Chapter 11 - Kara Mohanaghan

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 When I got home, I found a post-it note stuck to the frame on my bedroom door.  It read:  I listed most of our furniture on Craig's List . . . and your car.  I'm sorry ):  love you -- Dad

I peeled the note off my door and folded it in half as I entered my room.  Staring at the neon orange note, I drew in a breath.  He could have told me in person.  But he didn't, so this made me wonder . . . did Dad fear me just as much as I feared him?

I set my purse on my bed -- a bed that was soon to belong to someone else -- and checked Twitter.  Harry still hadn't tweeted me back, and this irked me somewhat.  Of course it had only been less than ten minutes since he had asked me where I worked, but at the moment, I suppose I was feeling quite lonely . . ..

But I pushed this thought out of my mind, knowing that I need to study for this week's finals that start tomorrow.  I had been studying for the past month, but hadn't studied at all over the weekend since a couple members of a certain British Boyband decided to drop in.

Still, as I lay sprawled across my bed with books, papers, and pens scattering its surface, my thoughts gravitated back to my Dad.

Oh, Lord . . . I know Dad still loves me, but I think he's ashamed.  Is he going to try to fix our relationship?  Or will he give up, knowing he couldn't fix Mom?

 I pushed away all my school stuff and picked up my Bible resting on the end table beside my bed.  Flipping it open to Revelation, I readjusted my body so I laid comfortably across my bed.  One day all this uncertainty, all this fear . . . will not exist when I am in Heaven with my Heavenly Father.  But for now,  I need to feel at peace.

Tuesday, June 6

"Yeah . . . pretty sure I failed that . . .."  I muttered to Maryanne after our History exam.

"Me too," she replied, pulling her straightened brown hair out of her green eyes.  "It was really hard!"

"Right?  I literally guessed on all of them.

"Same!" she laughed, grinning.  

My body stood tense and I ceased to breathe when I saw Eliza sauntering down the hall with her friends.  She glared at me then turned to her friends and exploded into a frenzy of uncontrollable laughter.  I fingered with the stands of my hair anxiously as I tried to return my breathing to a normal rate.

"Oh hey, Harry, do you want to bake a cake?"  Eliza sneered, mocking me with a high pitched voice.  "Here just come into my house where we can be all alone!  Lets just get married and have ten kids."

I hastened my step, attempting to block out Eliza's voice from behind me.  She'd been bullying me all day, musing annoying jokes referring to our day with the boys yesterday.  She never stomps up to me and says anything mean -- she only says nasty things about me to her friends while I'm near.  I know that I shouldn't let her words get to me, but it's very difficult to ignore them, especially today, where I'd been close to tears.

"Has Harry tweeted you back yet?"  Maryanne asked, stepping into pace with me moments later.  

There was no doubt that she'd heard what Eliza said.  Since the two happen to be best friends, Maryanne seems to feel no guilt whenever Eliza bullies me.  This was just about the only reason why I sometimes feel as if I couldn't trust her.  Of course she's never joined Eliza's banter, but the fact that she ignores it just completely disappoints me.  Why does she treasure her relationship with Eliza more than she treasures her relationship with me?

 "No," I breathed, attempting to control my anger.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lied.  "Just fine."

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