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(this chapter is where the book starts becoming better as i took a month break between this chapter and the last one to work on improving my writing. i hope it's actually better lol)

Jimin was out three days after the crash, only injuries being a broken wrist and a mild concussion, which could be healed at home. He hadn't spoken to anyone since his breakdown upon finding out Hoseok was in a coma. His silence caused ripples in their friend group, with everyone worried about Jimin's mental state and Hoseok's wellbeing. Yoongi spent almost everyday with Jimin, trying to distract him from the slowly disappearing colours.

The longer Hoseok stayed in the hospital, in his coma, the duller the world's colours become. It meant he was slowly fading away from his life, and soon enough, Jimin would be alone and broken without him. It meant the world was slowly losing the most beautiful soul. The thought gave Jimin nightmares.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi said softly. Jimin looked up from his hands. "I have to go pick up some groceries. Do you want anything?"

Jimin shook his head and Yoongi gave him a sympathetic smile. "I'll be back in fifteen."

The door closed and Jimin stared at it unfeelingly. Yoongi looked exhausted. He stayed up most nights, looking after Jimin and consoling him if he had a nightmare. He ran and worked on just a few hours of sleep, it was obvious in the bags under his eyes. Jimin knew it was his fault, and he hated that, but there was much he could do. He also knew that one of Yoongi's biggest worries was Jimin attempting suicide. Jimin already wasn't eating, out of both stress and a new found self hatred. Ever since the two were little, Jimin's biggest fear was never seeing the beauty of colour. If it got taken away from him, along with the person he loved most, Yoongi assumed Jimin would consider it.

But he was wrong. Jimin would never hurt himself, not as long as he still lived in a technicolor world, no matter how dull, he wouldn't give up. He held on to the sliver of hope that Hoseok would wake up as if his life depended on it.

Never again would he live in B&W. In the dark.

He tucked his knees up to his chest and took out his phone, flipping through picture after picture of him and Hoseok, his heart aching to have is boyfriend in his arms again.

The guilt sunk in again, reminding him that Hoseok was in the hospital, unconscious, because he was stupid or because he was too lazy to call for a friend, or maybe because he was too cheap to call a taxi. He couldn't quite remember the reason, which just made his heart heavier.

Soft music played in the background, a piano piece Yoongi did. It always was Jimin's favourite piece of Yoongi's work, because it was just piano, but it had so much emotion. Yoongi named it "Crystal Snow".

Jimin sniffled, choking back the tears that threatened to spill on his cheeks. He began humming along, Hoseok's picture smiling at him.

His phone began ringing, causing him to jump. Turning it off, he placed his phone on the table and headed to his room.

Jimin opened his closet and pulled out Hoseok's blue long-sleeved shirt, flopping on the bed and holding the shirt to him. It smelled strongly of Hoseok, and it made Jimin feel like maybe Hoseok could come back from this, even though the odds were against it. He heard his phone go off again but he couldn't pull himself away from his little reminder.

Minutes later, Yoongi bursted into his room, eyes full of panic as they landed on Jimin. "Jimin! Are you okay?" He rushed forwards, kneeling down next to his friend. Jimin nodded.

"You gave me a fucking heart attack! You. . . you have to answer the phone, Jimin," Yoongi said, his voice thick as he stood up. Jimin sat up and pulled his best friend into a much-needed hug.

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