Day 9

511 20 27

I open my eyes, this time waking alone on the edge of the bed. I sit up and stretch, letting out a groan as I do. Stretch is that weird good, painful feeling. Like losing your virginity, but it hurts worse.

Okay I didn't need to mention that.

I stand up from the bed and I scratch my back a little, whining a bit when I scratch over my large bruise, and I walk out of the room, and I head downstairs. I hear Wilford humming in the kitchen, apparently I woke up before he left, or maybe after he got back? I walk into the kitchen, Wilford wearing an apron as he perfectly flips pancakes on the pan. 

"Good Afternoon, (Y/N)." He says, turning to me as he shifts the sizzling pan back and forth, he looks at me as if he hasn't seen me in a few days. I wonder why that is... "Take a seat at the table, I'm making enough for you and me both." He says, and I walk over to the table, sitting down.

I bring my hand to my forehead, and I rub calmly. "What time is it?"

"Five PM? I think..." He checks the time. "Yeah, Five PM."

"Jesus fucking christ.." I groan, and I rest my forehead onto the table.

"Yeah, You went to bed oddly early, I believe." He says, turning back to the stove.

"..Has Sarah come back yet?"

"Nope, I would've woken you up if she did." He says, flipping the pancake once again.

"..God..." I groan, bringing my head up only to cup my hands together and hide my face. "What did I do..." I groan again.

"Well for one you were honest." Wilford says, walking over with a plate, and a pancake on it. 

He sets it down in front of me with a fork and a bottle of syrup. I lift my head and I sigh, reaching over to the plate and bringing it closer to me, putting on syrup (Or not).

"...Maybe I was too honest? I didn't have to mention I didn't.. Wasn't gay. She could've figured out in different circumstances."

"Well, It's too late now." He says, walking back over to the stove. "But It'll be okay, I'm sure she'll be back. You two will hug it out, and--"

"Wilford she fucking kills men and children, I don't think we're just gonna HUG IT OUT." I say, looking up at Wilford as I stab my fork into the pancake, chopping off a small bit.

"Right... Well, Don't worry about it. Wilford Warfstache won't let it go down to that."

"And since when did you care? Death is simply just a joke after all." I roll my eyes, taking the small chopped piece and bringing it into my mouth.

"Well, Pain sucks and I... Don't want you to deal with that." He says, holding back what he was about to say originally. "Although you'd just let the bullet phase through if you wanted it to or something."

"...Right..." I say, questioning him but I don't even ask, chopping off another piece as he walks over with his own plate, and sits down beside me.

He takes the syrup and undoes the cap, and literally dumps out half of the bottle. I look over and my eyes widen.

"Jesus fucking christ seriously?"

"What? It's not like it'll kill me or anything." He says, setting the bottle back down. 

"WELL IT MIGHT." I say a bit loudly, I can't help but giggle a bit as I take another bite.

"I'll just come back don't worry." Wilford waves his hand at me, Then taking off a piece as I did and taking his bite.

"..How?" I ask, and WIiford shrugs. 

"I myself don't question it, the world works in mysterious and confusing ways." He says, giving me a grin as he wiggles a little in his seat.

"...Sure... Say, since it's like Five PM, is this dinner?"

"Yeah, I have Pancakes for dinner." Wilford nods.

"...Sweet." I say, smiling a bit as I look down at my food, taking a few more bites in silence.

As I look back up, I notice him staring at me again, and doesn't look away from me this time. I stare back at his eyes, and we stay there in some sort of staring contest, only for a moment before he bites his lip hardly as if he was angry at himself and he picks up his somehow finished plate of syrup and walks over to the sink, getting out of the chair of course. I squint my eyes a bit in suspicion as I take another bite out of my pancake.


I step outside the house, reaching up into the air as I drop my hat onto my head, and I jump over the railing of the porch and leave the yard.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" I pause and turn around as I am about to shut the gate, as Wilford runs over. He seems more pissed at himself as he shoves a piece of paper in my hand. "Okay whatever." He says, back before turning around and running back to the house.

What's his problem?

Life's little bit of Madness~ (Wilford x Criminal Reader Female)Where stories live. Discover now