[19] the final battle

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I ROLLED TO MY SIDE QUICKLY GRABBING THE KNIFE I HAD BROUGHT, OUT OF MY BACKPACK.  Mike had shoved a pole down pennywise's throat. As he did the head turned into a bunch if charred hands, clawing at Mikes face. Clutching my arm which was now just a dull pain; I rushed to help him. Before I reached him however, It charged at Stan. Its head turning into the Lady. Screaming Stan wacked It, his eyes screwed shut. As it fell back it went after Mike again.

"Mike!" Eddie screamed as the clown now had giant spider like legs. Mike was defenseless on the ground as the sharp legs of the arachne got closer and closer.

Ben screamed as he charged towards Mike. Ben swung his knife cutting Pennywise. It turned to face him its face morphed into a mummy. Its bandages wrapped around Bens face. Bill noticed chains on the ground next to him. He picked them up and swung them at Its head.

Richie had grabbed his bat and was preparing to swing. We all had our weapons out and ready to attack, It was surrounded. We all took our shots at the clown. When I struck his ugly face with my knife I felt good to finally release all that negative energy. All that clown did was cause trouble for us and It deserved this fate. Once we all hit It a couple times is began to gag. It faced towards Eddie and puked a mix of green and black gunk. My face contoured in disgust at the liquid that now covered Eddie.

"Im gonna kill you!!!" Eddie shrieked kicking the clown as hard as he could. The clowns head morphed again this time into Bev's dad.

"Hey Bevvie are you still my-" before he could finish Bev screamed with rage and struck the pole in his mouth. Stepping away, Mr. Marshes face slowly turned back into the clown. I could tell It was struggling to do so which made me glad. The clown was dying as it quickly sped backwards like a frightened child. It was coughing and sputtering its breath coming out in short gasps. It trembled as Bill neared it.

"That's why you didn't kill Beverly, Cause s-s-s-s-she wasn't afraid and we aren't either not anymore. Now you're the one that's afraid, because you're gonna starve." The clown just looked at him before It stood. I thought it wouldn't have any energy left but I was wrong way wrong.

"I will bring you fear b-b-bill" It taunted as it charged straight at me with the little energy it had left. My heart was in my throat as it grabbed me by my shoulders and threw me across the room. I landed against the wall smacking my head on the stone. "Nighty Night Sherry Berry."

"Cheryl!" Black spots lined my vision as my head thumped loudly in my head. My hearing grew fuzzy and faint. The last thing I saw was the clown falling down the well and blurry figures running towards me.

"Cheryl," A voice whispered. I could hear everything around me. Only problem was I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. I was frozen. The air still smelled rotten which made me assume we were still in the sewer.

"I really shouldn't have thrown away my Fanny pack her head is still bleeding pretty bad," How long had I been out for? "Bill can you rip off a piece of your shirt." I heard a slight riping sound and then felt the fabric beging tied tightly around my head.

"Thanks Eds."

"Yeah" I then heard his soft foot steps walk away.

"Well I don't know if you can hear me or not but you were right Georgie is dead. We found his raincoat when the Clown fell down the well." I wanted to wake up and hug him but like I said, I couldn't. "Oh come on Cheryl, please wake up" I felt a couple drops of water fall onto my face. Was he crying? My chest burned with tears that wanted to fall. It was weird, feeling everything but not able to do anything about it. "Cheryl please I dont think I can live without you. My brothers dead and now you're  the only person I truly truly care about." He choked. A fresh burst of adrenaline pumped through my veins and as if it was magic, I sucked in a deep breath and shot up. "Cheryl!"

"Holy fucking shit!" Richie yelled walking over. I was blinking quickly to get used to the bright light of his flashlight. I was sitting up right next to Bill (When I shot up I almost banged into him).

"What the hell did I miss." I asked blankly noticing Ben and Bev holding hands.

"Nothing much" Richie shrugged before pulling us in for a group hug.

A/n One more chapter left guys!

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