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And Jimin saw everything. The world was so bright and beautiful, but the most beautiful of all was Hoseok. Jimin tried to look away, to experience the colours around him, but the strings that tied him to Hoseok pulled him back.

Jimin's heart throbbed. This was his moment. He didn't care that Hoseok was a boy, he didn't care that his friends were giving him strange looks. None of it mattered.

Jungkook was the first to realize what had happened. Jimin heard him whisper to Tae, who squealed quietly.

"Oh my god!" Jungkook said, having an internal freak out.

"Uh. . . hi," Hoseok shook his head, bringing both boys out of their daze. Jimin smiled brightly, shaking Hoseok's hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, Jung Hoseok."

Jimins cheeks heated up as their fingers touched. He looked around, in awe at all the hues and shades he'd been missing out on. Finally, he understood.

"Okay, I get that y'all are seeing colours for the first time and stuff, but I had a few questions about the store. . ." Namjoon asked, earning himself another punch from Jin.

"Oooww, Jin! That hurt!" Namjoon whined. Jin rolled his eyes and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

Hoseok looked at Namjoon. "Your questions, right."

"I was wondering, who did all the art in here?"

Hoseok put his hands in his back pocket. "I did." Jimin's eyes went wide. The man had loads of talent.

"How did you manage that?" Jungkook asked. Hoseok looked at the floor and back up. "It's a long story." Jimin knew that Jungkook was referring as to how Hoseok had been able to paint before meeting Jimin. Hoseok looked at Jimin with a small smirk that sent butterflies throughout his entire being. Hoseok then followed Namjoon to the area of interest to answer the tallest boy's questions. Tae grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him a little further away, revealing a huge smile on his face. "He's hot, Jimin!" Tae whispered. Jimin smiled and rolled his eyes, going a little pink. Only Taehyung, Jimin's oldest friend, could talk about Hoseok like that without earning a friendly punch. And, well, it was true. Hoseok had a really nice face. Jimin liked the artists smile a lot, and his eyes; he practically radiated happiness. "I know," Jimin bashfully agreed. "I don't deserve someone that good."

Taehyung hit Jimin upside the head. "Shut up. I used to feel that way too until I realized that if I didn't deserve him, why would we be soulmates?" Every once and awhile, Taehyung would say something so smart Jimin almost forgot he was the same boy that thought rice was made out of potatoes for two months. But then he'd say something stupid and Jimin would be reminded that he was indeed Tae, the boy who's soulmate planted an umbrella. They were a match made in heaven. "Now, which pens should I get? I wanna draw Jungkookie later," Tae asked, turning his head towards the fancy, overpriced drawing pens in front of them.

"You've already drawn him like eighty times. You need to find a new muse, Tae."

"He can't. He's not allowed to see anybody else naked," Jungkook slid his arm around his boyfriends shoulder, kissing Tae's neck

"Ew! Get a room, you two," Jimin shuddered. Tae and Jungkook (or Taekook, like their friends liked to call them) were always overly affectionate and sometimes a little too sexual around others. Sure, Jimin was glad that they loved each other so much and he was happy they were together, but he despised when they talked about each other naked. And they did it a lot.

Tae turned to face his lover, wrapping his long arms around Jungkooks waist. "No," he said firmly, kissing Jungkook gently. Jimin sighed and walked over to Yoongi, who was examining the water colour paints. "I swear to god I'm gonna murder the two of them one day," he said. Yoongi smiled. "No offense, but you couldn't hurt a fly, especially if those flies name's were Taekook. You'd miss them too much."

Jimin swatted Yoongi's arm gently as he laughed. Yoongi's blue hair was beautiful- finally Jimin knew what blue looked like.

Jimin scratched the back of his head, preparing to say something but being interrupted by Namjoon. "Guys, we should head out, I wanna go to Target and get some snacks," he said. Tae, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Jimin all walked towards the door. Hoseok looked up and Jimin and for a moment the brunet thought he was going to ask him to stay, but instead they only recieved a goodbye and a longing gaze.

Just as they started down the street, Jimin felt something twist inside him. "Wait!" He told his friends, jogging back into the store and up to Hoseok, who smiled. "Can I see your phone?" Jimin asked, holding out his hand. Hoseok nodded and placed the cell in his soulmates hands, grinning like a madman. Jimin added his number and contact and handed the phone back, running lightly towards the door. "Call me!" He shouted, leaving the store.

Jimin caught up to his friends, who cheered for him when he got back. "Good job, Chim Chim," Jin teased. "It's nice to know that you're learning."

Jimin rolled his eyes and thought about just how massively his world had just changed.

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