Day 23

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Today I wake up once again before Will, but he's laying down on the other side of the bed. I move out slowly, and I leave the bedroom. I head downstairs and to the kitchen, and I make only breakfast for him quickly, before he wakes up, and I set it down on the table before leaving the house with a duffel bag full of drugs. 

Today I had a huge, early sell so I had to be out sooner then usual, of course Will's gonna panic and call me, I know him, but that'll be fine. I wear my hat, making me hardly able to be seen as I hold my duffel bag on my shoulder, then entering the darker, messier part of the town, city I guess. Graffiti, trash, used condoms all over the ground... Yeah this is where I belong, criminals everywhere and such.

I tilt my head down a little more, glancing around for a moment as I keep walking. In all honesty I should've expected I'd have to go to an address here. Suddenly, my phone rings, as I expected, but I answer it as I'm worried it'd bring attention to, muggers.

I bring it up to my ear. " 'Ello?" I ask, walking down the sidewalk.

"(Y/N)!" He yips. "Where are you? Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm off making a sell, don't worry."


I pause.

Oh, right...

"Well, now you know how I feel when you tell me not to worry--"


"Well you tell me not to worry, and now I tell you not to and you worry. Boom, you're worrying." 

He stammers a little, his voice turning upset and angry after a moment of mumbling nonsense. "Wh-Whatever! Just tell me you're safe?"

"I'm safe, I'm alright."


"...Yeah, so scary. Oh wow what's that? A gun? Aaah." I sound sarcastic, and he grumbles on the other side of the phone.

"Don't mock me." He mumbles, close to inaudible, but I hear it. 

"How about I mock you anyways." I say, and I step up to the door. "Alright, I have to go. Love you." I say.

"I love you too." He replies, before I hang up straight afterwards.

For a cocky guy with a high self esteem, he's really.. clingy? He worries a lot I guess.

I step inside, making sure I have my gun ready, in hopes I don't run into another Sarah, or Abe situation. I walk into the first room, The furniture is, as expected, either not there or destroyed, and the windows are boarded up.

"Knock Knock." I say out loud, but there is to no answer. "..I'm here with the 'medication', come out; come out wherever you are." I coo, like a complete idiot is what I mock.

A pause, and I shrug.

"Hm, I guess they aren't here yet." I say, then walking over and leaning my back against the wall, and setting the bag down to my side on the floor, and I cross my arms, letting out a soft sigh.

I should've expected this, no one could've woken up so early for this situation. Especially not a druggy. If I have to wait another hour I'm out, and maybe I'll get back at the people who made me wait... I don't like waiting.

After around five minutes, the front door opens, and I look over, ready to fire until some weird, sketchy male walks over.. Male... Black hair, oddly red bloodshot eyes, hell even his eyes simply look red, walks over.

"..Henry." I his, and I sit up straight. 

I'm about to pull my gun, but then he motions me to stop.

"(Y/N) please. Hear me out."

I pause, Henry's always been the sad one, he's the weak one of course, a kid technically, Seventeen, he doesn't know what he's doing.

"Try anything you're dead." I hiss, moving my hand away from my gun for now, and crossing my arms. "I never expected I'd be selling to you."

"...I-I... I didn't come here to buy."

I pause, and my eye brows furrow angrily. (EYEBROWNSFROW) "What? So I came here for nothing?"

"L-Listen, it's about Andy." Henry manages to cough it out.

"What about him? Andy's dead."

"...N-No, he showed up yesterday.."

"Dude, you have to be hallucinating." I say. "Why would I believe you anyways? You're just trying to get me paranoid."

"I-I'm trying to be nice! Andy came yesterday, and-and he said he was going to come for you, and.. W-Wilford?"

...He didn't even hear Wilford's name...Can I really believe Henry though?

I squint my eyes at him and walk over, and he takes a few steps back before hitting the wall, and I stand in front of him. "You're not lying to me, are you?" I growl at him, and his eyes widen as he shakes his head.

"N-NO! I promise!"

I glare at him a bit, his eyes twitch, but I can tell he's being honest. I've always found it easy to find out if people were lying or not, I just.. Kinda can see it, It's one of my favorite things about me.

"..Alright. What did Andy say he was gonna do?" I ask, and Henry shakes his head.

"..Hurt I guess?"

"...Well thanks for telling me." I say, turning around and walking to my duffel bag.

"W-Wait!" I pause, and look at Henry who twiddles his fingers together. "..Can I get a pound?"

And we soon make a deal, me getting my well deserved money.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now