Day 38

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I wear my hoodie up today, walking around with my duffel bag, and for once, my camera. So if people ask, I can actually get a job that I partially enjoy. I mean, taking pictures is so easy. I mean it's probably more complex some how but I could care less, It's not really my job.

I walk down the sidewalk, a little more joyful then usual, gripping the strap on my shoulder lightly as I tilt my head to the side a little. I was thinking about listening to music on my phone, but that'd be distracting and I wouldn't see the danger if it came up. I turn my head to the side every time I see an ally, usually just seeing garbage, and occasionally a couple of people with hoodies, but I wouldn't call them out though.

I glare down at the ground for a moment, and I look back up, turning to my right at the edge of the building. I don't know why but today just feels off so far. I mean, it can't feel like a good day for this long, especially for me. I'm used to days being filled with fighting and such.. Usually cause I start those fights.

I make it home and I walk in, Wilford not being home just yet, but that doesn't matter to me. I walk up to our bedroom and I rummage through my desk, looking around until I find a random pen. I smile, until it there's a loud thump downstairs. 


My first thoughts are, and I drop the pen back down into the drawer, and I leave the bedroom and I walk out into the hallway.

"Wilford?" I yell out, and then there's silence. 

Thinking about it, this can't be Wilford, Wilford would reply. I give a glare at where the top of the stairs is, and I grab onto my pistol, and aim it over. I never expected anyone would try to rob out of this fancy looking house, but here's the day. I walk over, my feet making the quietest thumps, and I stop in my tracks when I hear foot steps coming up the stairs.

I'm ready to pull the trigger, until the tall figure takes a step at the top, and turns to me with a grin. Black hair, blue eyes...

My eyes widen a little.

"A-Andy?" I ask.

So pipsqueak Henry wasn't lying...

"Miss me?" He asks, and puts his hands up as if he were readied for an embrace, but I give him a more stern look and at this point I wouldn't regret it.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for you, why else?"

He takes a step forward, and that's when I pull the trigger, a bullet piercing through his skin, his flesh, his body right into the shoulder. But he hardly moves, it was like the bullet was a light nudge. Andy's grin fades, giving me a pissed betrayed look, as my eyes widen. I don't know why but I feel... Scared? I haven't felt this feeling ever since that moment meeting Dark.

"...You just shot me." Andy says, and then starts to chuckle softly.

"And I'll do it again to-!" I snap, and he starts walking forwards towards me.

I shoot all my bullets, each one piercing several different spots but none do anything, the mood I was in made me dumb and not think about his head. I run out of bullets.

"Fuck." I hiss, and I drop my gun, about to turn around and run until he shoves me down to the ground, stopping me from even moving forward. 

I grunt as I hit my front body against the ground, and I cry out only a little when he stomps his foot into my back.

"What's the matter, (Y/N)? Does it hurt?"

"Fuck off!" I hiss, and he simply laughs.

Andy's always been the psychotic type. Like imagine a big dude that can tear you apart, laughing maniacally. That's pretty much him, but I'm not scared of it. 

He reaches down and grabs me back the back of my head, onto my hair, and slams my face into the floor mercilessly, countless times until he drops my head down, blood seeping from my nose and me clenching my teeth to hold back even making a reaction. He gets his foot off of my back, and kicks me hardly in the side, pushing me over onto my damaged back and having me look up at the ceiling with my blurry vision.

I've been hurt worse then this, why does it hurt so badly?

He gets above me, sitting above my torso and wraps his hands around my throat, and my eyes widen when I lose circulation. I reach over and try to hit him several times, but it doesn't quite work like that. He hardly moves to bullets, how can my hits do anything? I close my eyes tightly, I don't want him to see my eyes if I die from this, it just feels like I'd lost if he did, as I try to kick at his back, but there's nothing I can do.

Suddenly there's the sound of a door shutting downstairs.

"(Y/N), I'm home!" I hear Wil's voice call out, and Andy smiles at me with the same sadistic grin, but it's so much worse then the last.. A lot more terrifying, and I don't know why I'm feeling scared.

It's not Andy. It's not the sound of death ringing into my ears. Nor is it the thought of death.

...It's the thought of losing Wil...

Andy's grip around my neck leaves, and I make a loud gasp for air, as he grips the collar, somewhat, of my hoodie, and lifts me up with him as he stands.

"We're gonna play a game with your.. Boyfriend." Andy assures me, and I kicks at him, the in between of his legs is where I hit, and Andy grunts, actually phased by it. 

He throws me at the wall, hitting my already hurt back and I grunt a bit, falling to the ground as I know there's not a large dent there. 

"You fucking SKANK--"

"(Y/N)!?" I hear Wil drop something, and start running up the steps. 

Andy reaches down, and grabs me by the collars again, and holds me in front of him, taking out his gun and pointing it to my head. Once Wil gets up the steps he looks over and gives a surprised look, but not too surprised to see Andy alive.

"You... What are you doing here?" Wilford says, eyes me at first, noticing my wheezing and my marks, possibly broken nose.

"Me? The question really is whether or not you're smart." Andy says, a click of the pistol to my head catches Wil's attention.

I feel like complete shit in this situation, like a Damsel in distress.. And I absolutely hate it.

"Don't you dare hurt her."

"Oh? Or what? You're gonna KILL me?" Andy snickers. "If I killed her right now you wouldn't be able to get revenge on me. I'll just come back."

"..She'd come back to so that wouldn't do ANYTHING to help your situation." Wilford protests, and there's a pause, where Andy's brow raises. 

"...Excuse me? You think this skank is gonna be immortal?" There's a pause before Andy starts laughing, harder then I've ever heard him laugh. "Not EVERYONE is immortal, Wil."

"Tch, like you know anything. I've been in this situation for YEARS."

"Years? You sound novice."

It's like they're having a fight over something I don't even know about.

"Novice? What's novice is you. Coming into someone's house just to execute someone. You didn't show up at the right time."

Andy rolls his eyes. "Don't change the subject off the time standards Wil... I'd think you known by now, but I guess I have to explain.. In order to be immortal, you have to enter the HOUSE."

WIlford's eyes widen noticeably, but he was so confused still. 

The House?

I try to take this as a opportunity to attack, but I literally can't move once I try. his arm wrapped around my shoulders and upper body, and the gun to my head is surprisingly able to keep me there, besides my legs of course, but me kicking at him does nothing. 

"Stop it you SKANK." Andy hisses at me, and I come to a halt, breathing heavily.

"What do you have to do with the house? You've never been there." Wilford says, his jaw moving voice suddenly sounds a bit more normal, but not too normal.

"...Well, you haven't been watching the house, so I walked in, and did what had to be done. And now I'm immortal, just as you are.. That's how it works. Not everyone is Immortal Wil."

"You're wrong." Wilford suddenly says, denying this turn of events, that could've changed his sanity, but clearly that's something he doesn't want. "You don't even KNOW what you're talking about. I've seen people get up, and clearly those people... They... Everyone comes back, that's how life works!" Wilford shakes his head a bit, furrowing his brows in complete frustration.

I can tell whatever crazy jumble shit is happening in his mind is fucking around. 

"You want me to give you an example?" Andy asks, and then shoves me away from him, and me hitting into the wall.

Suddenly, a bullet pierces through my stomach, my body feeling numb around there.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Wilford yell, close to screaming as if HE got shot, and he runs over, clocking Andy in the face and Andy actually stumbles back.

I look down at the bullet wound in my stomach, my hands going over it, and I smear the gushing blood off, and look at my scarlet red hands. And I collapse.

And everything goes Dark.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now