Chapter 34 - Believe

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This book has a SEQUEL called HOLLYWOOD AND VINES.  don't miss it (;

Thursday, June 21

I had such a panic attack when I landed in Manhattan that I thought I was going to faint.  Ravaging through all my luggage before boarding the plane, I had discovered I had failed to pack one very valuable object: my journal.  It could be anywhere, but for some reason, I had this haunting suspicion that it was in Harry's hands.  If he was reading it at this exact moment, then I swear, I'd be even more furious with him than I already am.  I resorted to purchasing a new journal at the airport gift shop.  It's prettier than my other one, at least, with it's sparkly New York skyscrapers and glowing moon.

When I told Aunt Christina that I'd be arriving in New York a bit eariler than they'd anticipated, they didn't hesitate to fly in a day early from Paris early to greet me.  Thankfully, they understood that I'd have absolutely no idea how I'd get to their apartment from the airport.

"How was the flight?" asked Uncle Tom as the three of us were arranging my things in my new room.

"It was really good.  I mean, I've always hated flying, but good."

"I'm glad," he smiled, nodding.  "Christina's making mac and cheese, but we all know how she is at cooking, so I was just thinking about ordering a pizza."

"It's just mac and cheese," I laughed.  

"Yeah, but--"  He crawled toward me with his hands cupped around his mouth and whispered, "she burns it every time."

"Come on, Uncle Tom, have faith!"

He straightened and began on his way from my room to the kitchen.  "She's taught you well, kid."

"She really has."

Just as I was following Uncle Tom into the kitchen, he spun around.  "Oh, I heard that your dad was getting married."

"Tom, my brother wanted to be the one to tell her--"

"Oh, it's okay, he already came to tell me when I was in L.A. "

"You were in L.A?"  Uncle Tom exclaimed, glancing back at me as he pulled some bowls from the cupboard.


I wish I hadn't said that.  I didn't feel like explaining my reasons for "fake dating" a member of a British boyband since my own dad had chased me away when he threatened to hurt me.  Not right now.  Not while I just wanted to forget about all of that.  That season of my life was over, and it was now time to move on.  Unless the guys came to Dad's wedding -- which I didn't at all expect them to -- then I would never see Harry again.  Though I wanted to believe I was fine with this, I truly wasn't.  I hated feeling as if I'd left something unfinished.  I dreaded the idea that I might still feel something for Harry even though I shouldn't.  It's Niall I should be in love with.

"Uh, yeah," I mumbled, shielding my view of Uncle Tom with my arm that reached up to scratch his head.

"We'll talk about it later," Aunt Christina murmured as she carried our bowls to the table.  

She knows, I thought.  There's no way I could go out with Harry Styles and think that the rest of the world wouldn't know it.

"Okay, then!"  Uncle Tom bulbed after I uttered nothing in return.  "If you guys need your girl time just tell me and I'll vanish into the air, I'll make myself sparse, whatever you want."

Christina chuckled.  "Tom, that's not how you use the word sparse, but thanks."

"No problem."  He forked his mac and cheese and shoved a spoonful into his mouth.  "So who is this woman that your dad's marrying, have you met her?"

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