Chapter 17 - Chinese

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"How 'bout this?"  asked Lou Teasdale, the boys' stylist, as she popped her gum.  She was holding a cute, summer dress with a floral pattern.

I smiled weakly.  "That's cute."

I, as Harry had suggested, was shopping with Lou. Still, I hope he doesn't expect me to spend all three-hundred dollars.  I have the feeling he was slightly preoccupied as he handed me a stash of money.  Wouldn't it be easier to just give me some money for a plane ride home?

"Awesome!"  Lou chirped, then returned her attention to clothing racks.  There was a few seconds of swishing back and forth through the clothes before Lou spoke again.  "So!  What's going on between you and Harry?"

I glanced up at Lou who stared at me mischievously.  "Uh--uh, I don't know exactly."

"Ah,"  she nodded.  "How did you two meet?"

"When he was in Malibu we met up and . . . yeah, we're friends now."

Lou chuckled.  "Whenever Harry gets involved with a girl it almost always means there's something more going on than just friendship."

"Oh . . . well, I don't know, I mean, he doesn't seem to be pursuing me.  I mean there have been a few flirty moments, but--"

"He might be trying to tone it down, then, you know, because of the guys and everything."

"The guys?"  I asked.  I knew she was referring to the other guys in One Direction, but what about them?

"Oh, they didn't tell you?"  Lou turned to me in astonishment, as if she found it amusing that I didn't know.

I shook my head.  "Zayn said he'd explain later."

"Well,"  Lou began, lowering her voice as she stepped over to another clothing rack.  "The boys are mad at Harry for being -- well -- for engaging in lots of relationships with girls.  And because a lot of them are very physical and last only a few days, the boys think he's ruining One DIrection's good reputation."

I can't say I'm nessisarily surprised by this news.  Niall had warned me of this afterall.  Though they put forth themselves as a relatively clean band, everyone knows that they have their perverted ways.  As to why Harry's relationship habits are bothering the boys, I cannot understand.

When Lou saw I was slow to reply, she continued.  "Maybe he wants the boys to see he can do a longer relationship."

If this is the case, then Zayn was right.  Everything Harry does, he does for himself.  Maybe Harry has no interest in me.  Maybe he doesn't want me to go back home so that he can prove the boys wrong.

"I'm sorry you have to hear this from me." Lou frowned for a second, but brightened optimistically.  "But don't expect the worst, right?  Maybe he brought you with him because he really does like you."

I wasn't thinking the best.  I really was expecting the worst.  I began to shake, feeling swept with insecurity.  I can't trust Dad, I can't trust Harry . . . who can I trust?

I flinched when my phone bleeped.

Haryr Styles:  Hey how are you? x

Allie Watson: im okk..

Haryr Styles: hows the shopping going? (:

Allie Watson: going well..done w the interview?

Haryr Styles:  nope (;

Allie Watson: oh? haha

Haryr Styles:  i'm kinda bored haha

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