Chapter 20 - Replacing Justin

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"Digital digital get down, just you and me. You may be twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya and baby, baby you can see me. Digital, digital get down, just what we need. We can get together naturally. We can,  we can get together on the digital screen!"

I clapped along to the beat in the back of the van, squeezed between Harry and Niall. Meanwhile, all the boys, primarily Zayn and Liam, belted out the lyrics of this old NSYNC song. Talk about a throwback to my childhood days! I surprisingly still knew most the lyrics.

When the song ended at last, the boys awarded themselves a round of applause as they cheered gleefully.

Harry, who was to my right, nudged my arm with his elbow. "Come on, Allie, I know you know all the lyrics."

I shot him a shy glance and rolled my eyes. "Shamefully, yes."

"Shamefully?" protested Zayn who swiveled around from the seats in front. "But it's NSYNC!"

"I know! I know! But your not supposed to know they were my obsession before you guys!'

"So your obsessed with us?" Harry teased, smirking.

Oops. "Pshh. No! No one could replace the space in my heart that Justin Timberlake takes," I gushed, pressing my hands to my heart.

"Uh," Harry whined.

"Can't argue with that," Zayn admitted.

"Yes, Zayn, thank you!"

"Harry's just jealous that it's not him your obsessed with."

"Am not!" Harry exclaimed. "It's just Justin Timberlake . . .."

"Aye, exactly, mate. He's never just Justin Timberlake."

"Right?" I agreed. "Actually, though, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I met him."

"You met Justin Timberlake?" Liam spun around and stared at me with bulged eyes. This was the most he'd said to me since the concert in Malibu.

"Yeah. He's my friend's friend's cousin's uncle. So I have connections."

I heard Louis giggle from the front seat.

"But you've met me . . .." Harry frowned disappointed as he gazed at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Which goes back to the whole jealous thing," Niall observed.

I tossed Niall a grin then turned to Harry who looked to the floor shyly.  Zayn spun around, cocking is brows, and I snickered.

"Alright, boys,"  proclaimed Paul from the driver's seat.  "We're here."

"Uh, Paul, Allie's not a guy,"  Harry joked.

"Yeah, yeah . . .." Paul muttered.

"Unless she's just a really hot guy."

"What?"  I sputtered.

Such a ridiculous grin was plastered across his face that he actually blushed.  

"Wow . . . good one Harry,"  Zayn mused jokingly, not even turning around.

"Yeah, Harry, that made absolutely no sense,"  Niall added.

I leaned into Niall, whispering, "I thought Harry was supposed to be with one with the irresistible charm?"

Niall chuckled, and I couldn't help but smirk because of his adorable Irishness.  "He's supposed to be."

I glanced him in the eye, only to discover he was already gazing fondly upon me.  His eyes were so blue, so beautifully blended with splashes of green and grey, that I found that I was unable to avert my attention from him.

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