[3] the drug store

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   WE RUSHED THE BOY TO AN ALLEY NEAR THE DRUG STORE. Bill carefully leaned his body against the cool brick. I clambered off my bike and set it on the ground.

"Richie stay!" I commanded as we began rushing into the store. The boy was bleeding badly and I in no way wanted to be responsible for his death.

"Im glad I got to meet you before you died." I heard Richie say. My feet halted in their place and I turned to face the raven haired boy. He gulped at my strong glare. Way to help ease his pain Richie.

"Richie words of encouragement!" I yelled before turning back to the others and rushing inside.

In the drug store Eddie was piling his arms with stuff. I sighed looking at the pile of gauzes, medicines and antibiotic spray. All we needed was a simple spray and some bandages.

"Can w-we afford all that!? " Bill asked. I rolled my eyes slightly.

"No of course not we've only got like 4 bucks" I responded gesturing to the money in Stan'd hand. Eddie groaned.

"She has a point" Stan shrugged, holding out the measly four dollar bills.

"Ugh are you kidding me!" Eddie complained.

"None of us have jobs what do you expect!?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes at me before adjusting his weight.

"Hey don't you have an account here?" Bill questioned quickly, before Eddie could utter out an arguing word.

"Yeah but if my mom found out that I bought all the stuff Ill be in the emergency room for the rest week getting x-rayed," he whispered. A soft rustling entered my ears from behind us. I quickly turned around to see Beverly marsh holding a box of what I can guess is tampons or something cause otherwise why hide it. Her face was slightly red as she eyed us all awkwardly.

"Y-you alright? " Bill asked, fumbling over himself.

"Im fine, whats wrong with you?"she defended quickly. Her lips pursed together tightly.

"None of your business!" Stan snipped. I slapped him. I turned around and gave him a glare saying shut up.

"New kids outside looks like someone killed em." Eddie blurted out. I rolled my eyes, of course Eddie would blow our cover.

"We need some s-s-s-supplies
but we don't have enough money." Bill sighed, his shoulders dropping. Beverly nodded slightly.

WE ALL FLOAT── bill denbrough¹Where stories live. Discover now