Chapter 24 - We are Broken

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Lord, I don't know what's wrong with Harry, but I just pray that I'd have the right words to say to him. That I wouldn't just completely break down because he broke my heart. I honestly have no idea what to expect, and that makes me really scared.

God, I know I haven't spent as must time with you as I should be and I really have no excuse for that, but I still need you. I always will need you, and so will Harry, whether he knows it or not. We all need you . . ..

"Coming, Allie?" Niall grinned, stretching his hand to me. We had already arrived at -- actually, I don't know where we are, I forgot to ask -- our destination, and Niall was standing outside the van, waiting for me.

"Oh, ah, yes," I stuttered, swiveling left and right. Zayn and Liam just began climbing over the seat, no longer awaiting my exit.

"Ah, Liam," Niall muttered when Liam flipped over in the seat to my right.

"Ah!" Liam shrieked. He ooched around the tight space, readjusting his shirt, his pants, his hair, until he tumbled out of the van.

"You okay there, Liam?" I giggled as I slid my hand into Niall's.

Liam ruffled his hair and blinked. "Yes, I believe so."

Niall chuckled and I slithered out of his hand, realizing they were still linked. Security escorted us through the fans and the paps, but even then, Niall kept himself near, hovering so closely that his body radiated heat against my skin.

Since he was in such close proximity with me, I decided to ask him softly, "What are we doing today?"

"Talk show performance," he returned.

"Oh, awesome."

Once we reached the building, numerous bodies pressed again me and I became consumed in a wave of people. I was too short to see over these people of towering heights, but through the momentary gaps of swinging arms or turning heads, I caught glimpses of the boys being swept toward another room.

"Hey . . . guys?" I could barely hear myself above the rippling voices traveling through the air.

I swiveled my head to the right when a hand lightly tapped my shoulder twice.

"Right this way, hun," Lou Teasdale exclaimed.

I followed her through the entanglement of people until we broke through the congestion. Now, at the end of the hall, I could see that the boys were entering a room.

"Just wait right here," Lou instructed as she opened the door. 'We'll be out in just a bit."

"Okay," I replied. Sighing, I paced back and forth as I twirled my dress absent-mindedly. I felt slightly frazzled by the events taking place today, with both the talk show arrangements and the band's attitude toward Harry.

I felt somewhat of a burden, actually. I had absolutely no purpose of being here, yet there I was, being dragged everywhere with these boys because I did not know where to go. Because I'm hiding amidst the crowd from a man who is incapable of properly mourning the death of his wife.

When the sound of a squeaky door hinge reached my ears, I spun toward the door only to collide with a body.

"Oh!" I cried, nearly flailing backwards. But he gripped my arms tightly and my body jolted still. I glanced up in search of my rescuer and found they were met with the eyes if none other than Harry. I squashed down on my tongue to prevent a gasp from escaping my lips.

He blinked rapidly, holding my gaze for only a moment before loosing his grip on my arms and stepping around me. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"Harry?" I called out my raspy, scared voice to the curly haired boy. What if he were to turn around? Too look me in the eyes with such intensity that I shattered from the insecurities that tauntingly loom above me?

To my favor, he only turned an ear to convey he was listening.

Why won't you talk to me? Why do the boys truly do not want to talk to you?

Why are you so sad?

Though these thoughts whirled relentlessly through my mind, all I sputtered was: "Where are the other guys?"


"And you aren't . . .because . . .?"

For a while he stood there motionless, casting his eyes upon the floor and stuffing his hands inside his pockets. "Because they don't want me to be."

"Harry, if you . . . If you need someone--"

My reply was cut short by the boys flying out of the room from behind me as they made random, awkward noises.

Niall chuckled gleefully at Liam's impression of a gorilla -- something I as well would be laughing at if I weren't so concerned about Harry.

"What, did he day something to bother ya again?"

It took me few moments to realize Niall was speaking to me.

"Huh? Uh, no."

A feeling of discontent settled in my stomach as I gazed at Harry. He turned to watch the boys longingly, his eyes becoming glassy with tears. I wanted so desperately to run into his arms, to tell him everything was going to be okay, no matter what was wrong.

But I am not even sure of this myself, that everything truly will be okay. Inside my own heart is an acid tearing away my hope, my faith, my trust. I am not quite sure I have anything beneficial to express. All we know at moment is how we feel, and how we feel is broken. We are broken.

Sorry this is short......hope you vote thoughhh (:

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