Day 20

362 16 8

(Skip Five days)

I wake up in the usual bed, and come downstairs as the usual, same everyday stuff, as I enter the kitchen. 

"..Ay, Wilfor--" I pause, he isn't in the kitchen as he usually is. 

I look around for a moment, and I walk back out the door way of the kitchen. "Wil?!" I yelp, and not a reply. "...Maybe I woke up late.. Or he isn't home." I say to myself, and I check the clock on my phone.

Nine Am

Yeah, he's home. And damn it's early.

I head back upstairs, and I walk through the hall, and knock on the door of his bedroom.

"Hey, Wil?" I ask out, but there's only grumbling in an upset voice on the other side. I sigh a bit, and I bring my head closer to the door. "Can I come in?"

"I'm SLEEPING.." He yells out.

"Is that a no?"

He groans really loudly as I hear shuffling out of his bed and footsteps to his door. Soon, the door opens and Will looks down at me, his hair is messy and such as well as his eyes are tired. 


"I wanted to see if you were okay?"

He frowns and reaches up, rubbing his eyes a bit, grumbling softly to himself. "..That's kind of you..." He says, and just turns around and walks back over to his bed, and trips himself into it.

"...Well okay then." I say, taking a step in. 

I turn on the light, and as I do Wilford hisses at the sight, and grabs his pillow, and puts it over his face. 

"Wil you gotta get up anyways." I say, walking over and shoving him a bit hardly, but not too hard.


"You gotta get up and go to work." I say.

"What's the point?" He whines. "I'm just gonna go there everyday and get criticized by Kathryn, and nothing makes sense. It hasn't for years now, and sure that's beautiful but my GOD it gets tiresome.."

I frown, ignoring his complaint. I try hardly to pull him off of the bed, but eventually he stands up, and uses me to lean on.

I cough a bit, holding him up so he doesn't fall onto the ground.

"Jeez the hell is up with you?" I say, he's slowly getting heavier but I just keep him up anyways, no matter how heavy he is, I've carried bigger in all honesty. 

He simply grumbles and cages me into a hug. At some point I lay him back down onto the bed.

"Are you always like this?" I ask, and he frowns at the ceiling. 

"Fuck off.." He mumbles at me before he turns his head away.

"Do you need coffee?" I ask, and he turns to me, opening his eyes as they where closed this whole time.

"..We don't have any of that."

"We will when I steal some from starbucks."

"Nooo.." He whines. "I don't wanna be left aloOoone."

Jesus, he's a real baby today..

I groan a bit. "Whhhyyy?" I whine back, and he reaches up to me.

"Cause I'm UPset... Downset cause I don't feel up."

"Well suck it up and get ready for work." I say, grabbing his arms and trying to pull him up, but instead he just tugs me down, trapping me into an embrace. "Mother fucker." I say, I can tell he's half asleep, so he probably doesn't know what he's doing, but you'd think somehow he'd be woken up by now.

"Dude let me go." I hiss, trying to push myself away, but I soon just give up and lay there as he falls back to sleep.

There's a pause, before I think of a few things.

"Wilford, I'm gonna eat all your candy." Nothing. "...OH MY GOD IT'S ABE--" (These events are placed after Wilford "Mother Loving" Warfstache so the name is coming up to him in a more fluid speed, and he knows Abe isn't himself.)

He springs up from the bed, bringing him with me as he hugs me a bit tightly. I laugh at how shocked he got, and he lets me go once he realized I lied. 

"You fucker." He hisses at me, as I laugh a bit more, bringing my hands to my stomach.

"You should see the look on your face!" I yelp, and he shoves me lightly.

"I thought-- How DARE you deceive me!" He yells, and I can't help but laugh more.

Suddenly he pulls me back into another hug, holding me a bit closely, which I stop laughing. I pause for a moment before hugging him back.

"Are you okay? You're acting a lot.. You're acting odd. More odd." I say. 

"You just scared me, of course I'm acting odd--"

"No, even before hand."

"I was half asleep."

"What were you upset about?"

"The dream I had, don't worry about it."

"Is that all you're gonna tell me to do? Not worry? 'Cause you saying that is just gonna make me worry more."

Wilford looks down at me and frowns, then letting me go. "..I'm gonna call in sick today, they'll just put on a rerun." He says, and walks over to his nightstand, where he put his phone.

"You don't need to do that.. But I get it." I say, and He picks up his phone.

He tells them he's sick, like he said, and I leave the bedroom, heading downstairs. I decide to make breakfast today. At some point he comes downstairs, and notices me cooking. 

"...What are you doing?"

"I'm making breakfast today."


"'Cause you need to sit down and explain why you're sad."

"That's not happening." Wilford says, walking over and looking down at the french toast I'm making. "Excuse me, I'll finish up."

"Nope." I say, keeping my ground as he tries to move me for a moment, but then stops.

"Come on, you're my guest--"

"And you're 'Sick'." I say, looking up at him, raising my brows at him, him frowning at me.

"That was a lie, move--"

"Nopppee." I whine, and I move my hand into his face.


"YOU HAVEN'T HAD MY COOKING." I scream back, and suddenly he grabs me by the shoulders and pins me to the wall.

