Chapter 21 - Brain Freeze

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Thursday, June 14

Haryr Styles:  Hey there babe (;

Allie Watson:  <3 hey!  hows the meeting going? ahah

Haryr Styles:  very well thanks x

Allie Watson:  great (: .... hey guess what?

Haryr Styles:  what?  (:

Allie Watson:  ik the dif between catholic and protestant now hahaaa i googled it this morning ;P

Haryr Styles:  good for you xx

Allie Watson:  thaaankks!!  i wanna be protestant (:

Haryr Styles:  (:

Allie Watson:  you want to know what else?

I eagerly awaited Harry's reply but the minutes were sliding by slowly.  Management must have caught him for texting during one of their top secret, confidential meetings where they discussed tour dates and the greatly anticipated second album.  I had no choice but to stay at the hotel until they returned.  Luckily, however, I had the privilege of sleeping in this morning.  

It was now two in the afternoon and I was stuck roaming about the hotel, pacing the carpeted floors of the room I shared with Lou.  I had actually spent the first four years of my life in Sacramento since my parents had been finishing up school, but I don't really remember much.  Plus, I'm so directionally challenged, I can only go in one direction at a time (see what I did there?  Actually . . . that really didn't make sense, but oh well!).

Gah.  I feel like I'm hyper with excitment.  I suppose I was still estatic about what happened yesterday when Harry lifted me into his arms.  I absolutely love the possibility of Harry liking me.  Everyone seems to think so, but one can never be too sure when it's Harry Styles.

Haryr Styles:  sorry.  Niall stole my phone..

Allie Watson:  oh hah i was just gonna say that you spelled your name wrong when you put your number in my phone ;P

Haryr Styles:  I know

Allie Watson:  .....?

Haryr Styles:  I did that on purpose.

Allie Styles:  smooth.

Haryr Styles:  i know right? x

Allie Watson:  dont worry...ill fix it for you (;

Harry Styles:  thanks xx and Niall says hey

Allie Watson:  aww (:  tell him hey back<3

We continued texting, discussing random things.  That meeting must have been pretty boring.  Fortunately, though, they returned to the hotel twenty minutes later.  At last!  I've been getting antsy, having the company of no one for endless hours.

There came a knock on my door.  "Allie?  It's Harold.  We brought back lunch."

I twisted my doorknob only to find Harry holding a back of KFC in his hand.  I smiled.  "Sweet.  Thanks!"

He smirked, the dimples in his cheeks indenting distinctively.  "We're all eating in the other room."

I spun around to close my door behind me and followed Harry down the hall.  "I guess your not gonna carry me this time, are you?"

He turned and eyed me curiously.  "Would you like me to?"

Yes!  Yes!  Heck yes!  "I'm only teasing."

Harry opened the door to his hotel room.  The other boys were already there, munching on their meal and slurring their words though their teeth are clogged with food.

"Allie!"  Nialler exclaimed, shooting his arms in the air as his eyes bulged.  "Did Harry tell you I said hi?"

"Yep,"  I replied, taking a seat beside him.

"How are ya?"  he asked, leaning his elbow on the table.

"I'm good!  How are you?  Harry said the meeting was boring."

"Ah," he scoffed.  "It was, sorta."

I took a sip of Harry's coke before saying, "Harry tells me you stole his phone."

"I had ta if I wanted your number,"  he mumbled shyly, his cheeks flushing red as he glanced away.

I bit the corner of my lip, my heart swelling with delight.  Niall was simply too adorable!  "Well, then!  If you have my number, I think that should at least mean I get yours, too!"  A smile played on the ends of my lips.

Niall blinked multiple times, as if astonished by this idea, but such a huge grin shone across his lips, I couldn't help but laugh.  Without taking his eyes off mine, he retrieved his phone from his back pocket and handed it to me.

"Hey, do you think that maybe -- I mean me and the boys have off tonight, I was thinking -- I don't know, we could hang out or something."

I glanced up from typing my number into his phone and rose my brows flirtatiously.  "That sounds awesome, Niall."  What better chance would I get to spend time with Niall!

"But Niall,"  Harry muttered.  "You can't drive.  You don't even have a car to drive."

 But Niall only ignored Harry's comment and looked fondly upon me.


I held my stomach, attempting to restrain myself from laughing any harder.  Niall and I were at my favorite ice cream shop as a kid, and I was chuckling histerically to stories Niall was telling me.  It's been far too long since I've laughed this hard.  It felt good.

Exhaling deeply, I leaned against the table.  I gazed beyond the lights shining from the exterior lampposts and stared into the void, black night.  I had been looking forward to this time with Niall all afternoon.  There was just something about him that filled my heart with unexplainable glee.  I couldn't tell if it was his crystal, blue eyes, his laughter, or his bright smile, but whatever it was, I had no desire to be without it.

"So how's Harry been treating ya?"  Niall wiped his mouth smothered in vanilla ice cream with his arm.

"Awesome," I replied.  "He's really sweet."

Niall shook his head in dismay.

"I know that you're thinking that he's a idiot, and maybe he is, and I hate to admit that I love his company, but I really do."

"I know, I get it." He took a huge chomp into his cone, and I watched as vanilla drips splashed onto the table.  "Ah!  Ah!  Brain freeze!"

"Here!"  I snatched a napkin from the table and handed it to Niall whose hands were blanketed with sticky ice cream.  But he took the napkin nonetheless and rubbed his hands into it.

"Quick, quick, hold this,"  Niall stretched his arm out to me and I grasped the cone.  He snorted, and a glob of unknown substance fell from his nose.  Seeing this, he exploded into uncontrollable laughter.  I laughed as well, completely amused.

He took his cone into his hands again, his fingers overlapping mine in the process.  "Hey, Allie."  He peered up at me wide-eyed, and gazed at me unblinkingly for many seconds before shaking his head and glancing away.  A blush colored his cheeks.  "Ah . . . never mind."

Heyyyy what you think (;  wanna comment and lemme know?  ;D  thanks, if you do (:

hey also whatd you think Niall was about to say at the end? :0

Harry's Angel (A One Direction Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz