Day 6

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I walk down the sidewalk, wearing my hat as I stuff my hands into my hoodies pockets. I glance around a bit, hoping I don't see Andy or Henry, or possibly Chris. I don't know what happened to Chris, but.. He's gone I think. Suddenly, a familiar car drives down the street, Henry's car.

"Shit." I hiss, and I hop into the ally beside me, and hide against the wall. 

I hope they didn't see me..

The car drives past, I pause as it goes past my ally, and on the other side of the street. I let out a soft, relieved sigh, and I leave the wall. I'm about to leave, until suddenly arms wrap around my from behind, one covering my mouth and holding my arms to my sides. I scream muffled as I feel them pull me back, as I kick and try to hit them, but oddly they're stronger then I and have kept my head to their chest. They shush me, but I don't calm. 

"(Y/N), Stop." I pause, and I open my closed eyes and look up, calming down when I notice it's Wilford.

He lets me go and I jump forward a little, then looking behind me.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" I yelp, as I walk over and shove him hardly, and he takes a small step back.

"I wanted--"

"No, Shut the fuck up before that pretty pink mustache of yours is a fucking decoration."

His brow furrows angrily. "Listen here, missy. I don't like your attitude," He walks over, I take a step back but I stand my ground. "You better watch your mouth." He snaps at me.

He pauses, and stands directly in front of me, and I glare up at him. "Or what? You stab my fuckin' guts out? Try me."
"Tch," Wilford reaches over to the other side of himself, and once I see his knife I grab his wrist, and put my other hand to his chest and shove him into the wall, him letting out a pained grunt.

He moves his legs up and kicks me off of him, me stumbling back to the other side of the ally as he pulls his knife out of it's sheath, as I catch myself. He swings at me, me ducking down and hitting my hand hardly into his side, and he grunts once again, me hitting him so hard that he falls onto the ground, his free hand reaching to his side as I stumble up to stand straight. I giggle softly.


I feel my feet being kicked out from under me as I fall onto my back, onto the ground, a pained grunt escaping my throat as Will reaches back over, before he could seep the blade into my chest I catch him by the wrist, and practically a minute long fight before I shove him back, rolling over ontop of him and stealing the blade of his hands.

Before I stab him, he grabs me by the collar of my hoodie and shoves my forward, toppling over me as he follows with me, once again me being on my back. There's a fight a who gets the knife for a moment, before Will pauses.

"Wait, why are we even fighting?" He asks, and looks down at me.

Come to think of it, Wilford's never done me any wrong..

"Uh, cause you're a weak big bitch baby?"

"Well who's on top here?" 

I look down, just now noticing the very sexual position and I frown, my face lighting up with blush as I look back at his face. 

"Fuck you." I hiss.

"I mean if you want--"

"NO!" I yip, and I shove him off my me, then getting back onto my feet and throwing his knife to the side, seeing as I got it. Wilford stands back up, brushing the dirt and dust off of his pants, shirt and suspenders. I sigh softy and bring one of my hands to my face. "Jesus fucking christ.." I say quietly to myself, and I look up at Wilford who's retrieving his knife.

"Well, that was fun." Wilford exclaimed, making a pop sound with his lips as the knife slides back into the sheath on his side, and walks up to me. As the usual he gets uncomfortably close, but I stand my ground. I look down, we're practically only an inch away from each other.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" I snap, looking back up at him as he brings his hands up.

"Sheesh you could've just said I was to close." He takes a step back.

"Fuck off, I don't roll that way." I say, and I glance over to where I saw the car. "What were you doing here anyways? Were you fucking following me?" I look back over.

"Uhm, this is my building." Wilford points up, and I look up as well, his bill board right above us.

"...Oh, right." I say, looking back down at him.

He gives me this weird grin as he wiggles a little. "Wanna come inside? I have some more of that popcorn.."

"Well, Thank you but no. I've got my cellmate back at our hide out--"

"Cellmate? You didn't tell me you had once of those." Wilford says. 

I roll my eyes. "Why would I? How could I even trust you anyways?"

"Well, true.. I guess that takes down my question on whether or not you wanna stay in the basement of my building."

"Why would I do that?"

"'Cause it's safe, No one's aloud down there for.. Specific reasons, but I could move some things around."

I growl a little. "Yeah, like I was gonna take that offer."

"Well tell me if you ever change your mind." Wilford says.

"I won't." I turn around and start walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"Elsewhere sucknut." 

And before he can say another word, I am out of reach.


ON my way back my mind raced.

Maybe I could trust him? Sure we just got into a fight but I did tell him to 'try me'..

Remembering the position I was in makes me shiver a bit, as i get into our hideout, Sarah made some adjustments.

"Ah, you arrived just in time!" She exclaims, then walking over with a dum dum in her lips. 

She shows me a camera.

"Sweet, where'd you get that from?"

"The photographer at a wedding! I was thinking I myself and go to weddings and make a lot of cashola out of it."

"Cashola?" I ask, and I giggle slightly. "What kind of phrase is that?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"I dunno, I spoke words." She says. "C'mon, you want something to eat?" She asks, and I shrug.

"Sure, I'll try it." I say, and she walks me to a different area.

We eat actual food today.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now