Chapter 23 - Harry's Angel

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Friday, June 15

I crawled wearily out of bed this morning, immediately feeling crushed with the pain that arose last night.  It lingered on my every action -- getting dressed, brushing my teeth, doing my makeup . . ..  I was wrong about him.  He didn't feel the way about me that I thought he did.  And though these searing thoughts fully occupied my mind, I prevented tears from welling in my eyes.

When I opened the door to leave, I found Niall standing there.  He blinked then smirked, his entire face reddening.  "Hey!"  he exclaimed cheerfully.

I couldn't help but giggle.  "Hey, Nialler."

His eyes skimmed my body head to toe and for moments he uttered nothing.  But then, his eyes met mine.  "You look gorgeous."

"Aw!"  I shrieked, completely flattered by his compliment.  I was wearing a knee-length floral dress.  "You're so sweet."

He simply shrugged as we began on our way together toward the elevators.  "When a girl looks hot it's my job to tell her."

Oh.  My.  Gosh.  Where was Mrs. Malik when I needed to tell her things like this!  I'd jog all the way back to Malibu just to tell her what Niall said.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, a girl dashed our way, screaming, "Wait!"

Niall jutted his hand in the door so it'd reopen.

"Thanks," the girl breathed.  She turned around and stared at Niall dreamily.  "Hi, Niall!  Can I take a picture with you and Harry's girlfriend?"

"Course!"  Niall declared, not bothering to correct my relation to Harry.

"Allie, right?"  the girl asked as she eyed me.

"Yep!  But I'm not actually Harry's girlfriend."

"Okay, okay."  She rolled her eyes and removed her phone from her back pocket.  "So you're Niall's girlfriend, then?"

I laughed somewhat fakely.  "I'm not that either.  I'm just a friend."

The girl leaned into me, squishing me between Niall and her as she snapped the picture.  "This is so going on Twitter."

"What's your name, love?"

"Jenny!"  she cried.  "Jenny Tomlinson, that is."

"Humph,"  Niall breathed.  "I'll have to tell Louis he has a sister he doesn't know about.  Or are you his cousin?"

Jenny giggled hysterically.  "No, silly, I'm his wife."

"Oh!  Well then he'll really be surprised."

The doors split open and Jenny spoke as she walked backwards out of the elevator.  "Nice meeting you guys!  I'll see you at the concert tonight!"

"Sounds great,"  Niall grinned.  "See ya later, Jenny."

"Nice girl,"  I commented when the doors closed again.

"Really nice girl . . . she thought you were my girlfriend.  What do ya think about that?"

I turned to Niall who winked then gazed at me expectantly.  Was he suggesting something?

"Yeah, she did.  You guys are linked to like, everyone."

"Yeah, we'll probably hear about that later."

We arrived in the lobby where a multitude of girls were encircling Liam and Louis.  They were taking pictures and chatting sociably with them.  But then, seeing that Niall had entered the premises , a few clusters of them bolted to Niall and practically flung themselves at him.  A strong hand grasped my hand and led me through the crowd until we were at the revolving doors.  I did not know who it was until I glanced up at the man.

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