Day 8

513 22 10

I wake up with the warmth of someone around my torso. I look down as Sarah had huddled close to me. I groan. "Oh come on..." I say, and I manage her off of me in about two or three minutes. 

I stand up onto my feet and stretch. It's been so long since I could wake up without any alarming wake ups, or being shoved. I smile a bit, and I walk slowly out of the room, and downstairs. I walk into the other room, which I have found the kitchen, but I pause in the doorway as I look over at the TV.

WIlford's show is airing right now, right?

I walk over and turn on the TV. I sit down on the couch, and watch what's there. Some point soon, his show comes on.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, and of course all other configurations of being, My name is Wilford Warfstache and today we are covering on yesterday's recent bank robbery, detectives have discovered that the suspects are two females, and one man that the camera couldn't discover the face of, which I have no clue why~" He brings his fingers to his lips, as if he were innocent.

I smile, I oddly feel happy about him, when I see him. I mean, before hand he was just another prick, but so far saved my ass. I giggle softly at his jokes, eventually Sarah comes down. 

"Hey, What'cha watching?" She asks, and I look over as she sits down beside me, and I look back forward.

"I'm watching Wilford's show. He's a lot funnier when you're not the person he's interrogating." I say, and suddenly some famous youtuber shows up, brown hair and blue eyes.

He sits down. "Oh jeez, This guy." I giggle softly, I myself not knowing him but he's probably gonna die.

"Everyone Welcome Sean Mcloughin!" Wilford wxclaims, and the man known as Sean waves at the camera, giggling softly with an Irish accent. 

"Hi." He says, looking back at Wilford.

"Say, Sean," Wilford starts. "So far on the Youtube career, how does it feel to be loved by so many?"

"Well," Sean speaks. "It's.. It's awesome, you get to talk to people that love you, fan gifts, but most importantly you get to help people through so many every day life issues." 

"Life issues you say?"

"Yeah, I-I-I-" The TV glitches out a bit with a green tone. "Many people, come to me with their messages telling me how I help them through depression and such, and-" He continues to speak.

"...That was weird." Sarah says, she actually seems interested, as I nod.

"...Maybe glitter got clogged into the cracks of the TV, green glitter."

Sarah giggles softly as she leans onto my shoulder, then taking my arm, which I would confront her about it, but... Y'know, she kills kids.

"...Yeah." She says softly, as I tilt my head away from her.

"Uhm... You wanna eat something? Like, food?" I say, deflecting the sexual joke she could have said.

"Sure!" She yips, and I stand up, getting out of her grip as soon as possible. 

"Alright, well.. C'mon." I say, and we leave the living room and I get out a random box of cereal from the cupboards, the TV turns off on it's own, without either one of us noticing.


We went back to watching TV, but Wilford's show was off air, and after half an hour the front door slams, me and Sarah on the couch. I look over, Wilford doesn't seem in a good mood as he's covered in cuts and blood, and he reaches up, fixing his bow tie.

"Jeez you look like shit." I say, standing up and walking over. "You alright? I learned how to clean and fix wounds when I was seventeen, I can--"

"Don't bother." He grumbles, and then takes a deep breath. "...Th-Thanks." He says, before walking past me and up the stairs pretty quickly.

"He's an asshole." Sarah says, walking over to my side and grabbing my arm.

"Well, he clearly got into a fight. I'd be pissed too."

"Tch." Sarah leans over onto my shoulder. "I wouldn't take that tone with you.."

"Says the girl who yelled at me in the car." I say, looking at her as she frowns.

"That was different! I was worried for your life."

"Mine? Psh, Don't worry about mine. Remember, after all I'm that star of the prison." I roll my eyes and pull my arm away. "I'm heading out, You know, to 'buy' something." I say, and I walk out the door, and I don't want her following me so I don't even ask.

I don't know why I feel so upset right now, But I do.


I walk back into the house a few hours later, and there's a crash upstairs. I look up at the ceiling.

"Sarah? Will?" I call out, and then there's another thump. 

"HEy hUN." I hear Sarah call out, as I drop my stolen things onto the ground beside the door, after shutting it of course.

"What's going on? I'm coming up there." I say, and without another word I come up, and look down the hallway.

Sarah pins Will down clearly trying to kill him as she pushes the knife down closer to his chest. "Hey!" She yelps.

"Sarah the fucking hell?!" I yell, running over but before I can truly do anything Wilford kicks her off and she hits the wall behind her. 

He stands up, and I notice he begins to pull out his revolver. I run in between the two, I've never really tried to stop a fight before, but I like the both of these people. "Woah, calm down. The hell happened?" I ask, Sarah the one trying to shove me out of the way, but I put my hands on her shoulders, facing her.


"She tried to kill me while I was sleeping, rude much. You could've at least WAITED until I was awake." Wilford says.

"This fucker doesn't even know the difference between death and a fucking kitten, he's going to hurt you!"

"Oh, hurt me?" I ask, raising my brows at her. "Who's the one trying to kill the other here?"

She pauses as she stops going against me all together, and she gives me that same betrayed look.

"You're seriously siding with him? After all these years we've known eachother!?"

"Sarah you're the one who's acting the most childish--"


"AND THAT'S WHY I DON'T LOVE YOU SARAH." I snap, and there's silence, her face becomes blank.


"I'm not gay either, (CoughCoughDifferenceForSydneeCoughCoughFriendsCoughCough) I just... You're fucking terrifying."

She pauses, and gives Wilford the darkest glare. "You did this didn't you?"

"What?" He questions her sanity as she once again tries to lunge at him, but I stop her.

"Sarah calm the hell down--"


"I NEVER LOVED YOU IN THE FIRST GOD DAMN PLACE." I yelp, shoving her back, and this time she walks past me and Wilford.

"FUCK YOU!" She screams, and she runs down the stairs.

"Fucking hell." I grumble a bit, running after her, past Wilford. "I'M JUST NOT GAY SARAH." (Cough) 

I pause at the bottom of the stairs, and she turns around, shoving me back and walking stubbornly out the door. "Don't follow me." She says, before walking out the door.

Being shoved I trip over the bottom stair and hit my back into the several others. "Fuffck." I hiss, as I lean myself forward and one of my hands reach to my back.

"I'm sorry, did I do that?" I look over in front of me, somehow Wilford's standing directly in front of me as I sit on the stairs.

I growl a bit. "...No... She's just... She's just childish, clearly homosexual.. I guess she found you as a rival..." I say, and I make myself stand up.

"...Well..." He shrugs a bit. "I guess you lost a friend."

"Well, who knows." I say, and I groan a bit as I arch my back a little. "For a shorty she has a pretty hard shove, hell..." 

"You should go upstairs and get some rest if that's the case. death is pretty painful, I must admit but it doesn't mean much."

"What do you mean death doesn't mean much? Death sounds terrifying."

He chuckles a bit. "Death is just a joke, sweetheart. Everyone's still alive."


He shushes me, bringing his index finger to my lips. "Wilford Warfstache knows what's best, and what's best is that you should get some rest. I'll be here tomorrow." He says, then moving his hand away from my face, and I feel obligated to nod. 

"...Okay." I say, and I turn around, and go up the stairs to the bedroom I sleep in.

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now