Chapter 31 - Innocently

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Wednesday, June 20 

Niall screamed femininely as I wheeled him full speed down the hallway on the floor of our hotel rooms.  "Slow down, babe, or I'm going ta break my other leg!"

I halted the wheelchair abruptly when we arrived at the elevator.  "Um, you broke your ankle, Mr. Horan,"  I teased, winking.  I leaned down upside down over Niall where my hair curtained us in a dark, makeshift tent.

"Did you just call her babe?"

I flung my air again and spun my head around to see Harry storming down the hall.  He was watching us curiously through squinted eyes, not a tint of humor in his voice.

Niall used his hands to turn his wheelchair around toward Harry, but I just went ahead and did it for him. "Yeah, I did."

Harry continued to stare frigidly at the Irishman.


"Where are you guys going?"

"Hmm, let's see.  Where might I be going on a morning I haven't had anything to eat?"  Niall hissed.

Harry rolled his eyes impatiently as he approached us.  He slid his arm around my shoulders and brought me close for a quick peck on the cheek.  "You look beautiful today,"  He smiled.  "I love it when you wear those flowery dresses.  I am so glad to have you in my life."

"Uh,"  I mumbled, taking Niall's wheelchair handles to wheel him onto the elevator that had opened.

"Harry, why are you so gushy?"

"Wait!  Wait for us!"  Bolting down the hall was Louis and Liam.  I jutted my hand in front of the elevator door to prevent it from closing.  "Thanks,"  Liam breathed as he and Lou squeezed through.

"Where's Zayn?"  Niall and I asked simultaneously.

"Probably sleeping," Louis shrugged.

"Oh, okay.  Doesn't feel like going to the interview, does he?"  I joked.

"Nope," Liam exclaimed, popping the 'p'.

"Ah," I nodded understandingly.

The elevator doors split open and we were greeted with flashes of cameras shielded behind security.  "Stand, back, please," they urged the paps.

We turned down the hall where the breakfast buffet was set up and began stashing our plates with food -- well, One Direction did, at least.  I took only a bagel with strawberry cream cheese.  

"Here."  I handed Harry my plate of food.  "Would you hold this for just a sec?"

"Why?"  he asked through a mouthful of banana muffin.

I did not answer him but instead approached the long counter where the hotel sold special types of food.  "May I have an egg-cheese-bacon sandwich on a croissant, please?"

"Coming right up."  The chef hastily worked his magic before handing me my order.

"Thank you," I smiled.  I returned to Niall and bent down next to his wheelchair.

"What's this for?"  he grinned, gazing up at me.

"I really appreciated our conversation last night so I wanted to treat you."

Niall didn't hesitate to draw me into a hug.

"You've never gotten me a croissant," griped Harry who evidently had been standing behind us.

I pulled away from Niall and stood up to face Harry.  "You've never broken your ankle."

"I have . . . actually."  He frowned and his eyes melted dolefully into a mossy green.

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