Day 21

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I open my eyes, the first time sleeping in the bed of Wilford. He's been hugging me a lot as of late, probably for his abandonment issues. He's behind me, hugging me pretty tightly, (Speaking of hugging) and it's hard to even move, but I manage turning around and facing him. I look up at his sleeping face, snoring oddly quietly despite how you'd think he'd snore like a pig. I stare at his face before groaning, and placing my forehead onto his chest.

"Wil. Let me go."

He grumbles, only hugging me tighter.

"...Wilford. I can't even breathe stop." I lie, saying this like I'm texting ('Cause people are legit like that). I can breathe.(ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ but for how long no jk)

"Nooo..." He growls. "You promised you wouldn't leave me.." He whines a bit, and I hug him back.

"I'm not leaving you, I just need to go downstairs. Set me free--"

"Noooooooo..." He whines louder, gripping onto the back of my shirt tightly.

I groan a bit. "Fine." I say, and then his grip loosens.

I don't regret letting him into my life as my lover, but I will have to get used to... This.

(He woke)

After half an hour he lets me go, and sits up, stretching his arms to the air. 

"Finally." I say, sitting up and he turns to me, his arms falling to his sides. 


"I couldn't move while you were sleeping, you and your hugs." I say it like it's a bad thing, I get out of the bed, stand up and stretching myself, before walking out of the room, in which Wilford follows quickly.

"Well sorry you were keeping the warmth in the bed."

"Yeah, totally the reason." I roll my eyes as I put my hands in my pockets. "...Say, how about today I cook breakfast without any fights--"

"You don't have to cook breakfast. You're the woman of the house." Wilford starts to walk faster, and past me.

"Dude that's not how it was--"

"Well it's not then now is it? It's 2017, stupid fucking 2017 and your millennial children."

"Dude. You're like Twenty Eight why are you acting like you're fifty."

Wilford walks down the stairs.

"Uhm, Immortality bizz. Don't worry about it." Wilford waves his hand like it's nothing as I stop once I'm inside the living room.

...He's probably just a crazy twenty-eight year old guy who thinks he's immortal...

I nod in agreement to my thoughts, not knowing how honest Wilford was really being. I start walking into the kitchen, and walking over to him who's grabbing the supplies to make EGGS and.. He has mashed potatoes to that's nice.

"You really don't have to make breakfast today Wil."

"Nonsense." He says, looking at me and tapping my nose with an accompanied "Boop", and walking over to the stove. 

I watch him, staring only for a moment before I sigh with a shrug. "...Sure, okay. Can I make--"

"Tomorrow? I got that too. I'll just make breakfast everyday."


"Hush. Sit down." 

I frown and I sit down at the table. I usually argue with Wil about the smallest things.. And this is gonna be one of those small things we'll argue about.


"Hush." He doesn't allow me to speak, until after him cooking he walks over and sets a plate down before me, and one in front of him. I look down, they look close to perfect, like he was actually trying this time other then all the other times, in which I take a bite. I pause, he's always been a great cook, but..

I look up at him. "..What did you put into these eggs?" I ask.

"My Love?"

I shake my head. "..You cheesy bastard."

"I put cheese on there as well to symbolize my cheesiness."

I giggle softly, and he smiles softly, taking his own bites out of his food, but suddenly that smile disappears. I stare up at him, noticing.

"...Say, Wil. Why do you want to make breakfast?"

"'Cause your cooking stinks--"

"You haven't had my cooking."

He tilts his head a bit. "Well, I enjoy doing the cooking in the morning."

"Yeah but what if you're sick--"

"Don't worry about it, I'll pull through. I won't get you sick don't worry."

"..C'mon Wil." I frown, I'm a little understanding at what he's getting at but I don't want that to be the case, that'd just be sad.. But if he keeps this act then I guess that's what he's doing.

"Don't worry about it--"

"There you go again with the not worrying about things--"

"So what are you going to be doing the rest of the day?"

"Wil." He sighs, and looks up at me with this oddly annoyed look.

"I'm just gonna cook everything, you sit back, and relax." He says this through his teeth and I make an odd face at him, which looks odd of course cause that's what odd means odd.



"Hush please."

I pause, as he simply looks down at his food, and takes a few bites. I then frown again.

"...Whatever." I grumble, taking a few of my last bites before I get up and leave the kitchen.

I walk into the living and reach down for the duffel bag I hid under the couch, y'know, the money bags. I pull it into my sight, and zip it open.

"What are you doing?" I stand up with the bag in hand and turn around and look at Wil who's directly behind me, and I'm not really that taken back by it anymore.

"I'm going to buy something, weird I know but sometimes security is to hardcore so yeah."

"Well I could buy it for you--"

"Wil no."

"What if you get hurt? Like Abe or Sarah find you?"

"I'll just have you on the phone then if that'll make you feel any better." I say, and I pull out my cracked and marked phone, and I tap his contact.

Wilford immediately answers, even if I'm right in front of him. "...Okay." He says, he sounds a little uneasy about it, but he'll suck it up.

I lean forward and kiss him onto the lips softly. "I'll be back, Don't worry." I say, and I take about one stack out of the bag and put it into the purse I stole from a lady some other day.

I don't carry purses usually, but y'know. hiding the cash on how much money I have. I leave the house waving at Wil. "Love you." It was odd to say but I said it.

"Love you too!" He says, sounding a little less uneasy. "..Hi." I hear his voice through the phone, and I giggle softly.


Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now