I let out a slight gasp as I look up at him, a little shocked. He scowls at me.

"..I'm cooking--"

"Nope, you can't intimidate me out of cooking Warftrash--"

"Would you STOP calling me that!?"

"Fite me boi." I snarl, and he stares.

"..." He stays quiet until he lets me go, and grabs a kitchen knife immediately, me crouching down as he stabs it into the wall where my head would be, and I leap forward, tackling him down onto the ground, him pulling the kitchen knife out of the wall as he hits the ground. He grunts softly upon hitting the floor, I pin his wrists to the ground, sitting up a little on top of his torso. He glares up at me as growls. I laugh at his anger.

"Sorry, did I beat you?" I say, and he growls a little more.

"Fuck off."

"Nope." I say. "I'm gonna say I w--"

Suddenly he pushes me off to the side, and pins me onto my back, and grabbing my wrists, after setting the kitchen knife down to the side. 

"You asshoe I won." I say, and he shakes his head.

"Nope. I did--"

"Nooooooooo." I whine, shaking my head back and forth. 

"Yes I did--"


We start talking over each other about who won, I would do the same thing Wil did but he's a guy, and he's like one hundred fifty pounds or something? Hell if I know. I can hold him up from collapsing, yeah but I can't SHOVE him off of me very easily, especially in this position. Suddenly he shushes me, and I end up quieting down.

"...I won."

"NO--" He cuts me off, leaning forward and his lips colliding with mine. 

My eyes widen a little, but then they flutter closed and I kiss him back, his grip on my wrists loosen as he brings his hands onto my sides, and I wrap my arms around him. At some point, he breaks the kiss and pulls himself up a little, looking down at me as I look back up at him.

"...Well that was unexpected." I say, biting my lip a little as he looks off.

"...U-Uhm.. Yeah, sorry." He sounds like he's embarrassed, which is odd for him, seeing as I can't see him feeling embarrassed. 

He picks himself up off of me, getting onto his feet as he helps me up off the ground as well. I pause in front of him and look up at him, in which he simply looks away.

"..Wil, Don't be--" I pause, as I smell the scent of smoke. 

I look over at the food I, ME NOT WILFORD ME was cooking, and I gasp. "FAK." I run over and pick up the pan, I was also cooking eggs other then french toast. "WILFO--"

Wilford takes the pan and Frisbee's it through the window. I stare at the broken window, and I look at Wil.


"The house isn't gonna catch on fire now. The neighbors are."


Wilford chuckles a bit, then turning around and walking off. I stare, and I look back down at the French toast I'm making, my mind going back to that.. Moment. I can tell himself is shook over the idea he did that (SHOOK), and I'll talk to him about it, After breakfast.

(After breakfast-SHOOK)

Of course we ate in silence, and he sits on the couch watching the rerun they put on for him.

"God, they put THIS one on?" He grumbles to himself, me then walking over to sit by him. 

I look at the TV, it seems oddly old, he's talking to... A phone.

"..Dude you're talking to a phone--"

"I knoww." He says, and that's when I reach over for the remote, and turn off the TV. "Hey!" He yips, and I turn to him.

"Wilford, we need to talk." 

He holds his breath for a moment, before taking in a deep breath and turning away. "...I don't want--"

"You're the one who kissed me, face the consequences." I say, and I turn my body towards him. "...Was it just the moment?" I ask.

"Sure let's go with that--"


He grumbles to himself as he locks his fingers together.

"...Talk about it to me. You're going to be my guest, I'm the talk show host this time. Now, Wilford... Why did you kiss (Y/N)?" I ask, tilting my head to the side in hopes this'll make him feel better. 

He turns back to look at him, and he simply frowns at me. "(Y/N), I just--"


He stares and turns away, mumbling something inaudible.

"..I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Can you say that louder--"

"I LOVE YOU OKAY." He yells, taking a childish tone as he looks away from me.

I pause, I was expecting this But I didn't think he'd have such a hard time saying it.

"...Alright, that's all you had to say--"

"Just don't leave me be." He says, turning back over to me, in which I give him a confused look.

"...What do you mean?"

"...Celine, she disappeared out of no where... After she, Damien and.. A few other friends played a prank on me, All of them left, except one... All of them... Even Celine.." He looks back forward, and I stare at him.

Well, that's depressing.

"...I promise I won't leave you, how about that?"

"..No I'm sorry, If you don't like me then I get it."

"Jesus Christ are you like depressed or something?" I ask, then reaching over and hugging him tightly, which I can tell he didn't expect. "I love you too." I say sternly, and there's a pause before he wraps his arms back around me, nuzzling his face into my hair.

I move my head to his chest, listening to his heart beat go a little bit quicker then usual, as he holds me there, unable to move which I don't mind. I move a little closer to suit his needs, and we stay there, for about ten minutes before he says something.

"...Does this mean you'll be sleeping in my bedroom taking half the bed?"

"I mean, if you want--"

"Yeah." Wilford nods, and I giggle softly, tilting my head up and into the crook of his neck.

"...I love you." Wilford grumbles.

"...I love you too."

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora