Day 22

366 14 4

I wake up to the sound of movement, and this time I'm alone in the bed. I groan a little and I sit up, then looking around. It seems different, like things have been moved around a bit more. I take a step out of the bed, stretching a bit before looking around a bit more. I notice everything is pretty different. He's put my things in here, given me a nightstand, a dresser.. A new phone even on my nightstand. I reach over and look at the perfect screen, not a crack.

"...Jeez..." I say quietly, and I open it, of course I do all the things that you have to do first, and after I put it into my pocket.

I leave the bedroom, the hallway seems normal. I walk downstairs, and I look over into the kitchen, to see Will making breakfast as the.. Usual. I notice the picture of his... Wife? Celine, is gone. Just off the wall. I walk into the kitchen and over to Wilford, and I cage him into my arms as my hello, in which he jumps a little, then hugging me back with one arm.

"..Hey." He says, paying attention to cooking, but mostly to me.

"Hi Willy."

He groans a little, and I giggle softly. I lean up and I kiss his jawline softly, and he stops groaning, only grumbling now.

"What are you making today?" I ask, and I look down at the MAKING OF THE FOOD MMMMYESMMMM (I like food).

"Well, I'm trying.. Bacon..." He says a little quiet during the end. "..I mean I was thinking we try eating candy for breakfast. Or ice cream."

I giggle softly. "Yeah that sounds nice.. I mean I don't mind bacon."

"Alright, then tomorrow we're eating sweets for breakfast." Wilford says, before leaning down and kissing my forehead softly. "Go sit down at the table." 

I then let him go, and walk over to the table, and sit down in the usual place, kind of a tic for me now to sit down in this spot and be upset over the don't worry situations. Even though he hasn't mentioned something like a Don't worry situation yet. After a bit, he walks over and sets a plate down, bacon of course, and eggs(ILIKEGGS). The casual cliche breakfast.

"..Say Will, I saw what you did to our room today." I say, and I look at him, in which he smiles.

"..Yeah, I mean if we'll be sharing a bedroom then your things should be in there too."

"That's SWEET of you." (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) 

Wilford looks up at me and smiles. "..Thank you." He grumbles a little. "...I just thought you wouldn't have COTTON so quickly." (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) 

"Well at least you got that CAN-DY attitude." (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

"Well I have my REESES." ( ლ (́ ◉ ◞ ౪ ◟ ◉‵ ლ )

"While with that kind attitude of yours you could be a LIFE SAVER." ( ლ (́ ◉ ◞౪ ◟ ◉ ‵ ლ )

I giggle softly. "I love you so much.. Nothing CANE come in between us." (̸ ̸ლ̸ ̵(̷ ̸◉̸ ̵◞̷౪̷ ̷◟̴ ̸◉̸ ̴‵̴ ̷ლ̵ ̶)̶
Wilford lets out a soft sigh as he smiles SWEETly. "...I love you to, If I could I would send you.. KISSES." (WILFRED'S DEAD)


(The author screams the rest of the story, while the story itself keeps going.)

"Why don't you come here and give me them then?" I say, stopped the pun war even though they should continue anyways. (Fite me pun haters)

He chuckles a bit. "While you're over there on the other side of the table--"

I stand up, and go to the side of the table and I push it out of the way, and then I sit back down in my seat. Wilford pauses, staring at his food which is still on the table, but now off to the side, then looking at me. "...This is why I love you."

I giggle softly and I reach over, my arms close to reaching him. "Then love me." I say, and he nods.

"Okay." He grabs my hands, and pulls me towards him, pulling me out of the chair, and I stumble forward into him, him of course catching me into his arms, and then hugging me tightly. 

I giggle softly as I move into a comfortable position on his legs; In his lap, facing him of course. I pull back a bit and I look at his face for a moment, before leaning in and kissing him softly, him of course kissing me back. I usually am not affectionate so this is odd for me, but I'm doing it. I wrap my arms around him as he moves his hands onto my waist, gripping only slightly so I don't exactly fall back. He puts his thumb into the line of my pants a bit, and I pause, and pull out of the kiss, and look at him. He looks back at me and smirks a little.

"...I've gotta go to work soon, so we can't do this." Wilford says, and I frown a little, my plans of stopping him in the middle of the best part and making him anxious the rest of the day are dying like the soul of the author  (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) (In memory of Wilfred)

"...That's okay, I didn't want to go any further with it anyways. It wasn't HAHT enough."

There's a pause, as his smirk fades. (Oof chaos bean is sensitive all of a sudden because I say so.)
(And prolly the thing yesterday.)

"...What do you mean, it wasn't hot enough?"

"I dunno, It just wasn't good enough for me." I say, shrugging a little. 

I can see the upset feeling in his eyes. "...Well," He says this through his teeth. "What could I do to be better...?"

"I'd rather not talk about this now." I say, leaning forward and kissing his nose softly before standing up off of him. "I'm gonna get ready for my own job. Love ya." I say, and without another word I leave the kitchen, leaving him probably uneasy, as I intended.

I head upstairs, and to our bedroom.. It's awkward saying 'our' now..

I walk in and I prepare myself, getting ready for what I do best.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now