Day 5

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It's been about three days since we broke out, me and Sarah made our hide out in the forest, Sarah died her hair to pitch black, but I decided otherwise. Life needs madness, and that's what I want. I walk into the store, wearing a hat that makes me less noticeable, and that's when I notice the TV. Wilford Warfstache is on the other side of the screen, talking about... Me?

"You heard it here folks! (Y/N) (L/N) has broken out of prison and is on the loose!" He yelps, then leaning back into his seat. "I, in all honesty and quite impressed, that someone could manage to get out of one of the highest, securest, prison's of all time. Say, Victor, how do you feel?"

The man he's talking to, Victor sits in the other seat. "I feel... Pissed, I mean I can't really feel any different."

"Right, you're a police officer." Wilford grumbles, sitting up in good posture. "Say, you're one of the few people that actually was able to talk, to (Y/N). What was your relationship like?"


"Well, you're the only male--"

"Hell no." Victor shakes his head, leaning back into the seat. "That's against the rules, plus, at this moment, I mostly want her dead--"

"No no no~" Wilford shakes his head with his finger. "This, (Y/N), mastermind is far too smart for you to execute, clearly." He says, even though it was mostly Sarah, but he doesn't know that. "Besides, I've taken a liking to this person."

"A liking? How in the hell can you like someone such as (Y/N), unless you where also a sick fuck."

"Well, you can say I technically am, It is the same thing that Abe said about me actually," He laughs a bit.

"...W-Whatever, just, show her photo on the TV screen and I'm out."

Wilford shakes his head. "Like I said, a liking. I'm hoping she doesn't end up back, and lives on as a criminal, she has the right attitude for it. I'm not showing her photo."


Suddenly a knife sinks into Victor's gut, and he coughs.

"No No No~" Wilford coos,stabbing Victor over and over, Victor coughing out blood and soon his head rolls back.

Okay Yeah, that's not fucking editing.


I arrive back into the forest, and into me and Sarah's little hide out. "Hey, Sarah." I say, and she looks over, with a smile on her face.

"Hey! Did you get anything?"

"I decided to be sneaky today and rob small things from the gas station and the grocery store." I say, dumping out a long of bags filled with suckers or dum dums, candy in general.

"Sweet!" (PUNSSSS) She walks over, reaching down and picks up a bag. She stands up straight, and rips off the top.

"Oh, right. You know that guy I was on TV with about a few days ago?" I ask, and she looks up at me.


"He mentioned me on TV, fucking killed Victor."

She gasps, on of her hands going onto her chest. "Really?" She asks, and I nod. "Wow!" She yips, a grin on her face. 

"I know, it all happened on camera too."

"He got away with it?"

I nod. "People think it's editing." 

"..Well, Don't you think the prison is gonna notice? He's gonna get caught.."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, I mean in all the other ones he's probably killed SO many other people, more important people."

"You're right.. Hey, I caught a rabbit." She says, and motions to the dead rabbit in the corner. "You wanna have dinner tonight?"

I stare, and slowly shake my head. "Uh, No not exactly." I say. "But thanks for asking."

"Your loss." She says, shrugging before walking over and picking it up by it's feet.

I sigh softly, and sit down beside the wall, tree beside me. I don't know why, but all my thoughts are revolving around Will. Why was he even attempting to keep my protected of some sort, as if he knows things about me? Like a friend wise, maybe more then I myself know.

At some point I end up falling asleep.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now