blocks away, and he didn't even drink that much. He was fine to drive.

Hoseok hummed softly, tapping the window and glancing at Jimin every now and again. "I hate alcohol, did you know that?"

When Jimin didn't answer, Hoseok continued on. "It reminds me of Youngjae 'cause I drank a lot when he died. I hated life, I'd gotten so used to colour I suppose I'd taken it for granted. I guess it was easier to numb myself that hurt. I didn't know how lucky I was until I wasn't. I got better, though, after months of therapy.

"I was in shock when I met you, I never thought I'd be able to see colour again. But you made it brighter."

Jimin smiled softly.

"And I'm so in love with you, Jimin. You had me hooked on the first date, when you fell and you were all flustered. In a way, we both fell that day, hm?"

The driver turned and looked at Hoseok, who yawned. Jimin didn't know what to say, how to sum up just how much he loved Hoseok.

He didn't know the right words, nothing he said would ever be enough to prove just how much Jimin adored Jung Hoseok. How that one day, walking into an art store the day after the worst date of his life would completely change his world for the better.

Hoseok gently kissed Jimin's hand before sitting up and suddenly whipping his head to look out the front window. "Jimi-"


Jimin didn't have enough time to see what Hoseok was looking at before the two cars collided head-on.

bom boM BOM


also just saying the way i described jimin's body was not how i think of his but how i feel in my own, as a person who has body issues. he's beautiful no matter what (and so are all of you💗) and tbh it broke my heart writing that bit.

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