Chapter 5 - Agape Cafe

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Sunday, June 3

I pushed open my clothes rack, searching for an outfit.  What was one to wear when one was about to meet Harry Styles?  He's just another person, I reminded myself.  I should keep it casual.  I decided on jean shorts, a white v-neck, and pink converse.  I straightened my hair and clipped the top.   

Harry and I decided to meet this morning.  Being Sunday, we hoped that stores wouldn't be as crowded.  Typically I'd go to Church on Sunday, but this was something I thought God was calling me to do.  I sneaked out of house, walking on the tips of my toes across the wooden floor.  Dad was not awake yet, and I planned on keeping it that way.

As I drove to the road, I couldn't help but wonder what Harry would think of me.  How was I going to gaze into those beautiful green eyes of his and speak to him without stuttering like a fool?  I wasn't going to be able to, that was for sure.  None of this seemed real.  I didn't even know why he wanted too meet.  Who would trek across the world just to meet a random fan who gave him a letter?

When I arrived at Agape Cafe, I readjusted the rear view mirror to meet my eyes.  I stared at my makeup, confirming its perfection.  I was satisfied with what I saw, but would Harry be?  Does he like girls who go for a natural look instead?

You need to calm down, Allie.  Your makeup looks beautiful.  Not too much, not too little.

I felt my heart begin to throb in my chest as I pushed open my car door.  Stepping through the sand to the small cafe, I tousled with my hair.  My hair.  I forgot to check my hair.  

Breathe, Allie, breathe.  Your hair was fine before you left the house, and your hair looks fine now.

What do I do now?  Do wait inside the Cafe, or outside?  How would he even recognize me?

I began taking in deep breaths, wishing we had planned out the details better.  What if he didn't show up?  What if he wasn't even in Malibu--

I gasped in trepidation, squinting against the sun, when I spotted a curly haired boy approaching the cafe.

He's real.  Harry Styles is real.  He's not just some 2-dimensional character that I watch behind my computer screen.  Why am I more anxious now than when I met Zayn?  Oh yeah.  It's because I have an enormous crush on Harry.  Allie, you idiot--

"Hello, are you Allison?" He asked, his gorgeous smile spreading across his lips.  His voice, his accent, his eyes, the way his curls tugged against the breeze-- it was all too much to handle at once.  This overwhelming beauty caused tears to form in my eyes, but I rapidly blinked them away.

"Uh . . ." I began.  Was I Allison?  Was I the Allison that the one and only Harry Styles was looking for?  "Yes," I answered at last.  "Yes, I am, you can call me Allie."

"It's nice to meet you!" he grinned, extending his hand to me.  I put my hand in his, immediately feeling the warmth and softness from his hand radiating my skin.  I just touched Harry Styles' hand . . .

"B-But how did you know it was me?" I quavered as we stepped into the shade beneath the roof.

"Zayn told me you had pretty eyes.  It's a good thing you didn't wear sunglasses."

I could not retain my mouth from falling open.  What?

Seeing my expression, he laughed lightheartedly.  "And he was right."  He peered his eyes, studying my own.  "They're like brown . . . with starry green specks."

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