Day 7

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I click the magazine into the pistol and pull down my mask, and I look at Sarah who does the same.

"So the Wells Fargo bank, you say?" I ask, and she nods lightly.

"Yup! We're robbing that."

I smile, and I jump a little. "My GOD it's been so long! I can't wait!" I yelp, I'm actually pretty excited about this, and she giggles softly. 

"Me neither! I've never actually done this so you gotta help me through, please?"

I nod. "Sure, you are after all the one who got me out of prison."

I say, before walking out of our hideout, and she follows. At some point we reach the edge, and hijack a car that surprisingly seemed like it was waiting there for us.

You're welcome.

I pause, as the car starts up and Sarah sits down in the passenger seat. She turns to look at me, and my shocked expression is pretty noticeable.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" She asks.

I shake my head a little. "I'm fine." I say, it was probably my imagination.

I start driving down the road.


We arrive, and I fix up my mask a little, and I look at Sarah. "You ready?" I ask.

She nods a bit, with a smile on her face. "Eek! Yes!" She says excitably, and I step out of the car after grabbing a duffel bag.  Me and Sarah run to the door, and as we reach I kick them open and aim, popping the bullet into the officer before he could even move.


The people inside scream, and Me and Sarah aim over.

"GET THE FUCK ON THE GROUND! ON YOUR KNEES!" Sarah screams, her voice is a lot more intimidating this way, and everyone, even the one child in there does the same. I remember the child, and how Sarah has killed those. I lean over.

"Don't hurt the kid, Sarah. Please?" I mumble, and she glances at me with a disappointed look on her face and back forward, as she stomps over. I follow aiming my gun at everyone. "SS," I call her by her code name. "Keep watch on these fuckers, they stand up don't hesitate." I say, and I slide across the counter to the other side, shoving the person over to all the hostages, over the counter so they don't have any secret buttons to the police station.

I walk through a few halls, and I reach the door, then tapping in the code Sarah somehow knew. The door slowly opens, and I take a step back, setting the duffel bag in front of me a bit. I walk in once opened, and I grab as much as I can, throwing it in.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Sarah call out, and then the sound of police sirens.


"COMING!" I yell, and I bolt out after filling the duffel bag. 

I leap over the counter, hitting someone a bit before running towards the door, with Sarah following. We bolt out the door, about to run to our get away ride until we notice the police cars blocking off our path. I am, and I shoot at the standing officers, my bullets hitting one in the forehead, he's not making it out of that.


I hear a whistle to me and Sarah's right, a pink car and.. Wilford, popping his head out the window. He waves a big grin on his face.

Fucking Hell.

"SS c'mon!" I yip, grabbing her arm and running with her to his car.

We jump into the back, and as soon as we're inside Wilford steps on it, and the car drives through the street, one bullet shooting through the back window.

"Those pieces of shit." Wilford hisses, pulling out a revolver and shooting out the window as me and Sarah sit up, and I reach and close the door. "It took me five minutes to get this fuckin' car."

"WHO THE FUCK IS HE!?" Sarah yells at me, and I put my hands up.

"Don't fucking look at me like I did anything! He just fucking showed up!"



"WHAT!?" Sarah and I bicker and yell at eachother for a moment.

"You two need to lighten up," We pause as Wilford says, looking back at us with his sadistic grin, before popping his head back out and shooting back at the following police cars. "You see, I lost a friend after fighting, I'm pretty sure he's still around though. Damien, was his name. After our final talk, final fight." 

I listen as Wilford starts talking about this whole story about Damien being the mayor, and he(Wil) had a wife named Celine, but that's when Wilford stops talking, like it upsets him I roll down my window and start doing the same as Wilford, Sarah moving to the front and on the other side of Wilford.

I pop a few tires on a lot of the cars, and I point up at the sudden helicopter.

"JESUS FUCKIN' CHRIST." Sarah yells, as bullets come raining down.

"Yah, This is the fun part." I snicker, bringing both arms out the door and aiming up.. Focus.

I hardly listen to anyone else as I focus my pistol up, and then I shoot the bottom, the gas tank explodes under the helicopter and it comes down. I hear Wilford laughing hysterically as it crashes into the building of TV news.


