[13] that wasnt so scary

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WHILE THE SCREAMS WERE COMING FROM EDDIE; HIS HEAD HAD RIPPED THROUGH A MATTRESS. His hair was disheveled and skin dirty. The Fake Eddie looked awful.

"Ya wanna play loogie?" It spit out a black liquid burning the ground wherever it went. The head laughed manically causing me to scream. The black liquid was so close to touching Bills shoes. He and Richie ran back. Bill set me on the ground next a door.The black liquid approached the three of us quickly. I looked up at the doors.

Not Scary at all I knew that one would be remotely scary. Scary and Very Scary. Bill and Richie charged to the Not Scary at all door while I turned my body around to the Very Scary. I thought it would be cliche if we went for the not scary at all door. Bill and Richie opened the door.

"Wheres my shoe" I see Bill turned on the light. As he did a screams escaped there mouths. They jolted back causing me to snicker. I decided to open my door. It was silent. I turn on the lights to see a pile of bones. Rolling my eyes I shut the door. The two gaped at me.

"What was in there?" Richie asked.

"A pile of bones" I shrugged.

"Well how are we going to get out of here." Richie shouted seeing as the stuff was inches from us.

"This isn't real. Remember the missing kid poster it wasn't real so this isn't real." Bill explained as Richie nods. I glanced down at the liquid approaching us each seconds, it looked pretty real.

"Come on ready" Bill said hoisting me up and grabbing mine and Richie's hands.

"Noo" Richie whined. I turned the doorknob opening the door to an empty hallway. "Ah thank fuck"

"Wait wheres Eddie?" I asked them. The two glanced around the empty room.

"Help Help!" Eddies cried his voice filling the room. We all ran to the door flinging it open.

"Eddie" Richie yelled. Pennywise the clown was standing over Eddie. It turned to look at us. "Eddie" Richie repeated. His voice wavered slightly.

"This isn't real enough for you Billy?" It said with fake sorrow. "Im not real enough for you?" It said still with fake sorrow. I hear Richie Mumble out a holy shit beside me."It was real enough for Georgie" It spit out. My heart dropped to my stomach how dare that bastard mention Georgie. The clown laughed before charging at us. Slamming me against a wall; my head began to bleed more. Before it could reach us Bev slammed a pole in it's eye. Bill picked me up again. Thank goodness because the t-shirt now did nothing for my now bleeding head. Black spots lined my vision as Bill ran to Eddie. Eddie screamed and groaned.

"Get Eddie" Richie yelled. Eddie was still screaming.

"We got to get out of here." Bill sat me on the ground next to Eddie.

"Ah no no no no" Richie, Bill, and I sat around Eddie. I was leaning against the wall next to Eddie my head throbbing. Bill and Richie tried to help Eddie. The clown had now turned around, facing us. Its face was all messed up. Its one eye covered in blood. As It approached us claws ripped through the gloves. All of us where screaming. It jumped at us laughing. Our screams grew louder as it swung its head around slashing Ben in the stomach. The mangled clown backed up and left through the door. I exhaled deeply.

"Don't let it get away" Bill said over all the screaming. He got up and followed it. Stupid stupid stupid! I got up and went after him. I wobbly walked the best I could toward the door.

"Cheryl!" Richie yelled. A pair of arms warped wound my waist preventing me from moving. I bit my lip and tried to my best to elbow him.

"Richie let go!" I struggled against his hold.

"No you're in no state. I don't care how much you like Bill. Im not letting go." I huffed and stop struggling. There was no use in fighting Richie.

"Bill Bill!" Eddie screamed. Bill came charging up the stairs. Bill gave Richie and I a funny look. I slapped Richie's hand and he let go. I turned around. The rest of the losers had gathered around Eddie. Richie approached Eddie.

"Im gonna snap it-"

"Do not fucking touch me"

"Im just gonna" Richie gave up. "One...two....three" Eddie let out a new loud scream as Richie snapped the bone back into place. I grimaced at the crack. Eddie glared at Richie as the boy moved away from him. I stood up and began to leave, not bearing to be in the house any longer.

"Guys we got to get out of here" I yelled leaving the house. Everyone else ran after me. We all quickly placed Eddie into Mikes bike; since it had a basket and quickly rode off leaving Eddies bike behind.

A/n Can I stan my own friendship because I do. I literally love Richie and Cheryls friendship so much.

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