Chapter 35 - The Only One

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THIS BOOK NOW HAS A SEQUEL!!!  Head over to the sequel called HOLLYWOOD AND VINES after you read the final chapter of Harry's Angel (;

and check out the trailer for HOLLYWOOD AND VINES BELOW, but finish THIS book before you watch the trailer or else the end will be ruined for ya.  you've been warned (:

Thursday, June 23 - Dad's Wedding

If I had to describe my feelings toward the Church when I stepped inside, I wouldn't even know where to start. Speechless would simply be an understatement. It was absolutely incredible with it's lavishly orated bouquets of flowers hung from each pew, all featuring a wide variety of pinks and whites. A silky, white ribbon bounced gracefully from pew to pew.

"This is . . . amazing!" Aunt Christina cried. She beamed gloriously at the spectacular masterpiece of Hilary Bradford.

Just as we got to the usher, I felt a hand graze along my shoulder. I turned around, puzzled, to find the smiling, red face of Niall Horan.

"Niall!" I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. "I can't believe you came!"

"Of course I came, sweetheart. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Assuming a violent blush colored my cheeks, I pulled away from our hug and gazed upon Niall admiringly. He was undoubtedly dashing in his sports coat and dress pants. How thoughtful of him to take time away from the band to come see me! Still, though, as I stared at him, a pang of guilt jabbed my heart and I thought, Where's Harry? I want Harry to be here.

No, I told myself sternly. Let go of everything that happened. It's all in the past. Harry's not the one here. It's Niall.

"Ya alright, honey?" Niall frowned.

"Oh, ah . . . yeah, sorry." I pressed my eyes closed for a moment to clear from my mind thoughts of Harry. I turned to Christina and Tom. "Niall, this is my Aunt Christina and Uncle Tom."

"Nice ta meet ya." After he shook both of their hands, we started on our way toward the groom's side of the Church.

I gasped when Niall slipped his hand in mine. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening.

I shouldn't be so ashamed about these thoughts. Harry and I weren't dating anymore -- we never were, and for me to feel like I was being disloyal was just ridiculous. Niall deserved to hold my hand. He was the one who was there for me in my times of despair. Still, thought, as we proceeded to our seats, I held his hand loosely.

A few minutes passed, and the flower girl, followed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen started down the isle. The bridesmaids' dresses were gorgeous -- a soft pink sleeveless dress that cascaded along the floor. Holly, being a bridesmaid, actually glanced toward me. I grinned at her, but her demeanor was stoic.

"Psst. . . Niall." I leaned over an tapped Niall's shoulder. "That's my step sister."

"Which one?"

"The one that's walking by our pew now."

Niall glanced toward the end of the pew for an instant. "How is she?"

"I had lunch with her and her mom the other day and she seems . . . kind of aloof. She never really talks, just kinda stares. When she does talk, though -- or at least when she said something to me -- it was a really desolate thing to say."

"So she's just weird."

"Yeah. But she's one of those people that you really want to get to know just because they're so mysterious."

"Shush, you two!" Aunt Christina swished her hand up and down behind her as we stood up for the arrival of the bride.

Despite her obvious immodestly, Hilary looked beautiful. A joyful grin graced across her lips as she strolled down the isle on the arm of her father. Her sleek, white dress rippled elegantly with each step she took. Dad, who stood at the front of the Church with his hands folded neatly, smiled tightly at his soon-to-be bride. His mien definitely contrasted that of his first wedding which I actually attended when I was four years old since my parents didn't marry for a while after I was born. He seemed much more relaxed when he married mom. How I can remember such an event I do not know, but then again, why wouldn't I?

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