"Aren't you a murderer though?" I ask, pulling myself back in and Wilford glances forward, then jolting the car so we don't hit the building in front of us.

"Well NO. Everyone comes back eventually." Wilford yelps, now focusing on driving his car. He takes a few sharp turns, down allies even, and at some point we actually lose them. He pulls into an underground road part of the city, and falls back into the seat he sits in, and starts laughing.

"The fuck are you laughing at? We could've just died!" Sarah snaps, looking over as I lean forward into the front.

"Give him a break, he saved our asses." I say, and Wilford lets out a few final chuckles, turning his head over.

"Happy to help."

Sarah frowns and pouts, turning her head to the side as she crosses her arms. 

I let out a soft sigh and turn to Wilford. "When she isn't so mad about it I'll ask her about taking up your offer--"

"What offer?" She looks back over as Wilford sits up in good posture. 

"I have a free room back at my building--"

"Oh fuck that." 

"Sarah c'mon, I know you're mad but think about it. We were gonna get caught, put back in prison but then Wilford showed up. Be grateful." I say, and she frowns at me.

"You really trust this guy?"

"Well he just carried the team."

Sarah gives Wilford a sickening glare, then smiles. "Sure, I wouldn--"

"No killing Wilford."

"FUCK." Sarah groans as she leans back, and Wilford can't help but laugh. "We're not doing that."

"You're not." I say, and she looks at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't like sleeping out in the cold Sarah, out in the forest. Remember the bear we saw? Yeah I don't want to be that guy's food."

Sarah stares, feeling betrayed as she frowns a bit more. "F-Fine, I'll live with this guy."

I smile softly. "Thank you Sarah. Wanna grab our thing--" 

"No, just.. Just go to your place." She says to Will, turning away and putting in her seat belt.

Wilford then starts up the car, and we head out of the ground street.


We arrive back at a different place. "I thought the building's basement." I say.

"Yeah well I remembered you're not aloud to see that stuff either." Wilford says, taking a step out of his pink, bullet covered car.  Me and Sarah get out as Wilford gives it a frown. "Oh come on, Now I'll have to get a new one."

"That's what you get Wil." I say, walking past him and brushing my shoulder past him as I do. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Not as right as I always am though." Wilford says, then following me and Sarah into the house. 

He turns on the light and there's glitter pretty much everywhere, but not EVERYWHERE everywhere, there are some places, like the TV screen and the floor. Alright maybe not everywhere. But on the couch a bit and some of the pictures he has of himself, and one picture that is covered with a blanket.

"..You could take the guest room if you two want." Wilford says, he doesn't sound to proud of himself for offering.

I turn and I look over at him. "Really?" I ask, and Sarah simply starts walking around the house as if she owned it.

"Yeah.." He grumbles, and I smile. 

"Where is that? I'm pretty sure we need a tour." I say, and he looks up at me. 

"Sure, yeah." He says, and he walks up the stairs, and soon I follow. 

He shows me the door to his room, and to the bathroom, and then walks into a room with a large bed in the middle, backed up against the wall.

"I don't really have many people sleeping over, so it could be dusty." Wilford says, and I nod a bit.

"Understandable." I say, and I look at him.

He looks at me and and when he does I simply turn around and yell through the door. "Sarah! Come up here! The Guest Bedroom is sexy!" I yell.

"Yup in a second!" Sarah yells, and there's running up the stairs.

At some point she walks over, and into the room. "..Woah, cool." She says, her grouchy upset mood disappearing as she walks further in and sits on the bed.

"I know!- Uh, Thanks Wil." I say, looking back at Wilford, and I notice he's been staring at me.

He shakes his head a little. "N-No problem." He says, and leaves the room quickly.

"Jeez, what's his problem?" I ask, noticing his odd behavior as I look back at Sarah, who is oddly glaring at the door.

"No problem at all. Come here." She says, and so I do. 

Suddenly she pulls me down onto the bed, and wraps her arms around me.

Top ten reasons how I can tell she's gay.

I groan a little. "End me." I say. 

She giggles softly, and lets me go, turning away. "Goodnight." She says, as I lay there casually.

"...Night." I say, looking away, and only eventually falling into slumber.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon