Day 28

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(We skip about five days cause life is normal sometimes  (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) and normal isn't entertaining so we skip those days.)
(Btw slight smut cause why not  (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) )

I open my eyes once again, and, again, Wilford his hugging my lungs to collapsing points, except the only difference is that he put his arm up my shirt. Of course I'm a little shook (Hue), and my face lights up with a little blush as I place my hand on his shoulder. 

"Wil, dude." 

He simply grumbles and wraps his arms tighter around my torso, and I cough a little. The only idea that comes to mind that'll save me from this situation.

"..Abe." I cough a little, and he jolts awake, not like he did last time.

"..What?" He says in a low tone, and I look at him. 

"I can't breathe."

"..O-Oh." Wilford pauses and let's me go a little, and I take in a deep breath. "Sorry."

"You need to fix that. One day It's gonna be the death of me."

There's a pause. "...Well, you'll come back." Wilford says, just now noticing his hand up my shirt and removing his hand a bit slowly, and moving it above my shirt and back into the same embrace.

"...So what are you gonna do today Wil?" I ask, nuzzling closer to him, and my face into his neck.

"Today I have a talk with one of my old friends, Named Edward. He minds being called 'The Host' though, very odd in my opinion but he is a.. Odd man."

I nod a little. "Yeah, Probably." I say. "He sounds like it."

"Plus how he doesn't have eyes is a little weirder." Wilford adds, and I pause.

"...Do you mean he's just blind, or--"

"Nope, doesn't actually have eyes. At all."

"...Jesus..." I imagine an eyeless man with just skin over the gaping holes, but I'm very wrong about my visual.

"Yeah.. I mean he should just grow 'em back." Wilford lets me go, and sits up, stretching his finger tips to the ceiling.

I sigh a bit, ignoring Wil and his.. I don't even know, and I myself sit up as he does, and I get out of the bed. I walk over to my dresser, and I open one of my drawers, and I begin taking off my shirt. Once it's off I drop it on the floor and I check back behind me, in which Wil is now standing and isn't looking over of course, like a GEntLEmeN.

I smirk a bit, and I walk over and I hug him tightly, and I lean up a little nuzzling my face into his neck, and slowly he hugs me back, and tilts his head towards me a little. I bite down a little and he grumbles quietly, as he moves his hands down my back and to my waist, putting his thumbs into the edge of them PANTIES. He pulls them down slightly as I bite down a little harder, him groaning slightly, and once that happens I pause and pull back, and force him into a kiss, moving my hands from under his arms and I place my hands on his chest.

After a bit he pulls them down a little more and that's when I break the kiss and look at him blushing face.

"Love ya." I say, and then I move out of his reach and walk back to the dresser, smiling to myself cause I'm a prick.

"...B-But..." I hear him stammer as I grab a shirt from my drawer and slip it on, grab pants and put those on, I don't like sleeping with pants on, and I look at him.

He frowns at me and grumbles a bit, then walking out of the room, probably mad 'cause I just destroyed his expectations. I leave the bedroom after checking over my phone.

I head downstairs and I take my steps down, a new squeak in one of the floorboards is what I notice as I enter the living room, and still Wilford isn't to be seen. Probably in the bathroom.

I walk into the kitchen and I start cooking the breakfast while he's gone, so he can't fight with me about it. Even though he probably still will. I get the mashed potatoes this time, and as we have been, I get a lillipop, as we've been eating candy for breakfast. The potatoes are there 'cause why not. After a bit I hear the footsteps walking into the kitchen, and I look over at Wil who's clearly agitated. 

"I thought I told you I make the breakfast."

"I thought I told you I don't give a fuck what you say and I make the breakfast." I scoff, tilting my head at him and I smirk as he growls a little.

"Don't toy with me." Wil mumbles at me as he walks over, and takes what I was making and destroys it with his hand. 

"R.I.P My potatoes. I thought I trusted you Wil."

"You thought wrong."

"I don't think I can love you anymore."

"...Oh no, I'm so scared." He looks at me, giving me a sarcastic look.

"You better be." I coo at him, and I wiggle my fingers at his face.

"...Aeh." He turns back to the food and looks at his hand. "Great." He says, and he shoves his hand into my face and smears it there.

"How DARE you." He laughs.

So far today's been like everyday. As soon as Wilford goes to work I'm left alone, until about half an hour later. A knock on the door is what alerts me, and I stand up. I walk over to the door and look through the peep hole, but before I can really tell who it is they force the door open, and walk in, knocking me out with a fist to the face.

(Fist  (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Face  (ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) )

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now