Day One

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(This whole Story could have TRIGGERs and maybe sexual scenes, where lemons occur.)

Your POV

I throw the ball at the wall, it bouncing on and off of the wall to the floor, and back to me. Jail, prison is extremely boring. every girl here is pretty much gay now. My roomie isn't that much either, they have quite a liking to me, but I don't let them touch me. I groan, as the ball ends up rolling under my 'Bed'.

"Oops." My roomate Sarah says, and I look over, as she shrugs. 

She wears the same thing as everyone else, a orange outfit, her blonde hair is tied up and she has these green eyes that If I were gay, I wouldn't keep my eyes off them. In all honesty, behind that happy smile she gives, kind looks and adorable gazes, She's an absolute nightmare. Not saying she's annoying either. InpPrison for the rest of her life for kidnapping and murdering over ten children and men. I'm kinda happy she likes me. Even if killing children is a bit to far, I'd rather have someone like her liking me then hating me.

"Yeah, Okay." I say, and I sit down casually, and a guard walks over, knocking on the cell. 

"(L/N)." I look over at the officer. "We have word from a TV show host, who wants to be in contact with you."

A TV show host? Please.

"I'd rather not, thank you."

"You kinda don't have a choice, ma'am."

"Fuck you." I snap, and he shakes his head a little.

"You'll be having an interview with him on TV tomorrow." He says, then leaving.

I groan and I sit down.

"Seriously? You're mad because of that?!" I look at Sarah.

"I don't want to be on some TV show, probably and idiotic fucking one at that."

"I would go in a heartbeat!" She yips. "You're lucky, y'know?" 

"Why don't I just give you my place? I don't wanna go, you do, win win." I say, shrugging.

"I don't think it's gonna work like that, (Y/N)."

"Sure it could. Just change your looks a bit and look more like me."

"Wow great, perfect, yeah." Sarah rolls her eyes. "It isn't gonna work like that." Sarah says, looking at me. "You should really go though. It'll be great for a lot of the people here to see someone like you, pretty much the legend here to be on TV."

"Me? A legend? HERE?" my brow furrows as I smirk. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, you don't know?" Sarah moves down a bit onto the ground, across from me. "You've done close to everything. You've killed people, sold drugs, kidnapped even at some points, stolen, you could know what everyone else was talking about if they talked to you."

"Why would I care if people wanted to talk to me? Inside jokes? Ha, inside jobs?" 

Sarah giggles a bit. "You wouldn't, but just remember a lot of people are jealous of you. They couldn't get as far as you did. They got caught to early."

"It'd be cool if I didn't get caught in the first place, y'know?"

"Yeah, that too.. When you're done with you interview, wanna break out with me?" 

"Break out?" 

Sarah stands up, and walks to her poster, and lifts it up, exposing a large hole in the wall, and I smile.

"Sweet." I stand up, walking over and looking in. "When were you doing this?" I ask, poking my head through. This was... Perfect.

"While you were sleeping, when everyone was out. Just every chance I get really."

I look over, and raise my hand up, and she does the same, soon we clap our hands together, performing a high five as I say "Fuck Yeah! I'll totally go with you." I say, as Sarah lowers it back down.

"Yay!" Sarah yips. "Get prepared, we're doing it tomorrow night."

I nod, and I walk to my side of the cell room, and I start moving all of my contraband things into one pile.

(Yeboi Time Skip)

It turns to midnight, and I look through the barred window, looking at the moon.

"It's midnight, Everyone is to be asleep, (Y/N)."

I turn around and I look at the guard I usually talk to, Victor. I would call him a friend in a way, but I don't make friends here. 

"Well, Fuck sleep." I say, look back through the window.

"You have to get up for that interview."

"I don't even want to go to that fuckin' interview Vic. I don't even know the talk show host, the name, it's like you're throwing me into somewhere-- I don't even know where I'll be."

"The TV show is known as Warfstache, the TV Show known as Wilford Warfstache."


"He seems like he would be, but I'm sure you might like him. During his interviews he has this thing where he kills the person he talks to. Of course it's just edits."

I pause, and I look back over. "...Edits? Can I see these edits? I don't want to have to act like I'm dying."

If they aren't really edits, imagine this is their sick joke of a way of executing me. This'll be fun.

"No, (Y/N). You get to bed." 

I sigh, a kind of groan as I stand up and walk to the 'bed' I sleep on.

"Fuck you Vic."

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He says, before walking away from my cell door, as I look up and stare at the ceiling.

My mind races through the possibilities, on what the guy looks like, what he'll be like.

Killing people on TV ay? Huh, wow. He seems interesting.

At some point I fall asleep.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now