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Hoseok wasn't the same. Little things, things you would have to know him like Jimin does to notice. His cheeks were a little more hollow, he was tired, his smile wasn't quite as brilliant as it used to be. He didn't talk to Yoongi or retell stories of their laughs at the radio station. He clung to Jimin a little tighter and took his pills, which looked like they had doubled, much more diligently. It wasn't much but it was enough to spark concern in Jimin.

"I'm worried about you," he said bluntly. Hoseok looked up from his phone.

"You look so tired, Hobi. You don't seem happy and you don't sleep well and you take more pills. I wanna know what's going on and I don't wanna hear any bullshit excuses anymore," he added firmly in response to Hoseok's silence.

Hoseok huffed. "N-nothing's wrong, babe. I'm fine, just work. Stress."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Bullshit."

"Can't you just believe me when I tell you I'm fine!?" Hoseok said, raising his voice a little.

"Can't you just tell me the truth?"

"It doesn't matter, Jimin! Honestly!"

"But it does!" Jimin cried. "I can't see in your head, so how the fuck am I supposed to know if you're okay if you're just gonna lie to me about it?"

"If it was important I would tell you," Hoseok said through his teeth. His face was pale and his jaw clenched.

"Fine. Be like this, I don't care. I'll be back later," Jimin said, swiftly slipping in his shoes and picking up his phone. He was out the door with a slam in a matter of seconds.

i'm coming over


He started on his walk to Yoongi's, fuming at Hoseok's inability to answer a simple question truthfully. All Jimin ever did was care and be honest and truthful about everything, surely he deserved the same.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked upon opening the door. Jimin stormed in.

"He's not telling me something. I don't know what it is, I don't know why he's lying, but something's wrong and he just can't seem to fucking tell me."

Yoongi silently filled and handed Jimin a glass of water. The younger looked at him. It wasn't like Yoongi to stay silent, especially during one of Jimin and Hoseok's fights. He was rather defensive of Hoseok. Their eyes met and Jimin saw the disappointment in them. He sighed and put his glass down.

"You know what it is, don't you?"

Yoongi kept his eyes on the window behind Jimin's head and nodded slowly. Jimin shook his head.

"I thought he was gonna tell you after I stormed out on him. Fucking coward," Yoongi said, pulling out his phone in a rather aggressive manner.

seriously, hoseok?

i knew he was gonna go to your place.

if you don't get your sorry ass over here and tell him, then i will. he doesn't fucking deserve this.

No response came. Yoongi hoped that meant he was coming over; he really didn't wanna be the one to have to tell Jimin the love of his life was dying. And Hoseok was his friend, no fight was going to change that, but enough was enough. Yoongi was disappointed, frustrated, and scared, but he had to be strong for Jimin right now. "He's coming over. If he doesn't, I'll tell you. He knows I will."

Jimin nodded his head and sipped his water. Their conversation ended and Jimin's knee started bouncing rapidly, anticipating Hoseok's arrival. He began to feel guilty for walking out on Hoseok like that, but he knew him staying would've just ended in a fight.

Two gentle knocks on the door put his leg to a stop as Yoongi walked over to open it up. Jimin stood up and crossed his arms, only to step back in shock when someone who is very much not Hoseok entered.

"Min Yoongi and Park Jimin, right?" The man asked. Jimin nodded. "What's this about?"

"Jung Hoseok is in the hospital after collapsing earlier this morning downtown. You were the last two people he contacted."

Jimin covered his mouth and looked at Yoongi. "Thank you. We have to go," Yoongi said taking Jimin and pulling him out, followed by the police officer. They dashed down the stairs and into Yoongi's car.

"What is happening to him?" Jimin demanded as they drove.

"Jimin. . ."

"Yoongi, tell me what the fuck is going on. Now."

"Tumour. In his brain."

"What happened to him?" Yoongi asked the doctor. Jimin snored lightly, his head leaning against Yoongi's shoulder.

"Powerful seizure. He's stable, if you wanted to go in and see him," she said.

"I'll wake Jimin up. D-do you know what caused it?" Yoongi asked, trying to fight back the terrified tears that wanted to spill.

"It was most likely a mix of the tumour and his previous head trauma, from the accident."

"Oh. Thank you."

The doctor nodded sympathetically and walked away, leaving Yoongi to wake Jimin up.

"He's stable," he whispered. Jimin stretched as he stood. "How long was I asleep for?" He asked, his voice small and thick from sleep. Yoongi noticed his normally bright eyes were dull with fear and anxiety.

"A few hours. Do you wanna go in by yourself?" Yoongi softly asked, tucking his hands inside his hoodie sleeves and shivering.

"No, you come in too."

And with that, the two boys entered Hoseok's hospital room with heavy hearts and tired minds.


honestly writing this chapter broke me lil heart but oh well

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