Chapter 25 - Afraid

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Dedicated to 1D_The_Sexy_Beast because she wants to marry this book... welllll if Obama won't let her, then she can at least have this chapter dedicated to her! lol hah if you dont know what i'm talking about then go back a chapter and read her comment.  i was laughing for so long hahaha

Lights flared brightly.  Girls shrieked ecstatically.  The boys approached the stage, genuine smiles spread across their faces as they waved to the crowd.  I stood unmoved on the side of stage, watching them take seats in the gigantic, plush chairs.  I wasn't close enough to see the emotions written across Harry's face, but I longed to.  I wanted to know there was someone I shared my brokenness with.  But I suppose when one is an international pop star, one has no choice but to pretend as if there is nothing wrong.

The spunky host named Sandy asked them the typical questions that they are asked frequently, such as how it feels to be away from family so much, or who has the worst habits.  But it wasn't, however, until she asked them about girls that my stomach twisted in sinuous knots.

"So,"  Sandy began, readjusting herself in her seat as she tossed her blond curls over her shoulder, "we all know that Liam is dating Danielle, Louis' with Eleanore, and Zayn's got a new lady in Malibu, but what about Harry and Niall?"

Surprisingly, Harry and Niall exchanged glances then turned back to Sandy.

"Well?"  She pressed them eagerly.  "No one?  Not even Harry?  Are you sure?  You look like you could be kinda glum right now because of a girl."

Harry straighted his posture, now taking a greater interest in the conversation.  He was preparing himself for what he was soon to be asked, whether it be about me, the girl he apparently did not sleep with last night, or someone else.

"Ah!  Now you're interested!  I knew it!  Who is she?  That girl from Malibu who's been traveling with you?  I knew that one of you were gonna fall for her eventually!  Or maybe you both did and that's why you and Niall looked at each other when I asked that.  You were like, 'hey, dude, who's girl is she again'?"

Sandy had the crowd roaring hysterically with laughter while Niall scratched his head with unsurity.  What I would give to see their faces!

"No, uh,"  Harry coughed and cleared his throat.  "She's just a friend."

"Oh come on, she's never just a friend and you of all people should know that, Mr. Styles.  Can anyone else give us any insight into this relationship?"

"No body knows,"  Louis proclaimed, tossing his arms into the air.

"All right, all right, be that way Harry, you obnoxious little curly haired boy."

Though I could not see their expressions, just by their silence, I was indicated that they were probably staring at her wide-eyed.  What an odd thing to say . . ..

When the show was over, I waited as the boys exited the stage.  I drew in a deep breath and bit my lip.  Trembling, I clasped Harry's hand while he was passing by.  His hand was damp, probably wet with tears as I squeezed tighter in hope that he would turn around.  His back was to me for several seconds before he turned around hesitantly.  Still, he refused to look me in the eyes.

"Harry,"  I whispered, stepping closer to him.  Though tears were building in my eyes, I maintained my composition.  "I want you to know you can talk to me.  Whenever you want.  Please, I just -- I---" A tear blurred my eye, but I blinked it away.  I wanted to continue, but the boys were whisked away by management, and Harry's hand was torn from mine.

Harry.  You're not alone in your brokenness.


I did not have an opportunity to talk to Harry until rehearsals that night.  He was rushing down the stairs from the stage and I stood to meet him at the bottom.  He tried to avoid me but I reached out my arm, touching his arm.  

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